~Chapter Thirteen~

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"Stay in here?" Rachael instructed me.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

"The ice breakers seven minutes in heaven mashup. So, just wait three minutes and I'll explain more. You can look at your phone," Rachael said. I nodded though I was wary. Never have I ever been to a weirder party. I waited the five minutes before another text came. Okay, now I'm going to send a list. A blindfolded person is going to come in. Go through the questions and it's however long in heaven from there. I shrugged and stayed seated on the ground.

When Rachael finally closed the door, I had no idea where I was in relation to the rest of the room. The blindfold situation was switched. "Who are you?" I whispered.

"You're ruining the point of the game," the other person said.

"Well, there's no point asking a bunch of super intimate questions if I don't know who I'm about to get to know. Also, I want to know who is going to be the first person to kiss me," I said.

"Alright. I'm Clark. Now let's get intimate. Question one: what has changed your view on the world?"

"City of Bones. There was the quote about how everything is true," I responded.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting that quick response. I think Harry Potter. They helped me not be too quick to judge. Question two: what would break a relationship? Besides cheating."

"Shoot, that was my answer. I think drinking, as we all saw in Unbroken," I said.

"Lack of support. Question three. Hey, we're almost halfway! So, the question is what was your worst childhood injury."

"Hurting my knee, hip, ankle, and back over time figure skating," I responded.

"I broke my hand. I'm left-handed so that was my dominant hand," he said. "Question four: are you sober?"

"Yes," I responded.

"No. I drink like for special events, but I have learned to be responsible. Last question: do you think this will change you? If so, how?"

"I'm not sure. Darren will probably flip, but he's my older brother, so it's normal," I said.

"I don't think that much," he said.

"Okay," I agreed.

"So, are you going to kiss me or not?" He asked.

"I might, but I've never been in a romantic commitment except with my many husbands," I said.

"If three questions marks were a set of words, I would say that," he said.

"Fictional characters," I said.

"That doesn't count. So, we have to kiss," he said.

"This is going to sound weird, but how?"

"I'll start and you follow," he said. His lips were on mine and I didn't feel anything at first except for all the facts running through my head. I am currently having my first kiss with someone I met recently and who may or may not know my actual name. I was confused until he let go. "So, that's how you start."

I nodded numbly. He ran his hands through his hair. "Welp. Yeah. So, we just have to do this again and not tell Darren, no matter how much each of us may have enjoyed that," he said. I nodded.

"How much more time?" I muttered.

"Like a minute," he whispered, warm on my lips, bending down to kiss me again. I felt a vibration from my pocket and broke up the moment. Typical. A phone call. I picked up.

"Have him untie your blindfold. Rattle the door when you're ready for me," Rachael said, hanging up.

"Well, bye," I said unsurely. "Rachael said you have to untie the blindfold."

I finally felt it come off. "Thanks," I muttered before rattling the door. Rachael opened it and led me out before she spoke.

"How was that?" She asked me.

"Weird," I answered.

"Well, we're going to wait for everyone else. Sit tight," Rachael instructed me. I nodded and found Meredith and Brian sitting together.

"How did it go?" Meredith asked me.

"Weird," I responded, stuck in a daze.

Disclaimer: I only own Luna and the plot line.

Generally, when I post a chapter where THINGS HAPPEN, I keep my A/N short. NOT THIS TIME BECAUSE THIS IS 10IVERSARY WEEK!!! So, I'm going to get really sappy for a moment because Starkid means so much to me. I've been through some hard times in my life (because who hasn't) and I've had some terrible days. When my friends weren't there for me, I knew I could just listen to Starkid and know that it would make me feel better. I know exactly what I should watch/listen to depending on my mood. When I'm stupidly angry and annoyed, I just need to listen to Firebringer. The swearing relaxes me. And that's just one example. These past few days, I've been watching the livestream. It makes me laugh. And also with Starkid, I'm DM-ing someone on Instagram™ that I know from school. We don't talk in real life, but I enjoy DM-ing her *waves*. 

Okay!!! That's the end of my sappy speech!!! I'm really hoping I can make it to Starkid Homecoming and get a digital ticket to Black Friday!!! Have an awesome week!!!

--Luna :D

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