16. Idk actually.

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The meeting I had with Gabriel yesterday wasn't about much since he didn't know why I was there and I didn't either so we just hung out and talked. Afterwards I just went to my room and passed out then for like the whole day.

-around 3am-

You woke up to a knock on the door. "Yo what the fuck.? Who's knocking on my door at like 3 in the morning?" You groaned and looked at the ceiling for a minute then got up. You opened the door to see Jessie.

"Oh hey jess- what the fuck are you doing at my door at 3am??!" You whisper yelled

"Hah well uh, sorry darlin' but I felt this was important so you didn't skip."

You kinda looked at him like "bitch wtf" but you didn't care at this point.

"What...?" You impatiently asked

"Well Commander Reyes said we'll have training in the mornin' uhh around 8. He said he tried to get in contact with you but I guess you fell asleep or something."

"Oh.. hah my bad...yeah I've been asleep."

"Also he told me to tell ya to be there early, around 7 or something."

"Oh ok, thanks then. Goodnight." You started to close the door

"G'night darlin' see ya in the mornin'."

You closed and locked the door then flopped back on your bed and immediately fell asleep.

-around 7-

You woke up to the sound of knocking on your door...again. You got up and opened the door and Gabriel was there.

"Oh hey."

"Hey did Jessie come tell you about this morning?"

"Uhh training?" You asked

"Yes thank god cause I didn't want you to be late."

"Oh yeah also why the hell did you have Jessie come tell me at 3 in the morning??!"

He stood there silent for a minute.

"Anyway get ready I need to talk to you."

"Okay see you then."

Yeah u know... it's short.. and bad😂 but yeah I was trynna get it out by like now ok byeeeee

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