~Chapter Twenty-Two~

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The next morning, I was intensely sleep-deprived. I tried so hard to sleep, but images of the afternoon haunted me. The next day, I opted out of rehearsal and stayed home with Robert. I felt so sick and didn't want to do anything. I probably got a ton of messages asking where I was, but I didn't even so much as look at them. It was one of those days where you sleep too many hours and feel sorry to yourself for too long.

Later that day, Clark showed up. "How're you doing?" He asked me. I grimaced.

"Better. I'm just shaken," I said.

"Well, I've missed you," he said.

"Me too," I said as Robert came in. He handed me some water.

"Drink." He commanded me. "Oh, hey Clark."

"Hey. How're you doing?" Clark asked.

"I'm haunted by yesterday," I said, facing Robert. "I missed you taking care of me," I said, using my right hand to hoist myself up. "Ow!"

I had fallen back on my broken wrist. "Here," Robert said, giving me his hands so I could move around and use him to support myself.

"Hey, so I'm going to stretch," I said, getting up slowly. I let everything pop and moved my back a few times.

"Watch yourself," Clark said, catching me as I was about to fall from leaning too far back.

"Thanks," I muttered, brushing a few loose hairs out of my face. All of a sudden, my phone started ringing. I decided to pick up. "Hi DareBear."

"Why haven't you call or texted me, Chuck, or any of your family today?" He demanded to know.

"I just felt really bad today," I added.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. What have you been doing?" He asked me. I sighed.

"I was busy sleeping," I said.

"So, you have a wrist appointment in three weeks. I'll update you on it," he said. I nodded. "I'm coming tomorrow by the way."

"Okay, I'll call you later, but Brian and Mere just came," I said.

"Bye. Take care of yourself," Darren said before hanging up. Meredith came in.

"How're you feeling?" Meredith asked me.

"Scared," I responded.

"But better?" She asked me. I nodded. She saw Clark. "Why're you here?"

"I was worried," he responded before hiding as Brian's footsteps echoed through the hallway.

"You okay?" Brian asked from the doorway. I nodded.

"Just scared," I repeated.

"Good. Well, I'm going to get started on dinner," Brian said, leaving. Clark crept out of his hiding place and stood up. Robert and Meredith very conveniently exited the room.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Well, I may or may not have gotten a threatening text from Brian about our...um... dateyesterday and how I didn'ttakecareofyou," Clark suddenly seemed to have been hit by all the nerves in the world, so he looked down. He bent down and I kissed him. I made the first move in my first relationship. Wow, I was changing.

We broke apart and smiled. "Well, I should find a way out without Brian noticing," Clark said suddenly. I smiled.

"Well, maybe Mere can help," I said, beaming. Robert must've heard from outside, since he poked his head in.

"On it," he said before Meredith came back.

"I have a plan. So, there aren't any easy ways out, unless you go from the back, in which case Brian would notice. You could go through the front, which is the hardest. But! I can distract him. Go through the back and around. After that, run for your damn life," Meredith said. Clark nodded.

"Go," I whispered, squeezing his hand. Meredith went to the kitchen and we heard her talk.

"Meredith Holden..." Brian said.

"Shut up and kiss me," Meredith said as I heard the silence that now occupied the house.

"Run," I said as he nodded and did just that. I got a text a minute later form Clark. Safe! :)

I smiled and texted him back before I thrust my phone into my pocket. "Come on, let's give the secret symbol," Robert said, taking my hand. We went into the kitchen, where Brian seemed to be working with Meredith on dinner singing "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" from The Lion King. They did an epic duet ending as Robert and I clapped.

"We're not done," Meredith smiled as Brian began singing.

"I can show you the world. Shining, shimmering, splendid," he began. I sat down at the counter as they kept singing Disney™ duets.

"Be our guest," Meredith beamed, giving me my food.

"Be our guest, put our service to the test. Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie and we'll provide the rest," I sang quietly, beginning to eat. I finished eating and started singing my favorite Disney™ song.

"If there's a prize for rotten judgement, I guess I've already won that. No man is worth the aggravation, that's ancient history, been there, done that," I sang cheerfully.

"Stop singing that, it's depressing," Brian complained.

"Alright." I smiled mischievously before I started to sing. "Let's get down to business, to defeat the Huns! Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons? You're the saddest bunch I ever met, so you can bet before we're through."

"Mister I'll make a man, out of you!" Robert joined. This was one of our all-time favorites. (A/N in our fall homecoming pep rally the teachers played a game and my history teacher had to sing that bit.)

"Tranquil as a forest, but on fire within. Once you find your center, you are sure to win! You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot, and you haven't got a clue!" We sang together.

"Somehow I'll make a man out of you!" Brian and Meredith did that bit together.

"I'm never gonna catch my breath, say goodbye to those who knew me. Boy was I a fool in school for cutting gym. This guy's got 'em scared to death! Hope he doesn't see right through me! Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!" We all sang.

"Be a man!" Brian and Meredith sang.

"You must be swift as a coursing river," Robert and I sang after them. We kept singing, even adding in some choreography.

"So pack up, go home you're through! How could I make a man, out of you?" We joined in. "Mysterious as the dark side of the mooooooooon!"

I was panting by the end, attempting to do all the cool tricks that they did in the movie. "Luna, I never knew you could sing like that," Meredith said.

"I don't like singing. I've been pretty self-conscious about that since I was young," I said sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck.

"Shut up, Luna. Do it with me," Robert said. I smiled.

"There's something sweet, and almost kind. But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined," I sang, finishing the solo.

"She glanced this way. I thought I saw. And when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw," Robert sang after me. We finished the song together.

"Luna, stop being so self-conscious," Brian told me. I shrugged.

"Ok then," I said, putting away their plates. "By the way, I can go tomorrow. I caught up on sleep."

"That would explain why you're so hyper. This is our last week before opening night, so just showtime rehearsals," he said. I nodded.

Disclaimer: I only own Luna and the plot line. All characters are fictional versions of themselves. I also don't own any of the songs in this chapter.

I'm uploading two today and I have a schedule to get them all by Saturday! I might upload in two batches tomorrow since one of the chapters is very deep and things happen!

--Luna :D

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