Letter | 14

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Letter #13

Dear Jaemin,

          Do you remember the new year's eve that we've spent together? It was actually supposed to be the three of us but Jeno had to go home in Incheon so it's only the two of us who got to celebrate new year together.

          I know you're still sad because Hina just died, but I know you're doing your best to make yourself happy and uplift that heavy heart of yours.

          I remember it was the day we went to the Namsan tower, because you told me, it was more prettier to look at the vicinity of the city when you're at the top of everything.

          I really enjoyed that day. Sorry if I assumed that we were dating—but it was the closest thing that I could think of what we're doing that day.

          We ate twisted potatoes while we're looking at the night view of Namsan. We took pictures of each other and watched a movie together.

          And before the day could end, we bought padlocks.

          We both bought padlocks and wrote our wishes in there. We wrote our wishes in secret because you said, it won't come true if we shared it with each other.

          We locked it together and exchanged keys with each other. We promised to keep each other's keys and give it back after a decade.

          Do you know how happy I was that day? I'm really happy that I spent my new year with you.

          And since I trust you, I'll let you know what my wish is... I wish to stay by your side forever, that was my wish and it's ought to happen—because I'll never ever leave your side unless you tell me to do so.

          Thank you for making my new year wonderful.


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