32. Nightwing and Robin vs villains pt 2

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Play music*
Shoji: if we wanna get to the others we gotta face dark shadow


The four of us saw in horror of what happen to our friend Tokoyami

Tokoyami: stay away from me or you'll die

He charge at us so we went to hide in some bushes

Kota: what happen to him

Red Hood: and why is he pissed off

Shoji: when mandalay said we had to engage one of the villains attack us and cut one of my parts buts it's not that bad but then he said that he has to kill Asui so that made both dark shadow and Tokoyami pissed off.

Izuku: well he did say at night his quirk gets crazy but this is too far

Red hood step on a twig which blew our cover and dark shadow attack us. We moved out of the way

Tokoyami: go away help the others students get Tsu away from me

Shoji: since his weakness is light we need to get him to a fire

Izuku: we need to move

Shoji: just go I'll handle him

Kota: Izuku we cant leave him he'll die

Shoji: I'll be fine it's the point of being a hero

Izuku: I have a idea we can draw him to todoroki and kacchan they can use their flames to weaken dark shadow

Red Hood: well how do we make it follow us

Izuku: Kota check your pockets there flashbang grenades in there

Kota: ok

Shoji: since when did you have that

Izuku: I'm prepared for any situation

Kota: ready

Shoji: I hope this works

With Shoto and kacchan

Moonfish: flesh pieces for me

Bakugou: just let me attack him

All of a sudden they heard a noise of destruction

Izuku: there I see ice

We were running with dark shadow on our tail Kota red hood and I kept throwing flash bang grenades for him to keep his attention at us

Shoji: Bakugou! Todoroki! Give us some light

Dark shadow landed on top of moon fish

We made it to them

Shoto: come on we haft to help them

Bakugou: wait

Moonfish: flesh need flesh need to kill frog girl

That made Tokoyami more mad and he attack moonfish so then he was distracted giving Bakugou and Shoto the opportunity

Bakugou: now finish him

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