• Chapter 5 •

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[ A/N : Soo, here I am, with a cool video edit I made and another chapter!! Please like the video edit above the chapter, it took 3 hours to make. It is kind of a trailer of the book. Enjoy the chapter btw <3 ]

*Alinda's POV*

We were in going to the King's Cross Station with the Weasley family, ready to go back to Hogwarts. "Who's going to be our professor in DADA?" I asked. Every year, there was something happening to the professors, so there were different professors each year.

"Mad-Eye," Bill said. "Moody was a great wizard in his time,"

"He was an old friend of Dumbledore, wasn't he?" said Charlie, joining in the conversation.

"But we can't say that Dumbledore is normal, right?" Fred said. "I know, he is wise and all, but..."

"Who is Mad-Eye?" Harry asked.

"He worked in the Ministry of Magic. I met him when I went to the ministry with Dad. He was an Auror, a great one... But he has many enemies as well. Usually the families of the people he caught. He doesn't trust anyone, anymore." I was terrified of the fact that we were going to have our DADA class with a professor who sees dark magic most of the time and who is paranoid.

We finally came to Nine Three Quarters. "We will see each other this year sooner..." Charlie said smirking, while hugging Ginny.

"Why?" asked Fred curiously.

"You'll see... You'll have an interesting year," Bill said, glint in his eyes. There was a whistle. We quickly went into the Hogwars Express after we hugged Mrs and Mr Weasley. The train started to move and we waved to them. When they were out of sight, we went into a compartment that is empty. I put my bag and my trunk on the cabin. "What do you think will happen this year?" George asked.

"I don't know, maybe there will be a zombie invasion, that's what you muggles call it right?" Fred looked at me.

"Yeah, but I don't think zombies are real..." I smiled. "I think there will an important event at Hogwarts."

I heard the door of the compartment open. When I turned, I saw my friend, Brandon. He was a Gryffindor like us and he was a loyal, caring friend. I met him in a Herbology lesson and I wasn't good at Herbology, so he helped me finish a task. When we started to talk, we realized that we had a lot things in common and became good friends.

"Hey, Alinda..." Brandon said, smiling at me. "Can I steal you for a sec?" he asked looking at the twins.

"Sure!" I quickly waved at the twins and got out of the compartment. "So, how was your summer?"

"Yeah, I didn't do too much. I heard the news about the Quidditch World Cup disaster. I knew you were there and I was worried. Did they do anything to you?" He was concerned.

"A Death Eater caught me and cast the torturing spell but Fred found me on time. I owe him."

"Did Fred save you? I don't understand why you think he is not into you." he said sarcastically.

"Please, a friend would do the same thing." He still looked unconvinced. "Okay, if we are going to talk about this, I'm going back to the compartment."

"Alright then, see you at Hogwarts." he hugged me and went to another direction. I went back into the compartment and saw that Fred and George were talking. I got my book from my bag and started to read it, trying to not to think of the fact that Brandon might be true.

* * * * * * *

We came to Hogwarts and went to the Great Hall. I sat between Fred and George as always at the Gryffindor table. Harry, Hermione and Ron was talking. Before the Sorting Ceremony began, the Sorting Hat sang a song about the history of the houses and important things. It sang a different song each year.

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