#Reuninon Part-2

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Ash tries to attack Ary from behind but he fails.

"Aww! Ass you missed! Oh sorry Ash."

"Tsk... filthy women I'm gonna let my dogs drink your blood one day"

"Wait for that day Asshole"

The Man with Black Crown says diligently to Ash and Arry,
"Cut it out with these insolent words and get out of here with your brother women."

"Of course I will but I wonder how are you going to get out of here."

They sense strong energies coming from outside.

Ash reports "Its the Imperial dogs"

The man looks in Arrys eyes and says with gentle smile " So long Arry!"
After saying that Ash opens a portal of another dimension and both escapes from there.

Ary looks away and takes pray and creates a huge mountain of ice toward the direction she had sensed the energy inorder to block them. After that Ary dashed through air and got herself and pray out there.

#Meanwhile in Royal Palace

"Crown Lord of House Winston seeks your presence Your Majesty."

"He may come forth"

Rodrieguz Enters the Emperor's chamber.

"Your Majesty I, Colonel Rodrieguess Winston is at your service"

"Oh come on Rod! You are the Fiancé of my precious daughter, we are family now.
You do not have to show that much of formality."

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

"Call me Father like Aliea does"

Rodriguez gets cringed and replies "Yes Your Majesty"

"Argh! You never change, Do you?"

Rodriguez remains silent.

The Holy bishop tells Rodriguez " we have encountered with few issues Crown Lord."

Rodriguez with a serious tone "may I know what?"

The Bishop briefs Rodrieguess that The Emperor of Kirak invited Emperor Elfen to his son's wedding and arranged a tournament as an entertainment.

Rodrieguz ask Bishops " but what are the issues here?"

"The issues are that they also invited one of the best man of our kingdom to participate to in the tournament and there will be Emperor Yoki of Kingdom of Yakud attending the ceremony and his Right Hand man Gordon participating the tournament."

"So you want me to participate"

The Emperor says "yeah, I would have asked your father but we are currently having issues in Alcatilyan border so he has to be here"

"I See.... Fine then, I ll go"

The Bishop said " you are not only going there as participant, Marshall and Adam will be going with you. Three of you will be The Guard of Emperor and you are also to assassinate the Emperor Yoki after the tournament.

THe bishop states that lots of pressures and responsibilities will be on Rodrieguz's head in this mission.

"I, Winston Rodrieguez, first son of Winston Wick shall complete this mission and return of home with my Emperor safe and sound."

#11pm at Night in Elfown city.
#Imperial Knights Headquarter.

Many soldiers were gathered in front gate of the Headquarter, Sven arrrived at the headquarter and got surprised looking at the numbers. He went inside, every one saluted him.

"Lieutenant Colonel..!" stated by a knight.

"Sire, Lord Commander is waiting for you in his chamber"

"What the fuck does that geezer want from me?"

"Its war sire! We are on a civil war!

"What the fuck!"

"Please sire! You may report to commander"

Sven knocks the door of Lord Winstons Chamber.

"Come in Sven." Lord Commander.

"Lieutenant Colonel Sven Leon Reports sire."

"At ease Sven, I ll get straight to the point, in the northern border, the the people are rebelling, they attacked the Mansion of Duke Hope and ambushed the soldiers guarding the border. I suspect there are few outsiders among them, who sparked the flare among them. I believe in my people, I'm sure its the people of Hakud invaded.

"Orders Sire!"

"Take thousands of men and make them guard the border and do as you please there, I just want them to stop."

"All right sire"

"Is there anything else you want to report?"

"No Sire."

"You are dismissed."

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