a letter to: mark

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Mark was only looking at her picture, reminiscing every memories he had with his little sister.

Minji was the only girl he adored more than anyone, she was his gem and he doesn't want anyone to hurt her.

When she was born, it is as if they were already be able to understand each other, they shared happiness and cried together when one of them was in pain.

Mark may be older but they cared for each other as if they were twins, they even have a thing similar to twinpathy.

"How am I gonna supposed to live after you left me?" he asked while still looking at her smiling face on the frame above her coffin.

A tear escaped from his eye, and then so suddenly a white butterfly touched his cheek before it flew away. He watched the butterfly leave and then Minji came in his mind.

"Mark, remember the box we had in our backyard when were kids? The one we buried beside the bush of roses that mom have? Go check it out after I finished taking the surgery"

Mark suddenly remembered what his sister told her the day before the surgery.

Without hesitations he ran to their backyard and went to the place that Minji told to him. He scanned the place and found a dying bush of roses. He didn't mind his bare hands and just started to dug on the dirt.

After digging few inches he found the box. Their secret box where they kept their memories.

Mark felt like everything around him stopped, his tears came out continuously from his eyes as he get the envelope tied in a ribbon of his favorite color.

His hands were shaky but he managed to get it from the box.

Letter to Mark

It was for him, Minji wrote a letter for him.

With shaking hands and a crying heart, he slowly pulled the ribbon and carefully opened the letter.


Dear Mark,

       My dearest brother, thank you for everything. I know it is weird for me to write a letter for you, but there are just things that I can't say to you personally without tearing up.

       Mark, we both know that we rely on each other since we were younger. Thank you for being my brother, you were so nice, so understanding, so thoughful and so caring. Thank you because you were always there for me even though sometimes I didn't listen to you.

       I'm thankful that I became your sibling, I'm so fortunate because you are my lucky charm.

       Thank you for supporting me in everything that I wanted to do, thank you for helping me whenever I'm troubled and thank you for the times(when we were younger) when you admit my own mistakes so that our parents won't punish me.

       You have no idea how lucky I am to be born on this family with you as my brother.

       Do you remember the time you surprised me on my 13th birthday? It was the most happiest birthday I've ever had, it was the moment I kept on boasting with my friends. And also the time you brought me a teddy bear using your savings because I told you that my friend has a huge teddy bear and I wish I have one.

       I will surely miss all your lame jokes, your terrible cooking skills and the burnt fried eggs—oh my goodness, that fried egg, that became my medicine when I became depressed with the things going on between me and Jaemin before.

       Thank you brother, thank you for always making me smile and happy.

       I will never forget how fortunate I was for being your sister.

       Please don't make me sad when I'm about to go up on stairs to heaven, don't cry because it'll just be hard for me to leave peacefully.

       Don't be sad because I'll always be right there in your heart, locked and safe. Don't be sad and just continue to live okay? Because I will be happy if you're also happy.

       I know I never told you this before, but Mark, I really do love you—so please love yourself too okay? Don't make yourself suffer just because of me. Make memories with Skai, like we used to do before.

       You don't have to worry about me, because I'll always live in our memories. I'm always right here, guiding you and guarding you.

       I'm sorry if I didn't listen to you about taking the surgery sooner. I just want to enjoy my remaining days with you—and them. I can already feel that my time was about to come so I'm sorry if I became hardheaded and keep on declining your request.

       It is not that I don't want to survive, but I heard your conversation with the doctor—that my chances of surviving after the surgery is just 45% and if ever that I survived, I'll just be a burdensome because it'll just make me comatosed and I'll become a total high-maintenance useless person.

       And I don't want you to suffer anymore because of me.

       Just enjoy your life now, okay?

       I'm sorry if I became too selfish, but it was also for your own good too. Please take care of yourself just like the way you did to me. Don't let yourself get sick, always eat on time and don't forget to get some sleep.

       I know you like studying but resting isn't a bad thing too.

       I still have a lot of things that I wanted to tell you, but my pen's ink was about to ran out so I'll end this letter here.

       I'm happy now.

Your sister that you love,


Mark held the letter near his heart and tears never left his tired eyes. Loud grievous cries came out from his dried mouth and the helpless calling for his little sister enveloped the place.

He wanted to make his sister laugh just one more time, he wanted to cook for her, he wanted to surprise her. He wanted to take care of her, just one more time.

A drop of rain landed on his cheek that made him look into the dark sky, "Minji, I'm sorry if I'm too weak, but thank you. Thank you for giving me the chance to be your brother. Thank you for letting me to take care of you. Thank you for teaching me the real meaning of unconditional love." He said while still holding the letter.

Rain started to fell, drop by drop, but it didn't even made him to move a muscle.

"Thank you because you were my sister" he smiled painfully, before the rain finally mixed with his tears, "I'll never forget that I once had a wonderful sister like you" he said before putting the letter on the box and buried it again.


Hi, I hope I somehow managed to make you sad. Anyway, thank you so much for reading this story, I really appreciate your effort in commenting, voting and maybe sharing this story to others. I would like to mind you that this story is still unedited, you might notice few errors in grammar, but I will fix it as soon as I have the time. I appreciate your patience.

Your author,

Letters to Jaeminحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن