• Chapter 11 •

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*Alinda's POV*

"Wait I don't understand, how did that happen?" Hermione said, confused by the situation. We were at the Common Room, talking about what happened that night.

"I was at the Black Lake, thinking about whether I should talk to him or wait for him to talk to me. Then, he just appeared behind me. He told me he loved me and..." I said, but then I stopped. "And?" she said, sounding kind of nervous. "Well, he.. he kissed me!" I quickly said it and closed my mouth shut.

Her mouth fell open and her eyes widened. "What?" she said, looking with the same expression she looked at Ron at the Yule Ball, but I could see a smile playing on her lips. "You heard me." I said, feeling embarrassed. "Oh... my... GOD!" she said, standing up and covering her mouth, pretending to scream like teenager girls. I laughed and we went to the Great Hall.

I saw Fred and George sit at the Gryffindor table. "Good luck!" she said, leaving me and leading towards another way. I slowly went towards them and sat next to Fred. "Hey Freddie!" I pecked his lips and George looked at us, smirking. "What are we going to do today?" I asked him.

"I thought we can go to Hogsmeade. You know, I owe you." My heart melted with his manner. "I think that's a good idea." I said, snuggling close to him. He wrapped his arms around me and I laughed when I saw George was pretending to vomit.

* * * * * * *

"Where do you want to go?" Fred said, looking at the shops we pass by. "I don't know, you can get butterbeer for both of us..." I said. "Sure!" We went into Three Broomsticks and we found a table in the corner of the pub.

"Butterbeers!" he said, giving me my butterbeer. "Thanks." "Your welcome, Linda!" He started to call me Linda after the things that happened at the Black Lake. I could feel my cheeks flush, and a strand of hair fell in front of the face. Fred's hand put the strand of hair at the back of my ear and he was looking right into my eyes. He came closer and his lips met mine. It was a slow, passionate kiss. He cupped my face and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We backed away a few seconds later. He put his forehead onto mine and said, "You're mine and you're always going to be..."

Then, I went to Gladrig Wizardwear, to look at some clothes. Fred said that he was going to look for something. I was almost finished with searching clothes when Fred was coming. "Hey are you ready to go back to Hogwarts?" he said. "Yeah, I think so." I said, holding his hand. We were walking back to Hogwarts when Fred said, "Al, I need to give you something..." I turned to him. "I found this and I thought you would like it..." he said, taking out a necklace, in a heart shape, an F and an A written on it. "Open it!" I opened it and I saw two photos of us a few years ago when we were little. The photo where I was studying with him, and the photo where we were laughing. When I was explaining something to him, he was looking at me lovingly that my heart melted instantly. In the other picture, we were laughing because it was our first prank and it was for Snape. With his furious expression, he was looking hilarious. "I loved it, Fred! Thank you!" I hugged him. "Can you help me put it on?" I turned my back and he helped me wear the necklace. "I love you."

"I love you." We finally arrived to the Common Room. We walked the stairs to the dorms and when we were upstairs, I turned to him. I smiled and he returned it. "I hope you had a good time," Fred said. "Are you kidding? It was perfect." I pecked his lips. "Goodnight!" We went to our seperate ways and I went into the girls' dorm. I saw Rachel, Diana, Kate and Celine sitting and their eyes on me when I came in. They were my friends and we mostly chatted at our dorms. "Where were you?" Diana said. "I was at Hogsmeade!" I said, sitting between Kate and Diana, hugging a pillow.

"Who's he?" Celine said teasingly. "With her prankster of course!" Rachel said, causing me to throw my pillow at her. She laughed and I went to undress, leaving them. It was a long day but also my happiest day...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I changed the ending, so you may need to read this chapter before continuing but if you read this for the first time continue :) I'll introduce the characters here as well.

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Rachel Williams (Half-blood)

Rachel Williams (Half-blood)

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Diana Walker (Pure-blood)

Celine Jones (Half-blood)

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Celine Jones (Half-blood)

Celine Jones (Half-blood)

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Kate Green (Muggle-born)

Kate Green (Muggle-born)

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