• Chapter 14 •

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*Alinda's POV*

Today was the day... Today, the final task was going to happen. My stomach was lurching with anxiety and fear. This might be the night that I'll lost one of my friends or both of them. I got ready for the day and decided to go to Cedric. We didn't talk too much this year. He was studying for N.E.W.T. exam and also working on the tasks, so he didn't have much time.

There he was, sitting with his friends in the Great Hall talking. I sighed and walked towards the Hufflepuff table. "Hey Alinda! It's good to see you after a few weeks." I laughed. I realized that I missed his cuteness. "Yeah... I came here to wish you good luck! Y'know, it's the last one and I don't want you to die..."

"Thank you. I'll be fine... Please don't cry!" He chuckled when he saw my teary eyes. I got emotional because I didn't spend a lot of time with him and I didn't want to lose him. He hugged me and squeezed my shoulder gently. "I will be careful. I'll kick their asses!" I laughed when he said it. "Language, Mr. Diggory... Then I'll see you at the tournament?" He nodded and I stood up. "Okay then, good luck brother..." I waved at him and went to the Gryffindor table.

"Good morning, sister!" I said, sitting next to Hermione. "Hello! How are you?" She wasn't looking very happy. I could feel that she was worried about Harry. "Cool, I guess," I said as I looked over at Harry. "I came to wish you good luck, Harry."

"Thanks, Alinda." I smiled and started to eat my breakfast. "Heyyoo!" Fred sat next to me, well jumped next to me, and I was almost getting a heart attack. "Fred, you scared the hell out of me!" I said, sighing. "Good morning to you, too!" Fred said, making me giggle. "Good morning, Freddie."

The day was passing too quickly for my liking. Fred and I decided to have a walk outside the castle. It was afternoon and the sun was shining brightly above us. "I'm worried," I said, trying not to cry. "Voldemort is out there and I feel like something bad is going to happen in the final task."

"Nothing will happen, Al. They'll be safe, like in the other tasks. Cedric and Harry are brave and strong. Especially Harry..." I looked at him. "I don't know-" He stopped me. "I'll be there with you and I promise that nothing serious will happen in the tournament, I promise." He kissed me and it actually soothed me. It was a kiss that showed me that he'll protect me and made me know that I'll be safe in his arms.

* * * * * * *

After the feast, Dumbledore rose from his seat. "The third and final task is going to take place in the Quidditch field and in five minutes, I will be asking you to make your way down to the Quidditch field. Champions, please follow Mr. Bagman down to the stadium!" Harry, Cedric and the other champions made their way to Ludo Bagman.

We walked to the Quidditch field hand in hand with Fred. Then Mrs. Weasley caught my eye and I smiled at her. She gestured at our hands, which made me blush and smile even brighter. I nodded, confirming our relationship and then she beamed.

When we arrived at the stands in the stadium, Mrs. Weasley ran to us. She gave a tight hug and I thought our ribs were going to crack. "Mum- mum we can't breathe!" Fred said, making his mom release her firm grip. She smiled at us. "You are so cute together. I knew she was the perfect one for you. I knew it since your second year, you look amazing!" She was very happy to see us like this, which was making it very hard for me to keep my face straight. I was smiling from ear to ear.

As I looked at Fred, he was blushing and smiling softly. "Oh, Freddiekins blushing," I kissed his cheek, which made him blush even harder and Mrs. Weasley to beam once again. I must've had a dreamy face because Bill winked at me and smirked which made me blush deeply.

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