Chapter Thirteen~ I hate alcohol

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I wake up in the chair at the cafe. Christine sees me wake up and rushes towards me.
"Are you ok? What the heck happened back there?" She asks. My head was still reeling. What do I say?

You are allergic to alcohol.

"I'm allergic to alcohol... I think." Then i realize that that thought wasn't my own.

It wasn't even my own voice.

Hello Jeremy.

Screw me gently with a chainsaw.
I flinch at the voice, causing Christine to be surprised.

Don't let her know I'm back

'And I should listen to you because~' I say, wondering why I should follow the glorified smart phones instructions.

Becuase I can still shock you, and re activate the rest of your friends squips if I need to.

'I can deal with a little shock.' I think. That was a bad idea.

I felt a whole heep of electricity rising in my spine. It was not only that I wasn't used to shocks, but that it was a lot more then before. And he kept doing it over and over.

I grimaced in pain as Christine left to go to the bathroom. I felt tears rise.

'Fine I'll do anything just stop! P-please.' I think. I need Michael NOW-

Good. Now, are you still pining after Christine?

I shake my head. My back still burns.
Then what is it your after.

'To get rid of you' I wanted to say, but I knew that would earn me another shock.

'I'm not sure.' I instead say.
What about Michael.
'What about him?' Why does everyone assume that he and I- I'm STRAIGHT! HES STRAIGHT.

even I can tell that's bull.
I roll my eyes.
I can help you get together with him.
'Do I really have a choice here?' I wonder.
Not really.
'Gréât!' I think, sarcastically.

This is gonna be a long day.

This time skip brought to you by snickers, you're not you when your hungry

I was walking through a seven eleven, hating my life.

You know if you hate it so much you can end it.

'I know you over sized tic tac.' I shoot back at the voice commanding me.

After walking aimlessly around the store, I bump into a girl with a strange black hairstyle. "Watch where your going. I'm Janis. Janis Sawyer (just go with it.) 'she's kind of cute.' I think.

Get your hands out of your pockets and introduce yourself. Also you look like you saw a ghost.

I didn't even flinch at an out of the blue voice of Keanu Reeves blasting in my head. I am WAY to used to this. I knew it would be better to just obey the horrible computer. God I need red. Or maybe death-

"It's ok. I'm Jeremy. Jeremy Heere." I introduce myself. "Cool." I didn't know what to say. HOW DO YOU HUMAN-

Ask about Veronica, her sister. Use that to get close to her.

"Don't you have a sister named Veronica?" I ask.

"Oh yeah. And isn't Evan Hansen your brother?" She asks.

"Oh yeah. We don't get along to well..."after the stupid squip corrupted him like he did to me.
I didn't add the squip part though.

We both know you liked the popularity
I didn't like abandoning my best friend!

Are you sure?
I..I...I- of course I am

You can't lie to me Jeremy! I'm in your Brain! I know you agree with me. And here is another chance for popularity. You get close to Janis, you get close to popularity.

Why should I listen to you?

Because Jeremy, if you don't I can still control you, and all your actions. So no matter what, you are completely powerless. So it's better to willingly comply then me causing you easily avoidable pain.

I can just call Michael and get some Red Mountain Dew.

your not gonna do that, or I'll make sure that Michael will hate you for the rest of your lives.

I felt hot tears rise. That god damn machine is right. No matter what, I'm stuck. I take a shaky breath.

I won't have to abandon Michael will I?

When I'm done, your not gonna even remember that.

W-what do you mean?

You can't lie to me forever. I know how you really feel.

I...i.. do i really want Michael out of my life?
I sigh, just need to get through the day then use my code with Michael, cause I'm prepared!

Okay Michael is prepared-

"Hey Janis, want to go out for some coffee some time? " I ask

. "Eh, sûre. See you around, ghost boy."

"Ghost boy?"

"You look like you saw a ghost. It's cool." She says and walks off." Four o clock? tomorrow?" I ask.

"Sure" she yells out.

I sigh. This is Brooke all over again. I head back home.

'Can I tell anyone about this? Evan?'

No. Also, Evan won't talk to you anyway. Now come on, we need to find those clothes we bought!

What's wrong with this?

Jeremy, Janis won't ever like a guy who dresses like he's gay.
But I don't like her!
You will.
What if I don't want to.
We both know that's bull

I need a drink, NOW.

Now before all you Boyf riend shippers get in a tizzy, JEREMY DOES NOT HATE MICHAEL OR WANT TO ABANDON HIM. The squip is tricking him. Because if something in your brain says you hate someone enough, you'll start to believe it.
He'll start BELIEVING He wants Michael out of his life, not actually wanting.
It's more squip manipulation.

I'm the fricken worst aren't I?

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