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I tapped the pencil against my knee, watching the clock tick away. If there was one class that seemed to drone on forever, it was this one. But alas, that is my punishment.

Two girls showed up, arms at their hips, confident smiles and matching blazers. Well if it isn't Heather the nice one and Heather the b****.

"Ah, Heather and Heather, you are LATE..." Mr. Anderson glared. They didn't even shrink. I never could understand those two.

"Oh! Sorry I'm late, I'm still learning my way around!" She smiled. She had long blond hair and a pink shirt. "It's alright, Regina, just sit down beside Charles, but you two," he glared at the Heathers, "aren't excused!"

I roll my eyes, I didn't particularly care. I faded from the spotlight a while ago, especially after the mess that was Homecoming back in Junior Year...
Our love is god.

Say hi to god.

I jolted, panting. I hate when I get those. I put my stuff in my bag as the bell rang. I couldn't be late for Miss. Fleming's class.

I wonder who that Regina girl was and what she wants here.


"Are you sure you're gonna need all these plants?" A boy asks with glasses. I sigh, Jared never did quite understand my strange obsession with Nature.

"Fine! But you're lucky I get paid, otherwise I wouldn't be helping you." Jared retorts, annoyed, moving the vase, packing it.

"Is it normal to be anxious?" I ask, biting my nails.

"For you? Yes, for normal people who aren't functioning on pills? Nope!" He grinned. Wow, dick.

"I just don't know him and what if I make a wrong impression and he judges me too early and thinks I suck and HATES me and will never talk to me then will murder me in my sleep-" Jared puts a finger to my lips.

"As long as there are no more fake emails, lies, and tree falling, he won't hate you!" Jared sighs tiredly. He puts the picture he was holding into the suitcase. I freeze.

The room fell silent.

"No." I say, though it's barely audible.

"No what?" He asks, concerned.

"Not again..." I whisper, playing with my fingers.

He grumbles something I can't make out, and continues packing.

"Do you think... moving is my chance to be someone... better then I wa- am. Better then this mess.." he hug myself slowly.

Jared laughs, and not the kind of I made a funny joke  kind of laugh but the sarcastic kind. "Ha, call me when the shuttle lands! You my sweet, will never be normal or good," he whispered in my ear. I lower my head.

Jareds right, I'm not cut out.

Not without some help at least.



"Crap!" Michael and I say at the same time as we drop our controls in our lap in defeat. This level will never give us peace will it?

"We are never beating level 9, are we?" I ask, leaning back in the beanbag, annoyed.

"Don't be silly, of course we will!" Michael reassures me, punching my arm. Damnit that hurts, he has a good punch.

I need to get back to my workout schedule-
No. Don't relapse.

Man, I've been doing that a lot lately.

"Ok, But are you excited to have a big brother!" Michael asks.

I shrug. "We are going to share a room! Which means no more sleep overs, morning computer time or privacy... not to mention my... episodes...." I say, starting to feel guilty.

"I'm sure he'll understand! Didn't you say that he has social anxiety?" Michael responds, booting up the game again.

"Yeah. I guess your right." I nod, but I couldn't let that anxious feeling leave my stomach. If he knew what a monster I was, he'd probably try to kill me. Actually I'd try to kill me.

But Michael doesn't need that information.

"I know! Now come on and get in, were going for slushies." Michael says excitedly. He could always sense when my mind goes into the not-so-nice-town.

"Yeah let's go!" I smile weakly.

I didn't deserve him.

Veronica, Evan Jeremy: after what I've done,

What do I deserve?

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