69. Nightwing vs Gentle

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A/n: I swear if anyone makes a joke about the number of this chapter.

Kouta POV
Tomorrow's finally the school festival and of course my date with Eri. Right now my class were in the gym I was watching them doing the last run through practice I kept watching practicing their dance moves while of course Izuku wasn't here again and doing another patrol with uncle Jason. Just then while in the middle of practice the door of the gym slammed open.

Hound dog: It's already! Nine o'clock! Students should only be here till nine!

That's we all started leaving and I needed to get my clothes ready for tomorrow. Though it was time for bed most of us was still up cause they're all too excited for tomorrow, I saw that the rope that the effects team were using for Aoyamas disco ball trick was frayed.

Kouta: if you guys want I can buy the rope for you.
Denki: but shouldn't you also be there for Eri for your date. Most stores don't open till nine
Kouta: don't worry I'll make it quick plus there's a hardware store that 15 mins from UA That's opens at 8 I should be able to make it. Now if you guys excuse me I need my sleep.
Mina: Don't worry Kouta we'll make very special for you and her.

Just need to pick up some rope what can go wrong.

The next day 7:50
And then on the day of the school festival... I had my normal clothes along with a black hoodie and was jogging my way to the store passing by some stands for the festival and once making to the store so much time was passing by and after buying the rope and other materials after I was heading on my way back hopping to make it. But as I was walking back I almost bumped into someone.


I looked up and saw a man in a trench coat with a black hat and next to him was a small women wearing a white hat with a purple feather sticking out.

???: please be careful young man. You were about to ruin the aftertaste of the Gold tips imperial. Come, let us go, L—Honey...
???2: Honey?! Yes, I'm honey!

I saw them starting to walk was but one thing was on my mind. Gold tips? if I recall one time Momo made us some looked over from the direction they came from and it was a house next to the hardware store.

Kouta: oh? That house- Is it a cafe or something? You can't tell.

The man then turned around and started walking towards me.

???: If you did not know what Gold tips imperial was, the. You would not have thought of that... Are you someone who understands? It's wonderful even though you're so young!

I started to sweat dropped what's up with this guy.

Kouta:Um... I don't know that much... I just know because my friend made some for us...

Though his voice was awfully familiar I remember when Momo made the tea I saw a video on my phone about someone and his so called special plan and his voice sound like the exact same as this guy infront of me.

???:oh-ho you have such a high- class friend...you have...a good friend...
Kouta: though it's weird when your friends are high school students and joining them training to be a hero..
??? Mind: oh no. This child is from UA.
Kouta mind: wait a min that voice, tea...!

I remember in that video that an alarm will sound and not just to his listeners but to the whole society. I saw that he was starting to walk away not before I secretly send a message went to my waist and lifted my sweater and shirt a bit to reveal my utility belt that I never leave without it cause thanks to Izuku you always be prepared and activate a tracker as I put bags down and lowered my hat a bit.

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