A Sassy Sister

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{A/N} Since I received a lot of positive feedback from the last chapter, I will be doing something similar, thank you all for the support! (^▽^)


    Peter: Dear Flash, I so happen to notice that 'awesoME' ends with ME and 'Ugly' starts with U.

2. Thanos: *Gives a nasty look to Avengers*

    Tony: I was going to give you a nasty look, but I see you naturally have one.

3. (MJ is lesbian in this one)

    Random Classmate: So, why don't you like guys?

    MJ: Because I'm allergic to nuts.

4. Clint: Oh really? So if girls are better than boys, why did God create man first?

    Natasha: Obviously because everyone needs a rough draft before their final copy.

5. Mr Harrington: From all this talking, I assume you're finished.

    Peter: From all this complaining, I assume you're single.

6. Me: *Fangirling over Peter Parker and Harry Potter*

    Random Shit: Why do you fangirl over imaginary characters even though they're never going to love you back?

    Me: Why do you breathe in air even though you know that you'll die anyway?

7. Mr Harrington: Ned, can you solve this equation?

    Ned: Dear Maths, please go buy a calculator and solve your own problems, I'm a teenager, not a therapist.

8. Peter: So, what university will you go to?

    Ned: *Sweats nervously* Uh, MoNsTeRs UnIvErSiTy.

9. Sam: That's so stupid.

    Bruce: *Finally bloody standing up for himself* Yeah, and? What exactly have you accomplished in your life that makes you Einstein?

Natasha: *Recording everything* THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND! 

10. Peter: Can I go to the bathroom?

    Mr Harrington: I don't know, can you?

    Peter: When I was using 'can' I was using it's secondary modal form as a verbal modifier asking for permission, as opposed to expressing ability. I thought since you were a teacher, that you'd have known that.

    MJ and Ned: *Recording everything* THAT'S OUR BEST FRIEND!

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