Chapter Six~ WHY AREN'T YOU DEAD???

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I was walking to a Seven Eleven with Martha to get a slushie. "I heard they have the best slushies!" Martha says, while skipping to the door.

"Yeah, maybe." I say, laughing at my friend's antics. I was glad that she finally could be herself after realizing how honestly dickish Kurt and Ram were.
Well that and that they are dead.

I look around as Marta gets a watermelon slushie.
"And one for you, Miss." the man behind the counter says as he hands her the slushie.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom! See you in a few minutes." Martha says as she goes to the restroom.
I laugh to myself and look for a snack, until I bump into a boy in a trench coat. He had dak brown hair, and dark eyes. Everything about him said don't mess with me! "Oh I'm sorry!" I say, until I see his face and-

I froze, heart racing. My eyes were widened.
"It's ok! Um.... have we met?" He asks, genuinely confused.

That voice... that face... everything about him....

It was him...
Then time stopped.
Completely stopped.
The world seemed to glitch out of view until it was just the strange boy and I....

"Are you ok? I'm Dean." Dean says. 'No, your Jason dean, JD.... the kid I killed.' I didn't know what to say, my whole mouth closed off. My legs buckled. My eyes burned. Everything about me shifted from carefree to stiff and shocked. What do I say to... I don't even know anymore.... so I say the only thing I could-

"WHY AREN'T YOU DEAD?" I yell, probably a bit too loudly.

He blinked a couple times, trying to regesture what I said. I breathe.

"Um... i don't know! I remember a girl faintly in that exact outfit, crying. We were in a field. There was something ticking. There was blood. My blood. I think I was shot. I think your name wa-" Dean tried to say until I cut him off.

"Veronica. And do you seriously not remember anything? Not even your name?" I ask, truly nervous for the anwser. "Yeah. I remember I was dying, I hit my head, I got amnesia. A woman came across me named Pauleene saved me and brought me back to her home. all we had was my coat saying Dean, so we assumed my name was Dean. So she transferred me here. Why do you seem so.... angry..."Dean explained.

"You hurt a lot of people, JD... in ways that no one can fix..." I say, barely keeping in a sob.
"Like who?" He says, wondering.

"Ram. Kurt. They... they should be here... same with Heather Chandler...
You hurt them..." I say, though the unspoken and me hung around.

"What do you mean.... did... I-" JD realized and put his hands on his face.
Then he did something I never expected...

He laughed.

"You miss, are crazy!" he said... and with that he walked out of the convenience store.

And I stood there. Speechless. Absolutely frozen. And slowly, the world came back. But I left. I left the world.

Regina (that's new!)

It was Friday, and the only thing people were talking about was the party tomorrow. And I was excited! This is my chance to finally become a full Heather and befriend the Apex preadotor.

"Hey Gina, I have a task for you." Chandler said, holding a note in her right hand.
"Sure Heather, what is it." I say, excited.

"I need you to invite Veronica to the party, along with her band of losers. Well, her and her friend Martha" She says. I nod and head off with the invitation in my hand. I feel a strange sensation in my body.

It's called guilt
I know what it's called!

Ugh, I hate this feeling! Why can't I just be an emotionless queen?

"Hey Ronnie, And Mar, I've got a note for you." I say, mockingly.

They look at me in confusion. Veronica opens up and reads.
"Yeah, ok, we'll come..." she says, confused. "This will be better right?" Martha asks. "It should be.." Veronica says, shooting me a look saying if you do anything to hurt her I'll end you.

I walk back to the Heathers table and continue eating my lunch.

This party is gonna be very fun.

This POV skip brought to you by Life insurance: get yours now, so if you burn, you'll be covered!


I was playing Apocalypse of the Damned with Michael.

"Hey are you going to that party at Heather's house?" Michael asks. I think for a minute.

Last time I went to a party, it did not end well. "I don't know, last time, it did not end well. You know with Chloe, and Rich..." I ramble. To be honest, parties to this day make me anxious.

"Yeah but now you don't have an evil computer in your head telling you what to do and to say." He retorts. I laugh. I knew that what I said at the party was when my squip was off, but Michael doesn't need to know. And if he does... I.... I don't think I could explain. I still don't know why I did it.

"Speaking of computers, you still have Mountain Dew Red?" I ask, hoping he does. He nods.

"I'm a bit worried about Evan, I know I don't know him well, but he was telling me he was thinking to get one and then what happened at PinkBerry-" I say.

"I'm sure he didn't. It takes a real idiot to take it. Or Rich." Michael jokes. I jokingly punch his arm.

"ZOMBIE!" We both yell as the zombie attacks us and kills both of us.


"We are never beating this level are we?" I ask. "Probably not." Michael awnsers.

"Yeah, I just, I saw the beginning of circuits being built in his eyes. Granted his eyes are naturally blue...
You're right. He doesn't seem like the type!"

I was kind of excited to see what the party would bring. Hopefully something good.

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