vi. don't let it be klaus (diego)

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a/n: sup my dudes, thanks for 2.5K! a few people wanted this imagine so i hope you enjoy it. (also don't mind me i can't think of anything to title these imagines). i kinda wanted to make it heartbreaking, but i thought i'd be nice and do a happy-ish ending. also i know nothing about police codes, i just looked up a few on google and found what i thought i needed. enjoy!
warnings: drug use, language, bit of angst, klaus being protective!!! unedited
request: a few people requested a diego one so here it is. also someone requested a vanya one so i might be working on that one next.

deigo's pov:

It's been a normal night so far, sitting in my car listening to the police radio waiting to hear something that could entertain me for the night. A few bar fights, maybe one domestic disturbance but nothing much. I wanted something good. A bank robbery? Hell yeah. A home invasion would be the dream right now. I was so bored, I really just wanted some action, something to put my knives into use. I heard chattering over the radio with officers calling out numbers, accompanied with the sounds of me tapping my knives against the dashboard of the car. I tried to not let my mind drift to Patch, instead leaning  my head back onto the headrest in hopes of getting a little bit of rest. It had been about a month since our breakup, and to be brutally honest, the lack of sleep due to going out patrolling every night and thinking about her was starting to catch up to me. It all just happened so fast. One second we were in an argument, next I was driving dangerously fast back to my place, sights only set on letting my anger out on the punching bag. I had loved her more then most people I had met (not including Grace) and finding someone else to fill that void was a challenge.

Just as I was sinking too deep into my thoughts, a distressed voice filled my car.

"We have a 10-52 we need an ambulance down to Statton Avenue immediately, subject under the influence of narcotics and OD'ing, I repeat-"

My heart stopped. I knew enough about police codes from the academy to know that it meant someone needed resuscitation and was overdosing. My mind immediately went to Klaus. As fucked up and annoying as he was, he was my brother and I loved him enough not to let him die. I put my car in gear and sped off. Not caring about the speed limit (and knowing there weren't any officers in this area at the moment) I drove as fast as I could. I couldn't let Klaus die, I couldn't let Klaus die, I couldn't let-
I reached Statton Avenue in no time, throwing open my door and looking down the dark street. It was like any other street, a few shops and apartments dotted here and there, but no sign of Klaus. I quickly ran to the nearest alleyway and peered down it. There was an officer with his back turned towards me, and someone lying on the floor, puking up whatever was in their stomach. Standing to the side of them looking distressed was...Klaus. Thank god he's not the one on the ground.
Hearing my approaching steps, the young officer snapped his head towards me, hand already on the holster. His shoulders dropped slightly when he saw it was me. I had seen him at the police station a few times, Pierce I think his name was. He was new, barely been a month out of the academy. I peered next to him at the woman on the floor, but before I had a chance to get a good look at her face, Klaus ran up to me.

"Oh god Diego brother, I'm sorry but you have to help her!
"Who the hell is she?"
"She's my best friend, please she can't die on me please!"

He was pleading with me like I was going to say no to him. I quickly stride over to the woman and kneel down.

"Go flag down the ambulance when it gets here."

Klaus looks at me weirdly.

"Go! Now!"

His scared face suddenly gets the message and runs off towards the end of the alley. I turn back towards the girl. She's unconscious, puke coming out of her mouth. I turn her head towards the side, so she doesn't choke on her own vomit. Disregarding the dirt from the pavement and the puke on her face, she's actually quite beautiful. A cute nose, full lips, gorgeous eyelashes. Her H/C hair, although disheveled, could look gorgeous know it wasn't covered in vomit. She was quite boney from what I assumed was the drug taking.

I looked for her pulse, and felt the presence of Klaus behind me.

"What the hell happened Klaus! You're meant to take care of your friends not let them OD!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! She had been clean for a while, then we got a bit carried away and went to 'celebrate' then...well this happened!"

When I found a slightly weak pulse I let out a sigh of relief.

"Christ Klaus, she was clean and you let her get hooked again?"
"She's my friend and we always used to do it together, I guess I missed it..."
"Yeah well look where that got her! What's her name anyway?"
"Y/N. I met her in rehab. She was the first person who tried to get me to go clean."

He looked over at a spot in the alleyway and let out a sad chuckle. Who was he looking at?

"How long has she been like this?"
"I don't know maybe, 10 minutes? Fuck, please she can't die. Please, she's the only good friend I have."

I groaned in frustration. Where the hell was the ambulance? Klaus gripped his hair so hard I thought he was going to pull it out. There are tears in his eyes which make my heart break. Maybe he does care about someone other then himself. With one hand on her I took my free hand and put it on his shoulder.

"Come on, look at me. She'll be okay. I promise you won't lose her."
"Oh god this is all my fault. She didn't want to get high but I told her we have to celebrate properly her being 10 months clean, oh god what have I done..."

His wails were cut off by the sound of an ambulance siren. By this stage, Y/N was beginning to come to. She opened her eyes slightly, her E/C orbs locking with mine. God she was beautiful. What the fuck Diego why are you thinking that about a drug addict?
The sound of rushed footsteps filled the alleyway and I was pushed back to the wall. They surrounded her quickly, taking her pulse and calling out medical terms I had never heard of. When they lifted her onto a stretcher, she was still facing me. Her hand reached out to grab mine, but was pulled away quickly. As they all left the alleyway, Klaus put his head onto my shoulder and sighed.

"Come on, let's go to hospital."


I would've thought we were going to have a problem getting into Y/N's room, but the nurse let us straight in. Probably due to Klaus' excellent persuasion skills. I sat on one of the most uncomfortable chairs, while my brother sat on her bed. Machines beeped all around her, and she was sleeping once again. I noticed that her arm was littered with needle marks. I let out a deep breath.

"Who is she Klaus?"
"I met her in rehab about 2 years ago. She told me she got hooked when she was a teenager, but tried to do whatever it took to get off the drugs. Most of which failed. She doesn't have any family in the city, except for me kind of."

I had never seen him this sad. It made me think of when Ben died.

"So are you guys just friends?"

He let out a loud laugh.

"No, Diego we aren't banging. She wishes. If anything, I actually thought she was more your type. I always thought about setting you two up when she got clean."

I smiled lightly at him. Suddenly we both hear a soft shuffling and a groan coming from the bed. Y/N opens her eyes and surveys her surroundings, clearly startled. When she realises that she's in hospital, she lets out a quiet cry.

"I was doing so well."

Klaus grabs her hands and I walk over to the bed. Klaus wipes away her tears.

"It's all my fault Y/N. I should've known this would happen. I just-"
"Dude. It's all good, I promise."

She smiles at him before turning towards me. She grabs my hand and brings it up to her lips.

"Thank you. You saved my life. I- how- how can I ever repay you?"
"You could get coffee with him!"

I turn my head slowly towards Klaus, blinking. He gives me a shit eating grin then looks back at Y/N.

"What? You guys would make a great couple!"
"Okay, I'll take you up on that offer. After you go to rehab and get clean once and for all."

She grins at me.

"Easy done."

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