• Chapter 3 •

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[A/N : Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter! I hope you like it! Enjoy <3 ]

*Alinda's POV*

Today, we were going to the Quidditch World Cup, so we had to wake up early. Mrs. Weasley came to our room and told us that we must be downstairs in five minutes or we will help her with the housework.

We got ready and went downstairs to have breakfast. I acted like nothing happened yesterday night. I sat between Fred and George. "Good morning." I said sleepily.

"Good morning!" George said, as sleepy as me. Fred wasn't talking, his eyes were fixed on his plate. "Good morning, Freddie!" I looked at him.

"Oh, good morning." he said absentmindedly.

We had our breakfast and Mr. Weasley told us to be careful. "It's difficult for a large number of wizards to congregate without Muggles' attention-"

"George!" Mrs. Weasley said sharply, making us jump.

"What?" he said innocently.

"What's in your pocket?" she pointed her wand at his pocket and called "Accio!" and then, several small objects slowly flew into her hand. "I told you to destroy them. We told you to get rid of the lot. Empty your pockets, all of you!" Mrs. Weasley barked.

"We spent six months developing those!" Fred shouted at his mother as she threw the toffees away. It was disappointing to see their work just disappear.

"Oh, it is a fine way to spend six months!" she shrieked. "No wonder why you got only three O.W.L's!"

She was still red in the face when she pecked Mr. Weasley on the cheek. "Have great time! And behave yourselves!" she was smiling at us but glaring at the twins when she was saying the last phrase.

The weather was chilly. We had to walk a long distance and after a while, my feet started to ache. "Oh, my legs hurt!" I winced. Fred suddenly picked me up in a bridal style. "Are you going to get married?" George asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Never..." we said.

"Cedric!" I jumped from Fred's arms and ran to him. I hugged him really hard. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, I guess..." he was smiling. I saw that George was whispering to Fred's ear and I noticed the pain behind his eyes. I smiled sympathetically at him and he returned it, but I knew he was jealous...

Mr. Weasley was talking to Mr. Diggory. I talked with Cedric while we were walking to the Portkey and when we got there, we saw that the Portkey was an old boot. We grabbed it and we started to spin. "Let go!" Mr. Weasley demanded. Soon, we fell onto the ground. I saw someone coming near.


He gave his hand. I took it and pulled myself up. "Thanks." I murmured. "Your welcome!" he winked and I felt goosebumps inside me. We went to our tent and at first, it looked very tiny but when I went in it, I realized it was huge. Harry, Hermione and Ron left to get firewoods and I stayed with Fred and George.

"Is Cedric your boyfriend, Alinda?" George said, deridingly.

"No!" I said. "We are just friends and everything we do is platonic."

"Are you sure?" George nudged Fred and he glared at George. I didn't know what they were trying to tell...

* * * * * * *

Fred and George made a bet with Ludo Bagman. If Krum catches the snitch, but Ireland wins, they will get thirty seven Galleons, fifteen Sickles, and three Knuts. If Ireland loses, they will lose their money and also, a fake wand.

We were discussing about the match and as soon as we got to the bleachers, I looked down and took a big breath. "Are you okay?" Fred asked concerned.

"Yeah..." I sighed. "I'm just afraid of heights."

"I'll catch you if you fall." he gave a wink and a cheeky grin. I smiled.

Before the game began, I saw women dancing around the Quidditch field. They were Veelas, Bulgaria's mascots. I looked at Fred but he looked uninterested and held my hand tightly.

The game was really exciting to watch. At the end, Krum caught the snitch, but Ireland won because they were up by so many points.

We went to our tents and there was Ron, talking about how perfect and talented Krum is. "There's no one like Krum!" Ron said.

"Krum!" Fred and George shouted.

"He's more than an athlete, he is an artist!" he said amazed by Krum.

"You're in love, Ron!" Ginny said, smiling. We started to sing. "...and when we're apart, my heart beats only for you!" we laughed and Mr. Weasley rushed to us. He was looking nervous. "There's an attack. We have to go, now!"

We got out of the tent. The scene was horrifying. People were running and screaming. Tents were in fire and some people were lying on the ground, unconscious. "Fred and George, Ginny is your responsibility!" Mr. Weasley told them. George took Ginny's hand and Fred took mine. We ran towards the crowd. Suddenly, I couldn't hold on to Fred and I was pulled to the other direction. "Alinda!" I heard Hermione scream. I decided to quickly hide behind the bushes. I thought I was safe but I heard a rustle behind me. "Who's there?" There wasn't any answer but when I turned back, someone grabbed me harshly.

"Who are you?" the person asked me.

"I'm Alice Smith. Halfblood." I lied because I didn't want them to know I am a muggle-born.

"You are lying!" he shouted and pointed his wand at me. "Crucio!" I knew that it was painful but the pain was making you want to die. You couldn't breath but you couldn't die either. It was like being in a coma. Then, there was only blackness...

* * * * * * *

I heard a shouting that was familiar. "Alinda! Oh god, are you alright?" Fred sat next to me, looking uneasy. I opened my eyes. "Fred..." it came out like a whisper.

He quickly picked me up and carried me. My head was hurting and I couldn't think straight. We came to the tent and everyone ran towards me. "I was so worried about you, Al. Are you okay?" Hermione said, tears in her eyes. Fred laid me onto the couch. "I'm fine. I just need to rest." I mumbled. I felt that Fred sat next to me and he took my hand.

We went to our beds because we were going to leave tomorrow morning. He rescued you, I thought. I drifted into sleep.

*Fred's POV*

I found Alinda's body behind the bushes. She was unconsious and I quickly picked her up. I carried her to our tent. Everyone was happy that she was safe. I helped her go to bed without her fainting.

I remembered her being unconscious and laying on the ground. The idea of Alinda, being tortured, was making me feel sick. After thinking about Alinda, I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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