The Promising knight #2

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Pray was filled with sorrow and dillema after hearing his brothers deeds.
Rodriguez, "Get a grip on yourself Pray, I know how you are feeling after hearing about your brother. Drake and I grew up together, we were friends and my sole rival.”

Pray stays a silent.

Rodriguez: listen Pray you do not need to feel uncomfortable right now, I am not on a duty today, think me as a friend of your siblings, Ary is also my close friend, Drake, Ary and I were always together back in old days.

Pray still remained silent.

Rodriguez,"Kid, sorry for whatever you had to gone through after Drake and sorry I never contacted you all this time but now you are under my wings, you are safe and your future will decide this countries fate."

Pray glared at Rodriguez after hearing that without any words.

[Rodriguez lives in a large mansion alone, he has been engaged to  the Princess of the Alcatliya, Aliea vande White]

Pray Blizzard, Drake picked him uo from a street, when he was 10years and had no memory of his father and mother, he was raised by Ary and Drake under Steven Starks care.Pray is 168cm tall and has short Brown Gold Hair with deep black eyes.

Rodriguez lived in a mansion located in the central section of the Capital, there were many servants working for him. The mansion was built aside a river and also had a huge garden beside the mansion.

#Few Minutes later.

Pray had been sitting beside the river, looking at the flow of water ever since he came to Rodriguez's place.

Rodriguez,“ Pray! I will be leaving for a mission after this month and I am to train you for this one month, so you better be ready.”

"Yes, Sire!”

A servant approaches Rodriguez, “milord it’s the guest you were expecting”

“lead them to my Hall”

Rodriguez takes Pray to the his Hall i  order to meet the guest.

Reaching the Hall pray discovered that the guest was none other but his two friends, Claudia and Gerrad.

Law and Sky bowed “greetings to the Colonel Winston.”

“At ease kids”

Claudia asked Pray “ How are you?”

Pray, “ Great!”

Claudia,“I heard you will be staying here for a month than you will join us”

Pray- “I guess so, well how about  you Claudia?

Claudia,“We will be attending normal classes  but I will be staying with a knight for one month as well training under her, She is a member of Kusanagi.”

Rodriguez interrupts,“Ahem! 3 of you will be trained under elites for a month. Claudia will be trained by Hanah Kusanagi and  Gerard will be trained by Hector Law. Hanah and Hector are both the Lieutenant colonels who works under me.”

Gerard,"sire! Are we not getting too much attentions suddenly”

Pray and Claudia agrees with Gerard.

Rodriguez replied“It is  because we are picking out the talents from country and will make them suck the ground for next 2 years and  we are thinking a step ahead the future because we will need more soldiers soon. We are going in a war soon.”

Pray asks “ War but..”

Rodriguez interrupts  and says “ That you do not need to know yet , from tomorrow live like soldier, live to die on battlefield, always stay focus,  You will not be treated nicely because of your familes or genders, everyone of you will be treated equally. Now any objections.

Everyone at the same time,"No! Sire!"

Rodriguez” good, now  go have outside, I will join you in an hour and take you to dinner.

Everyone got happy and thanked Rodriguez for his kindness.

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