Chapter Two~ A deal of a Lifetime

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I watched the clock drill by, repeatedly, waiting for Miss Hansen and her son to arrive, I'm sure he's pretty cool, I mean, can't be any worse then me.

He will hate you.

'I know. Now shut up you overthinking tic tac!' I hear foot steps get louder. He must be here! I run up, adjusting my hair and cardigan.

"Hi... I'm E-Evan... but you already know that and um sorry for bumping into you and running away and um..." Evan says as he tugs on the end of his polo shirt. Wait, THIS, was my brother? Oh dear god.

"I'm Jeremy, this is your bed." I say as I point to the blue bed on my right. Mine was Blue, Red, Black and cyan, while his was just plain blue.

"Ok. Um... Do you mind if my fr- family friend comes over.?" Evan asks. I nod. He pulls out his phone and calls. The kid probably felt awkward being alone with me, I mean I don't blame him, he's probably worried I'd hurt or rape him!

After 12 minutes a boy enters the house, and thus our room.

"Hey Jared." Evan greets, looking at this boys shoes.

. "Hey, so this must be the new brother huh...When you said cool I thought you meant a jock!" Jared says. Me? A jock? Any fitness I had is from those few months where I was.... with it...

"He sits with the 'squid squad.'" Evan says, with air quotes. "Squid squad?" Jared asks, sounding like he can barely contain the laughter. "Actually its Squip Squad." I correct. He gives me the The hell? look. I mean how do you explain THAT mess...

"it's really long story, but basically I took a pill that I got from the mall that made a computer in my head talk to me and tell me how to be cool, but made me abandon my best friend Mikey, then try to take over all of the human race till we stopped it! so yeah. But on the bright side im now cool and chill!" I say.

"Ok so normally I would call bull, but since no one whose sane can come up with that and you don't strike me as the insane type, I believe you." Jared says. He was obviously not believing it, but who cares, I wouldn't believe it either, if I were him.

"Where do I buy one?" Evan asks. My eyes widen. Oh HELL no.

"Oh HELL NO! You are not buying that devil spawn!" I yell, maybe a bit louder then I should have, but can you blame me!

"Back of Spencer's gifts." Jared says casually as he lays upside down on the edge of Evan's bed.

'How did yo-" I said.

"You'd be surprised how helpful Google can be." Jared answers smugly.

"YOU ARE NOT GETTING IT!" I said, jumping up, clenching my fists.

"It could help me! This is my chance to be a normal functioning kid..." Evan whispered to himself.

Jared cackles, "sure that will ever happen! You? Normal! What a laugh!"

Wow this Jared guy was not a nice friend huh.

"When you need red dew, don't come crawling to me!" I say, frustrated, this kid was about to screw over his life.

Evan wouldn't really buy a SQUIP? would he.....?

No of course not. This guy doesn't seem like the type, too much anxiety for his own good to smoke drugs.


"Do you think I should get it?" I ask Jared as we walk out of the house, to be honest, pills gave me a ton of anxiety, PILLS= ADDICTION= DEATH.

"Yeah! It can get to be... you know... not a stuttering akward mess that can't... human! And no fake emails or lies involved!" Jared answers.

'Maybe he's right.' "But Jeremy seemed really... worked up about it, plus pills are evil, and bad and smoking drugs is TERRIBLE! Yeah I'm so not doing this." I said.

"Well maybe he had a faulty SQUIP. I say, If you want to, go do it. Go take the bad drug!" Jared teases. "I'm not taking drugs, SMOKING DRUGS IS BAD!" I say defensivly.

"Smoking drugs?" Jared Saïd smugly. I shoot him a glare.

"Oh fine, fine, I have to go to Payless Shoes, see ya!"

I sigh, thanks for leaving me, Jared.

But I couldn't blame him, who would stay with me?
Yeah I'm not getting a squip.


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