A Night with Dark Cloud

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Few hours later, 5 knights arrives at the spot.

“What in the world happened here?” surprisedly asked by a knight named Maxwell Derby

“Who the fuck knows, guess somebody just banged the area” replied by another knight named Sven Leon

Along with the Blizzard residence many residence were destroyed too.

The knight in charge of this case, Crown Lord of the Winston clan, Winston Rodrigues said “ The total destroyed areas measurements are  approximately around 20 square kilometers”

“Well yeah the area is really large , it’s like the half of this town is destroyed and its totally erased from the map” - Maxwell

“Well i guess we three won’t be enough to investigate this case ask for more mens Max”-Rodrigues

Maxwell sends a messenger to report the headquarter and requesting for men.
Few minutes later 5 unit of 10 soldiers each arrives the investigation spot.
Total 54 people were investigating the the area.
while investigation, within a blink of an eye half of the entire area got covered in frozen ice shell along with 30 men and died, 2nd lieutenant Maxwell derby was also killed.  

The sky got dark and clouded, and it started raining.
A woman walked in and said “My oh my! what are you useless scums doing here.”

Rodrigues, "What a pleasant surprise! Never expected I’d meet you like this here Miss Blue Moon."

“Huh! Tell me is not death a misery Sire Winston?”

“Guess it is”

“Would you like to go through it?”

“How many times do you want me to go?”

“Once of course, sire”

“Heh! I’d like to try then”

“You never change do you sire lord Rodriguez Winston!”

“Are you here to ask me these, Lady Blizzard?”

“Pardon my stupid questions, but can i ask you to leave sire!”

In the middle of the conversation between Rodriguez and Blue moon, Sven jumps on Blue moon but with a simgle glimpse Sven gets frozen.

“You never change do you sven” - Blue moon

Sven was unable to talk.

“What is your purpose here lady Blizzard?”

“This is my residence of course so what do you think?

“I want you to leave it on the Military, ma'am”

“Wow!! You really have gotten polite from before Sire”

“Even tho you are a criminal but you sure do have my respect and gratefulness”

“I am sorry, my brother might caught up in this massacre so I'd dobit on my own"

“So doesn’t that mean he is probably dead”

“Heh! Do you think he  will die from that?”

“Of course not, I can not sin by underestimating his blood.”

“Captain Rod, I have always admired you so now please let me handle this.”

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Well continue your Investigation just do not get in my way"

"Is that a threat?"

"Captain Rod, you know you are like a brother to me right?"

“It is Colonel Winston now Lieutenant Ary Blizzard”

Ary smiles  after hearing her title from Rodriguez.

“Its ex-lieutenant now sire!”

After finishing their conversation Ary unfrozes Sven.

Sven, "Holy fuck, this ice froze my dick hard."

Ary, "take care tiger."

Sven, " fuck it, I didn't lose women."

Ary walked away from there and few minutes later few knights arrived.

“Lord Winston i have orders from Lord commander”

“Yes what is it?”-Rodrigues

“You have been summoned at the high court of the royal palace immediately”

“And for what reason?”

“The king is going to our allied country Kirak so now he wants to see you"

“I see, so i assume Sven has been left in charge here”

“No sire, sire Leon has been summoned back at the HQ.”

Sven reacts roughly “what the fuck?”

“My lord, this is the order straight from Lord commander Winston Wick.”

“What does my father wants from sven?”- Rodrigues

“That, i do not know sire”

“Fine then, guess I will have to rush to the palace at the moment.”

“All right sire!”

While moving Rodriguez tells Sven “ I do not know what my father is thinking so its better for you to go and find out what actually happened”

Rodriguezs whispers to sven “do investigate this case as well and do discuss about this with Marshall and Adam, ask them to investigate if you are unable to do so”

“Is this an order?”

“No, it’s a favour i am asking pal”

“Fine, take care of that pussy king and his daughter”

“Sven how many times do i have to tell you, you must not address our king that verbally as that”

“Okay okay! So do take care of our king and  your precious princess”

“Of course i will, after all they are my to be family”

“Fare well then buddy”


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