~Chapter Eleven~

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Trigger Warning for abuse

I introduced my adoptive parents to my biological mother. I didn't know much about my biological father, but it was all okay. No one seemed to be fond of him at all. Later that day, we went to the park where I lost my family. There, I saw someone new. My mom tensed and I got nervous. "You, bastard," she growled. With a quick glance at my brothers, I learned who this was.

"It's me," he said. He looked around us. "Oh, it's a reunion!"

"Go. You were invited earlier, but that's before the truth," Darren said, setting his jaw in his stubborn position, ready to fight. Chuck copied.

"Come to me, Luna," he said. Memories flashed in front of me. I gasped silently. It couldn't be. Somehow it was. "Come."

His voice was sickly sweet. I hated that I went to him. I hated that I let the deed be done. I hated that I had no control.

I woke up in crude fluorescent light. My entire family, biological and adoptive, was in the room, conversing in whispers. The entire room was washed out. I tried to sit up, but my wrist gave way with a strange grunt noise that I made. "You're awake!" Robert exclaimed, rushing to my side. I looked at my wrist and it was in a sky blue cast.

"Guess I am," I said hoarsely. The nurse next to me went to go get a doctor.

"We tried to help," Mom said.

"I don't blame you guys. He scares me. Then and now," I said. The doctor came bustling in wearing teal scrubs.

"How are you feeling?" the doctor asked.

"Okay. I tried to sit up, so now my wrist hurts," I said.

"Well, do you remember what happened?"

"I can't recall anything."

"Well, from what I was told, heavy abuse was done. You didn't lose too much blood, which is lucky considering that you were cut in a place where a major artery goes through. Your wrist, well, I hate to tell you this, is broken really badly. The tissue was damaged and this is not good. It will heal, with time. We took a generous donation of tissue from a donor and it will adapt to yours in time. We put in a single screw and it will be time until you can live life normally. Or, at least, how you did before," the doctor said. My soul dropped. This could damage my entire career and how I made money to support myself.

I didn't know how to take in this information, even when I was discharged. I went to bed early that night, hoping to avoid the terror that had happened. I didn't sleep. I couldn't. The pain increased all over my body like a threat when I finally closed my eyes. I finally went downstairs where I found everyone with a cup of coffee, talking. No one noticed me come in until I curled up next to my brothers. "Can't sleep?" Chuck asked. I nodded wordlessly and opened his arm to me. "Come on."

I curled up into his lap, being very comfy may I add. Everyone continued talking. "That-ugh! I just -no," my mom said. Mum nodded in agreement. Neither of them could form full sentences out of pure rage.

"He's a monster," my dad said.

"He isn't worth it. Do you happen to know his location?" Mum asked.

"Yes. You aren't," Mom said, upon realizing what Mum was suggesting.

"I sure as hell am," Mum grinned.

"Okay, Darren, we're going out. We'll be right back," Mom said, grabbing the car keys, her cell phone, and her wallet.

"Okay. Stay safe and keep me updated," Darren said.

"Sure thing. Chuck, make sure Darren doesn't worry and you are in charge," Mom said. Darren groaned.

"But I'm old eno-," Darren started before Mom made him shut up.

"Darren, keep track of everyone. Luna, sleep," Mom said. I nodded sleepily from my cozy perch. I heard the door open and close. Julia came in, gently holding Sophia.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Can't sleep," I said.

"All parents minus you and DareBear are gone tracking someone down," Chuck said.

"I need to keep track of everyone," Darren said.

"I just came here and I'm as confused as you are," Robert said upon coming from one of the guest rooms.

"Oh well, might as well stay," Julia said, sitting next to Darren. Robert took a seat next to me, petting my back.

"Am I your dog?" I asked in a joking tone.

"Maybe if you don't sleep," Robert said.

"Fine," I said, slinking into darkness. I woke up a few hours later, in my room. It had become day, so I wandered into the kitchen.

"How'd you sleep?" Mum asked.

"Once I got sleeping it was great," I said.

"How'd it go last night?" Darren asked.

"Well, let's just say three minds can get someone in jail," Dad said. I smiled.

"By the way, when do you guys need to be back in Chicago?" Mom asked. I looked at Robert.

"Well, in about a week," Robert said.

"Okay, so Luna, do you want to stay here longer or go back to Chicago?" Darren asked.

"I don't really know nor do I have a preference either way," I said.

"Come to Chicago with me so I don't look like a loner," Robert whispered.

"Okay, so Luna, you're going back to Chicago," Mom said, hearing Robert's not-so-quiet whisper.

"But her wrist," Mum whispered.

"Right. Darren is there a way she can come here for her appointments?" Dad asked.

"Yes," Darren said.

"Okay, so you guys are going to Chicago soon. It's settled," Chuck said.

The week passed by quickly. Soon, we were back, safe, in Chicago. We found Brian and Meredith there. "What the fuck happened?" Brian asked. A few tears pricked.

"Biological dad and abuse," Robert said in a tone indicating that we didn't want to talk about it.

"I'm going to be living a lot between here and LA," I explained.

"Well, are you guys okay?" Meredith asked.

"Yeah. I'm just going to be bouncing here and back because somehow I broke my wrist," I said.

"I'm sorry about that. I know what your writing means to you," Meredith said.

"Thanks," I said. We got home and I emailed my boss.


I have some really bad news. You know about my hard past and this weekend visiting my biological family, I met the person who abused me. My biological dad. So, my wrist ended up being broken and I can't write. I just want to let you know that my proofreading won't be at its best. I have to dictate every change vocally as I am currently doing with this email. Again, I'm sorry that my proofreading won't be that great.


Luna Criss-Manion

I sent the email and curled up into a little ball on my bed. My wrist now felt so clumsy and dead. I couldn't do anything. I can't cut my food. I can't write. I can't live my life.

Disclaimer: I only own Luna and the plot line. I've never met Charles Criss, but I have nothing against him.

That was a lot, so I'm going to leave this (hopefully) short and sweet. I'm currently wishing our QUEEN Mary Kate Wiles a very happy (late) birthday!!! I love watching her in Spies and Poe Party. I still have all of Kissing in the Rain to watch, so there's that. Have an awesome week!!!

--Luna :D

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