Letters | 6

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Letter #5

Dear Jaemin,

          Do you remember the time when you asked me to join the drama club with you and Jeno?

          At first I felt very anxious about it but you kept on calming me and saying that it'll be alright and I will do a great job in this club.

          Though I'm a bit doubtful about it, I swallowed all my shyness and went to the audition with the both of you. I was so nervous and hesitating if I should keep on standing on the line to the audition when this girl went in front of the judges.

          I can see how your smile grew from a little nervous to a genuine one. You said that she's so beautiful and she should have the role of a princess in a drama. Do you know how hurt I was back then? It felt like my heart was stabbed by a dagger. It was so painful to hear from you that you like that girl.

          But instead of walking away, I wiped off all the nervousness inside of me and was determined to be accepted to the drama club. I wanted you to spend most of  your time with me and not with that girl. I was actually a bit confused about myself back then.

          I know that were friends, only friends but I'm feeling something more than that towards you. I thought it was just a misunderstanding but when you flashed that bright smile towards me, I was certain,

          it wasn't only friendship, it's more than that.


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