• Chapter 12 •

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*Alinda's POV*

I woke up and when I went to the Great Hall, I spotted Fred and George. I looked at my necklace and then approached them. "Guess who?" I asked Fred, closing his eyes with my hands.

 "Guess who?" I asked Fred, closing his eyes with my hands

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"Angelina?" I smacked his arm and he winced. I opened his eyes and sat next to him. "Good morning!" he said, pecking my lips. "Good morning, mon amour." I said, putting a pancake on my plate. "What does that mean?"

"It means my love in French," I said, holding his hand and rubbing my thumb on it. "Do you know what that means for me?" George said. I looked at him confused. "Disgust," I snorted and we ate our breakfast, with the disgusted face of George.

* * * * * * *

We were studying for the Charms exam in Fred's dorm. Actually, it was his exam but he needed my help. Fred was laying on his bed, playing with a foam Quaffle on his hand. I was looking at his book and his notes. I can say one certain thing: He was not taking notes.

"How long have we been reviewing?" Fred said, whining as he threw his foam Quaffle into the air again. "If you mean 'me' by 'we', well five minutes." I chuckled at his boredom. Fred huffed and I felt the bed sink in as Fred sat up. "Can we do something else," I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "...please?"

"Like what?" He wiggled his eyebrows and smirked at me. Then, he got the book from my hands and put it in the corner. He picked me up and put me on his lap. I was sitting on his lap and I could predict what will happen next. I tried to hide my blush, so I tried to look serious and keep my face straight. "You have an exam, remember?"

"It can wait now. I just want to spend time with my girlfriend. You don't want to spend time with your boyfriend?" He was trying to look like an innocent boy but failing miserably. "I don't think that means like 'spending time'. That probably means 'snog'." He smiled and looked down at my legs. "This is an interesting position." he said, smirking and winking cheekily. "I can agree with that" I leaned in to kiss him and he immediately kissed me back. I could feel his hands roam my body. I could say that he was a good kisser. I don't know if it sounds weird but I couldn't resist him. He was like a drug. Even if you take a little, you feel like you need more and you can't stop yourself.

I melted into the kiss and I couldn't hear the door open. I heard someone clear their throat and I broke the kiss. I looked over to see George looking at us. I stood up and straightened my skirt. "Hey Georgie!" Fred said. "How are you doing?"

"Good, until I saw you two sucking your faces off. Also, I should remind you that you should use protection-" he said, stopping when I kicked him with a pillow. "It's none of your business, you daft dimbo!" I said, going down to the library.

* * * * * * *

The next day was the second task. I got ready and went down to the Great Hall. Hermione and Ron were nowhere to be seen. "Do you know where they are?" I asked the twins. "I don't know," George said. "...but it has to do with the task."

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