Chapter Sixteen~ Dead boys walking.

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I was sitting at lunch with our normal crew. Jeremy sat down. He looked exhausted. Like he had cried all day yesterday. "Hey guys." He says.

"What the hell happened to you Man? You look like your a corpse!" Rich says. "I'm fine! Just Um.... getting a bit sick." He says. I don't buy it. I don't need to be a theater dork to know he's acting.

Then we see Michael, normally he sits with us, but today is not that day. He takes a glance at our table and walks to sit somewhere else. He points at Rich and motions for him to come over.

"That's new! Hey Jer, why isn't your boyfriend sitting here like usual." Chloe asks.

"One he's not my boyfriend. Two we had a falling out." He says defensively.the last part being more a whisper. Everyone was shocked. Those two we're inseparable.

"What happened?" Jake asks. "Lets just say, it's for the better." He says, looking absolutely emotionless.

"Is that why your so... horrible looking today?" Brooke asked. He nods.

"I'm fine. Trust me. Hey, Rich do you think you can do me a favor?" He says. "Sure!" He says. Then the two walk off for privacy.

"Heere is totally hiding something." Jenna says. "Absolutely!" Chloe confirms. "And we're gonna figure it out!"

Rich(more new stuff!)

I grabbed Jeremy's arm and pulled him into the bathroom, handing him the red. His eyes lit up.

"You can thank your boyfriend. Now drink up."


Burn in Hell, toaster.

I drink. And scream.


I was sitting next to Max and Lisa. "So are you guys like a thing or..." i ask. "Yeah we are a thing. Hey are you ok though? You look... depressed." Max says.

"MAX!" Lisa yells. "It's true!" Max yells back. "I'm fine. Just... peachy." I say.

Good job, now they think your depressed.
Can you stop talking?
What's with the attitude?
Sorry I don't like having SEX, with a random girl...
You'll get over it.

"So how's your friend.... the one Daniel was talking about." Max asks. I flinch, crap, Jarey.....

"Um... i don't know.... I haven't talked to him to much...." it's true. I hadn't talked to him, been kinda avoiding him.

Max grabs my arm. "Let's go. We're gonna talk to him right now."

"But it's lunch! We have three more periods! Max, I swear if your doing what I thin-" Lisa lectured.

"Yep sweetie, we are breaking into Jared's school! And you, Evan, are gonna save your boyfriend." She says. "My boyfriend?" I ask. "Yeah, now come on."

I pull away. "No, look that guy is a jerk, told me to kill myself so much... I don't want him as a friend." Okay the first part was true but I love Jare... I need him..
Good boy.
I hum.

"Holy- oh my... Im sorry Ev..." Lisa places a hand on my shoulder, I smile softly.

"Well screw him too!" Max kicked the dirt.

You know, I swear these two have been better friends then anyone I've had besides Jared.

Really short chap I know.

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