The Invasion

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#Northern Border of Alcatilya

“Lieutenant Coln. Leon, I am the Colonel in charge of this District Jacob Hudson, pleased to meet you”

Sven stood on at ease,


Colonel Hudson stood surprised by Svens behaviour.
"Well Lieutenant Coln.  I heard about you alot, not to mention  your impolite attitude."

"That,s good now get to the point"

“ I received a message from the Commander General today morning and I am to inform that you have been promoted to Colonel rank from Lieutenant Colonel.”

“Oh! That made us equal then, I suppose, so are you also informed about my duty here Colonel?”

“Yes, you and your men are independant to do as you command here”

“ Then gather up your men and go straight to the Duke Hopes residence and wipe everyone there including Hopes and others, Do not let a soul Live in that area”

“Colonel are you making jokes?”

“Your orders have been given Fucker”


“Shut up and do as you are commanded”

Colonel Hudson leaves immediately with his men for Hopes.

Sven summons 10 Lieutenant Colonels  who were appointed under him.

"Sven had been sent with 1000 knights, among them there were 10 Lieutenant Colonels excluding Sven and 10 Captains."

"John, Jason, Jack , Ama , Hak, Gabriel, Alison and Anderson, You 8 will take your soldiers appointed under you including all Captains to the border, Cover the entire border within this district, eliminate anyone opposes you and  Ama you are in charge in Border till I join you”

Sven also asks “ is that clear?”

All replies “ yes sir!”

“Oy! Kusanagi, take your men  and cross the border and investigate what's happening over  there  and Kisara, you and your men will head straight to their capital and Launch the first attack, I believe this will be the last command you will have from me"

Kisara," Am I supposed head there now."

"No, Take rest, restore your magic, Write for your Family and do tell them that they are right to blame me. Now go inform your men as well and yes anyone can step back from this, I will not force."

Kisara," Sven we have been friends for around 9years and I went to lots of missions with you, have I ever been scared? And I will never blame your decisions, neither will my men."

"You may leave."

Sarah Kusanagi," well will we be attacking as well?"

Sven," No you will stay low and gather informantion and come back soon as possible."

"what are you going to do with the rebels”

“I ll rebel with them, I guess”

#In the next morning.

800 Knights went to guard the Border and Sarah crossed the border and went to the Country Hakud ruled  under the kingdom of Yakud and Kisara was going to the  Capital of Hakud."

#Royal town of The Capital.

[The central section of the capital is called the Royal Town]

“Welcome, to the Royal academy Lord Stark and Young Pray as well”

“Well, well, isn't it a honour to be welcomed by the prodigy of the kingdom! Son of wick”

Rodriguez welcomes Steven in front of the Royal Academies Gate.

“Of course you are”

“How's your father doing Rodrieguz?”

“He is inside waiting for you and this youngster beside you with Grandfather”

Pray stood still looking down  in front of Rodriguez.

Rodriguez asks Pray,”Hey kid? Are you ready for this”

Pray was feeling nervous so that he could not answer his question, he just shook his head.

Rodriguez,“Lets go inside."

Steven Stark,"Sure"

Rodriguez,Steven and Pray went inside the academy to meet the principle and Wick winston.

Rodriguez knocks the door of the principals chamber.

“ Father, grandfather  they are here.”

“Let them come inside”

“Greetings Principle Vicktor Winston and commander general Wick Winston”-Steven

“Welcome to the Royal Academy  of Alcatilya, Steven and Young Pray”

Pray bows and,“Greetings to the principle and general”

Wick Winston,“Let's get straight to the point father”

Steven,"Nice way to greet your old friend after so long Commander General.

Wick,“Steve is he the one.”

“Yeah! Now get out of here”

“you never change do you? Old friend.

Vicktor,"Steven we would like to talk to this young man alone, You may leave, He will be in my care from now on."

“Off I go then, master”

“All right”

Steven leaves.

Wick,“Hey kid! state your name”

“Its Pray Blizard milord”

Wick,“Pray huh! Do you have what your brother had”

“You know my brother milord?”

Vicktor answers” Pray, Your brother is one of the most skilled student our academy had in the history.”

Rodrieguez,"None can ever forget the heat of his flame."

Wick,"heh! He is still an amatuer."

Pray,"milord, he is dead."

Vicktor,"I see, the Blizzard girl haven told anything to you yet."

Rodriguez," Grandfather, I have met her recently, I will report that later."

Vicktor,"I see! Pray, your brother Drake was the Major of Imperial knights and he is the one who killed the Previous Emperor of our Kingdom, Sage Gabriel Van Licht.

Pray was shocked hearing that and lost his balance and kneeled looking down to the ground.

Pray,"why did my brother do that?"

Wick,"It seems you have not awakened your powers yet. You will understand everything once you awaken your powers."

Vicktor,"Now you are to heed every command of ours, you will be given a personal Room and facilities and you will be attending normal classes with Miss Sky and Mr. Law for six months but first a month you will be living with Rodriguez, You are Dismissed."

Wick," Kid! Train hard and join us, I'll be looking forward to your achievements, Surpass your brother and prove your worth."

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