The Invasion: The Berserker/ The Hero

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The day when Sarah Kusanagi arrived.

The ground started shaking, The sky got hazy, few soldiers crowded inside the HQ.

"Lieutenant Kusanagi! We need orders, the soldiers of Hakud invaded, the rebel has engaged in all out battle against the our Soldiers in the Border. They became huge in numbers suddenly I believe."

Sarah orders all soldier to prepare for battle, they are joining the battle.

Suddenly a something destructed in front of the gate of HQ.

Emergency Bell started ringing and a soldier came running while shouting "we are attacked!"

Sarah and the other Soldiers Felt unusual aura coming outside the HQ.

Sarah took a peek iutside from the HQ and saw many magical portals opened and many wild creatures were coming from them along with Soldiers of Hakud.

Sergeant Major Rakhi Vog was present at that moment beside Sarah kusanagi who said "it's Gordons Creatures, these creatures are made by Priest of Yakud Alexander Gordon the Sage."

meanwhile a wave of aura went through everyone and they heard a voice

" How many?"

Sarah smirked and said "son of a bitch!"

Something blasted and jumped through out from the roof of Hq,
crashing inside many soldiers and creatures of Hakud. And bang, everyone blew off to the sky.

Sven got up and joined the battle.
"HOW many?"

Rakhi " its 500 soldiers and magical creatures present sir and still coming"

Sven shouts" Sarah! Rakhi! Everyone of you are to leave this District immediately. Kill anyone who does not wears our uniform excluding me and no refusals taken"

Sarah,"Sven! What do you..."

Sven interrupts Sarah by shouting and says" Kusanagi! Trust me. Abandon the men in border and leave"

All the creatures and soldiers of Hakud attacked the them but sven starts killing them by blasting with his magic.

Others tries to escape while fighting, they were outnumbered, more was coming from the portal.

Sarah asks Rakhi while running "is Gordon here?"

Rakhi replies " Negative it seems he opened his magic from somewhere else"

Rakhi Vog 28 years old, Sergeant Major.

Height: 178 cm, Specialty : Sensing Aura and controlling own Aura in to weapons and barriers.

Sarah and Rakhi had about 150 soldiers along with them running but they were getting killed one by one while escaping.

Sarah and the others barely escaped from the Headquarter section. They took shelter in an unknown place within a village.
The village near the Border was controlled by Duke Reol Hope
Reol Hopes and his family is currently dead including his soldiers and Captain hudson and his unit who were to exterminate Hopes Family also died.

Reol Hopes Son Albert Hope is still alive, he is a Magistrate of Alcatilya and he is present at Emperors castle.

Meanwhile another portal had opened in front of Sarah and others but it was a different portal from the last one, it's not Gordons portal, its the portal of the Legendary Knight, Sage of the Void and Commander General Lord Winston Wick, where Winston Wick and his son Rodriguez Winston came out from it.

Sarah shouts " Everyone bow to the Commander"

Everyone including Sarah and Rakhi bowed toward the Commander General Wick.

"At ease Gentlemen and Ladies." Rodriguez ordered.

Wick winston tells everyone loudly " Soldiers I can understand the situation, beside that there was a conspiracy behind this. I had left everything on Sven so that he could prove himself and I am proud that he bought us time and did not disappoint me and I also thank you too Kusanagi Girl, therefore after this case you all will be payed for what you did rightly and I am sorry for making you all a bait and a part of this conspiracy."

After that Rodriguez briefs every one that this was a plan to lure out the traitor and Gordon here, Duke Reol hope and his family is the traitor who let Hakud invade and steal the contract of Blood Oath.

An unknown Soldier asked Rodriguez about Contract of Bloods Oath.

Rodriguez tells more about the Bloods oath " Contract of Bloods Oath is a contract of Death God, in order to summon the Death God, you need ten thousands People's Energy or 5Sages energy and within this month 2 Sages were killed."

Everyone gets goosebumps.

Soldiers starts murmuring among them frightenedly.

Sarah asks " which 2?"

Rodriguez- " Sage Cedrick Wilson of Yakud and Sage Floyen William of Polkan.

Everyone gets

Rakhi Sanskriti Reacts "Cedrick!! what the fuck!!"

Wick Winston,"sergeant Major do remember who you are standing in front and by that control your mouth."

Rakhi asks "Pardon miLord! But may I know how he died?"

Rodriguez replies "what do you mean? Was it not Sven who killed him?"

Sarah: no!!

Rodriguez :Yakud is launching an attack because Sven killed Cedrick and we are also told that you guys retrieved the contract of Bloods Oath.

Sarah reports everything to Rodriguez and Wick Winston. After listening to her report Wick states loudly "Soldiers I shall thank you again for going through all this, The entire Yakud Kingdom will be breaking into Alcatliya and it will be the Hakud country of Yakud Kingdom we will face first. Our soldier are waiting at the end of this District, they are preparing there as I ordered and we are abandoning this area along with the border, it will take them about a week get to our camp. So now I shall go and retrieve Sven"


Meanwhile a huge Explosion happened back in the HQ, the earth kept shaking, the entire sky had gotten dark and the clouds were clashing to each other, the sky was sparking and suddenly in the sky, there appeared a burnt body flew over and crashed into a land near them.
Everyone rushed there instantly and they discovered that person was no one Sven, who was standing up breathing heavily with his mouth, whole body was covered in BLOOD.
" Two thousands and fifty four Lord General!! Is the mission accomplished, while that Sven fell down to the ground."

Sven leone aka Blasting Devil passed away at the age 28 in the beginning of Bloods War. Before his death he killed intotal 2054 soldiers and creatures of Hakud. He wiped out entire border along side HQ and made it dissapeared from the map it was the most powerful destruction, ever Happened in the History. On his Dead Body, The seal of an eye like other Sages Appeared on his chest. Sarah and Rodriguez went mad after finding Sven dead, Prideful Commander General of Alcatilya could also not hold his tears as well. Most of the soldiers went berserk and went to the battle field and never came back, Wick Winston and others returned to the camp that day. After that day they took Sven to his Hometown, Royal family and many Higher ups attended Svens funeral.

The Dark king and Silver mask attended his funeral from distance.

In his funeral Three Arc guardians of Ancient of temple who maintains the balance of realm appeared and declared that He was entitled as Sage of Destruction right before his last breath.

One week later after Svens death, The war Broke out.

The training of Pray, Claudia and Gerrard was ongoing.

End of the season.

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