Avenger memes

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1. Dr Strange: Hello Tony Stark.

Tony: You're Strange.

Dr Strange: No shit, Sherlock.

Tony: But you're Sherlock.

Dr Strange: *Stares at the camera like he's in the office*

2. Tony: *Looks at Loki* There's black and green, and he's got a helmet.

Tony: *Looks at Hela* There's black and green, and she's got a helmet.

Tony: *Looks at Thor* Are you sure you're not the adopted one?

3. Steve: What's your biggest weakness?

Bucky: I can be very uncooperative.

Steve: Could you give me an example.

Bucky: no.

4. Vulture: Hey kid, did you know I played Batman?

Peter: Well, I prefer Ben Affleck

Vulture: ...Well, I prefer Toby Maguire.

5. Star-Lord: There's another name you might know me by, and that is-


Star-Lord: okay?

6. Natasha: Thor, where is your hammer?

Thor: I think I forgot.

*Mjolnir comes flying through a window, almost hitting Bruce*

Thor: Oh wait, I think it came to me, it was in the kitchen!

Natasha: *Stares at the camera like she's in the office*

7. Steve: How much does it cost to kill Tony's family?

Sam: How much?

Steve: One Buck.

Tony: Not funny.

*Start of Civil War*

8. Star-Lord: Is 'Footloose' still the greatest movie in history?

Peter: It never was.

*Start of Civil War II*

9. Dr Strange: I looked forward in time and saw 14,000,605 futures.

Tony: In how many are those suitable for meme formats?

Dr Strange: All of them.

Mantis: *Le Gasp*

10. Fans: Is it Avengers Endgame?

Marvel: Nope, it's Annihilation.

Marvel: *Gives trailer*

Fans: Bitch, WhAt DiD i SaY iT wAs?!

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