Chapter Seven~ Its Time for Big Mistakes!

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I was walking with Max to the party. "I'm not drinking. Or socializing. And I'm leaving at 10 p-" I clarified until I oh so rudely get cut off by my best friend.

. "Listen, live a little! Get drunk! Stay till 2 AM! Have fun! And TALK TO PEOPLE! I know it's a foreign concept." Max joked.

I gave her a look and said "shut up! People are over rated. Also I can't promise me not cowering in the bathroom, while reading fanfiction." I say, teasingly.

"Whatever, Loser." She says, with a smirk.

"Screw You!" I say.

This should be fun!


I was dressed in a striped shirt, grey hoodie, black pants, and shoes. I felt out of place.

Everyone was drinking, dancing, getting drunk, and all around being insane. My heart was racing and my fingers were going ballistic. I can't do this I can't do this WHY AM I HERE HIDE HIDE HIDE-

If you try to hide I'll shock you.

Looks like we have to talk to people tonight! Greatttt...

I see Max joking around with some crazy girls, and Lisa hiding in the corner. 'Wish I could do that.'

Walk over to her and talk to her.

I walk over and wave. "Hey Lisa!" I say. "Hey Evan. God I hate this party." She exclaims.

"Why?" I ask, though can tell why. "I don't do well with chaos. Or parties. I wish I could just leave, but Max will never let me live it down!" She says frustrated.

"I get it." I confirm. "Really? You seem so social and... you know... normal!" I flinch. She thinks I'm normal? Social? Jesus Christ this girl does NOT know me-

See, I'm helping you.

"Wow thanks!" I say, losing my balance.
Suddenly I hear a familiar voice shout. "Social? Normal? Girl, your talking to Evan Fricken Hansen. This guy is a tree hugger!" A raspy voice calls. 'Shoot.' "Hey Jared." I say, awkwardly. Welp there goes my sprite of confidence I had.

He just ruined my shot with being friends with this girl.

"Oh... um I'm gonna go..." Lisa said as she walked off.

"WHAT THE HELL, JARED?" I yell! Why am I yelling!? I don't YELL. Crap all the judgement and hatred loud loud-

I see the squip smile and gesture me to continue, glaring at me.

. "What, I couldn't have you lie AGAIN to a girl just to get her." Jared says.

."Dude! I was friends with her! I'm pretty sure she has a boyfriend! What the hell! I wasn't lying!" I say, angrily.

"Dude, What the hell are you wearing. And what are you doing at this insane party? This isn't like you!" Jared yells, rolling his eyes! Of course he wasn't taking this seriously. Not taking ME seriously!

"Well maybe you don't know me..." I whisper."what?"

"I SAID MAYBE YOU DONT KNOW ME! YOU ONLY ACT NICE BECUASE OF YOUR CAR INSURANCE AND BECUASE YOU ENJOY DEMINISHING ME! AFTER ALL, IT PROBABLY MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF, AND NOW THAT IM NORMAL AND HAVE REAL FRIENDS YOU HATE ME!" I yell, not realizing that I'd been repeating the SQUIPs words by the end. There was an unfamiliar anger that didn't feel like my own or natural running through my veins.

"You idiot, Evan Hansen! I don't hate you! I'm just saying that you've changed! And not like with the Conner project where you just became more emo, you've completely changed who you are! Look at yourself Evan! You hadn't been the same sinc- Oh... oh..." Jared says, the last part being barely audible.

Repeat after me
It's not my fault I have real friends.

"It's not my fault I have real friends." I say. Normally I'd regret this as soon as I'd say it, but right now all I could think of was Lisa and how he messed up my chance of making a real friend. And how angry I was.

"I have friends! You don't have friends! That's why I talk to you!" Jared says.

You talk to me for money, you don't care. And I would have a friend If it weren't for you!

"You talk to me for money, you don't care. And I would have a friend if it weren't for you! NOT TO MENTION YOU DRUGGED ME INTO A SQUIP!" I yell.
"I do care! And uh heh sorry-" He gulped, looks like his drugging backfired.

Bull crap! I don't need you and your hurtful comments!

"Bull crap. I don't need you and your hurtful comments!" I say. This time feeling my tongue burn at saying those words.

Jared actually looked hurt. I imeadiatly go to apologize but I feel my vocal cords close up. "I-I" that's all I could choke out, my anger high dimming.

You don't need him. Your better off without him. He's better off without you.

"Screw you Evan Hansen." He says and walks away. Feel my vocal cords open back up.
All I want is to run to him and apologize, but I know I can't. The damage has already been done.

He doesn't need a loser like you. A freak.
He doesn't need me...

you've been holding him back...

If he didn't hate you before, he will now. After all.... everything about you is so terrible.
It really is...

Everything about you makes me want to die.
"Everything about me makes me want to die..." I choke on the sobs.

I wish that tree was taller.

Good. Now your getting it.

And there I was, alone in a crowd of people, left alone with my broken pieces, there, for everyone to see.


This party is awsome! Yes I drank a few cups (not to many, I learned my lesson from last time) but I wasn't drunk. 

Martha didn't want to get involved again. I don't blame her. So I was stuck at this boring party. Hopefully my sister, Janis was having fun. Janis was a quite loud girl, feisty as hell, with black and blond hair, a weird combination that oddly works.

I notice a girl with curly orange hair drink her 12th shot. 'Idiot.' And a girl in a flowery dress and short brown hair cowering in the corner, both wearing identical necklaces. 'Must Be Friends. Funny how opposite friends can be.

I walk through the crowd of people and bump into a brown haired boy with glasses. He looked like he had been trying to hold in tears. "You ok?" I ask." Yeah." I hate these parties.
Then I hear.....

The whole party went silent.
Not another fire....
"There's a shooter out."

I fricken hate parties.

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