Chapter Nine~ Someone gets hurt

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I was hiding in the bathroom. It was the best place to hide. I looked in the mirror.

Was this who I want to be?
I... I wish i could go and apologize but since everyone was hiding, and the SQUIP would never let me. What was I becoming? I look at my hands. This isn't me, I'm not angry, I can't be angry!

Your better without them in the picture. They are better with you gone.
I know!

Can you really make me normal, popular?

Of course. I made Jeremy that. Plus even Lisa thought you were normal. Not an anxious mess .But to be it fully you need to upgrade from being... well... you!

Is throwing away... me? Worth it?
You won't be the kid in the shadows
The please don't speak
The why is he here
The underdog
But ull need to throw out a few parts...

I...I don't know....
What do I do? Take the upgrade and be normal teen. To be cool? And lose the old me and possibly the family friend? I mean, I have always been running away from who I am, but now I have a chance to change it all...
You never had him.
That one stung.

What do I do!!!!????

I look in the mirror, tears coming out of my eyes, the person looking back at me was both so familiar...

Yet so not... familiar....


This is great! I'm hiding in the corner.
"GUYS THE SHOOTER WAS A HOAX!" Ana yells. We all cheer, and resume normally. I sigh, god people have no decency if they can joke about shootings. I walk out. I need to clear my head, with everything that's going on. Jd, Regina.....

But as I think that I stumble on to something horrific. Disquasting. My whole world shatters. I feel my legs turn to jello.

I saw it right with my own eyes. On thé side of the block.

Regina George was kissing... Jason Dean. They were making out.
And I ran. God I fricken hate this night.

Till someone gets hurt.


I think... long and hard.
I grab a piece of paper and scribble pros and cons.


I will be normal
No more panic attacks
I will have friends
Mom will be happy
I will be happy
I won't be me anymore...
No more anxiety...
I won't be alone...

I might lose Jared
Jeremy will hate me
I would change myself

More pros than cons. So I decide my social fate.

I've already been the loser. Maybe I should try not being the loser.

"Give me that upgrade." I say, instantly regretting all my life choices. This was a terrible idea! Where is my anxiety to stop me-

The squip (still in the form of Jared I might add, so that makes me feel like crap still) smiles at me, like that manipulative smile that a psycho gives when you know you are doing exactly what they want.

But I'm letting the puppet strings attach. I'm letting him control the game now.

But there's still a voice in my head saying I made the biggest mistake of my life. I think that voice is called anxiety? The thing that ruined my life for the past 17 years?

Yeah. I'm ignoring it.

I shake his arm.

Someone gets hurt
*flashes to JD kissing Regina*
It's fine to flirt
*Jared going home, smirking*
Its fineeeeee
*Evan shaking its hand*
Till someone gets
*veronica leaving the party, as Dean smiles at her*

End of Act 1


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