Chapter Five~ I Think I Screwed Up

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I screwed up. Calling it now. I screwed up. Jared screwed up. Life screwed up.

Your squip.

"My what? Oh right, um.... wait, can I see you, or are you a just a voice." I ask, scared.

I do have a form, which you can pick, and speak to me telepathically. You don't want people to think your crazy? Or for your brother to know that you lied?

'True. And I didn't Um lie it was uh Jared he uh drugged me heh,'

Then boy appeared in front of me, he had long brown hair, a black hoodie, and black nail polish. I imediatly recognized the boy.

"Conner?" I ask, accidentally up loud.

I needed a form that you would listen to. That could..... motivate you....
Um.... not creepy at all. And here comes the insane guilt. This was the boy I lied about.... the boy I hurt.... the boy I probably pushed over the edge.
Now, tell me, what is your goal?
My goal? Um... to be a normal, non anxious mess.
We can work with that.... what about your peers?
I want... people to not think of me as China about to break.
Alright. Now, you should go back to your friends, act like nothing happened, and if they question you, do exactly as I say.
I nod and head back into the cafe. I mean, on the bright side, I do enjoy being controlled.

'Do you have any um other forms? This one is so... terrifying....' it sighed, morphing into-

I chose a form that you will enjoy being controlled by.

There, everyone looked at me concerned. "What the HELL happened to you?" Chloe asked. "Um Nothing, just brain freeze and Jared called." I say, forcing a smile, trying my hardest to not stutter.

Repeat after me.

"You looked like you were having a serious migraine or had a computer installed in your brain." Rich says, starting to itch at his scars, which appear to be burns.
Well it felt like a migraine.
"W-well it felt like a migraine." I lied.
"Ok!" Jenna says.
"So, who wants to play truth or dare?" Jake asks.
I feel a pit in my stomach. I just lied to my new friends and family. And worse, I had my best family friend who hates me's voice in my head, telling me what to do....

This is going well!

The next day, was a Monday. I didn't care for Monday's. They were ok. The only bad part was people. I don't do well with people.
That's what I'm for.
I go into the closet and pick out a plain blue polo shirt.
That's not gonna work.
'Why not?'
Becuase you want to strike confidence. This screams 'leave me alone, I'm a socially anxious kid who likes trees.'
But that's who I am?
Not anymore.
Um... ok?
Now grab that plain black t-shirt.
I grab the t-shirt that mom bought me for the 'new school' and I put it on and head off to the hell they call school. God I hate black.

It was lunch, the time where populars are gossiping, mean girls were plotting our demise, losers were hiding in stalls, and I was sitting akwardly, wanting to disappear.
Sit with those kids. Trust me.
Um, ok? I sit next to a girl with curly poofy orange hair and a trench coat and a girl with short dark brown hair, pink shirt with a rainbow, and blush. "Hi!" I say, akwardly.

"Hey!" The brunette says. "I'm Lisslia, Though people call me Lisa And that's Max!" Lisa says. "Hey, uh.... My name is Evan." I say nervously.

"Cool! Wait I recognize you from somewhere..." Lisa says.
Oh no.... please tell me does not know what the Conner project....
There is a 49% she knows about it. Now repeat after me.
That's strange.
"That's strange." I repeat.
"Aren't you the kid from the Conner project hoax?" Max asks.
I feel myself breath quickly. Then slow. Then really fast. Then not at all. Then slow than quick than-

Electricity flew up my spine, causing me to flinch. It hurt bad. I just got shocked.....

Every time you are on the verge of having a panic attack, I'll shock you till you stop.
Shock m-me? Like Electroshock therapy?
Yes, I suppose so. After a while, you will be trained to not have them. Now stop stuttering and talk to these girls, you look like you saw a ghost.

"Um, what's the Conner project hoax?" I ask, trying to sound confused, not scared.
"Never mind. Also what was that about, you started hyperventilating and looked like your gonna have a panic attack then as quickly as you started you stopped." Lisa said. I shrug.

"Woah, who are those girls?" I ask, pointing to the three girls, the blond one in red, the girl in green and the girl in purple.

"No! Don't look at them! Just don't! We call those three the Heathers! Well, the girl in purple is Regina, all though she is a heather."
Max says, gesturing to the me to look away.

"Yeah they are the stareotypical 1 dimensional high school jerks. No one messes with them." Lisa says.

"One demensional?" I ask.

"Excuse her, she's just a trope nerd." Max says, smugly.

"So we friends?" Lisa says, excited.

I nod, cautiously. These girls scare me.
Good. They will be your guide to fitting in. And being normal.

"Now, are you coming to the spring party at Heather's house?" Max asks.

"What party?"

"Oh you know, there's a party this weekend, there's gonna be alcohol, dancing and hopefully this time no fires..." Lisa says.

"Fires?" I get nervous, "don't ask!" Max yells.
It is imparitive you accept.
'I don't do well with parties... too much chaos and people and anxiety and danger-'

which is exactly why you should go, you got me to fit in? First step, go to a teen party. And no, you can't hide in a bathroom or in the corner the whole time.
"Yeah I'll come!" I say, gulping. Kill me.

I guess I already made two new friends. Maybe getting a squip was a good idea after all! Take that Jeremy! Maybe I should thank jared....

The squip brushed my hair, holding my head.

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