The Crystal

15 1 1

August 2nd, 1977


I had been traveling countless days to find this fucking crystal. I'd gotten lost, gotten hurt, and nearly fell off a cliff once or twice. The forest was confusing and lonely and right now, so was I. I came across a small pond and looked inside to see dark black water and something else. It was like red figures were swimming around in the water. 

It was then that I realized it was the pond of lost souls. It was said that anyone in Japan who wrongfully died, their soul would be trapped in this pond for all eternity. I looked deep into the water to see that their was something shiny at the bottom. It was the crystal, at the bottom of the pond of lost souls.  

How the hell was I supposed to get it? I thought to myself for a moment and dug through my backpack. I pulled out a hook and some rope and some gloves. If I was lucky the water couldn't get through the gloves. I tied the hook to the rope then dug back into my bag. 

I found a magnet and I prayed it would happen to be magnetic. I stuck the magnet on the hook and lowered it into the water. Lost souls tried to reach out of the water and grab me, but they couldn't. I reached the rock and it suddenly hooked onto the rock. But that must have sent off some sort of alarm because the water started to bubble and sizzle. 

I began to rapidly pull the rope up in my hands the water trying to burn through my gloves. It was almost to late but I managed to get the crystal in my hand. I wrapped it up in a cloth and placed it in my bag. I could head home hopefully. I turned around and saw someone sitting in the forest behind me.

It sister. She was dead, but she didn't commit suicide she was murdered. "Levana? Is that you?"

"Oh Becca, I've waited so long for you to finally come here..." She said quietly.

"Why is that?" I could feel that there was something wrong, something had always felt off about her death, even Millie refused to talk about it with me.

"My soul couldn't rest until I told you who killed me." She sighed again and walked over hugging me. She was solid but smelled like death and her hair was crispy and dirty. She looked and smelled like a rotted zombie had taken a bath in spoiled milk.

" who killed you? I said shaking a bit. 

She stepped back and opened her mouth which moths flew out of at me. Her eyes became black empty holes and blood rolled down them. as 'Millie' came out of her mouth in a deep dark voice.

I screamed and covered my eyes and crouched down on the ground. But when I looked back she was gone. I was left with it to burn in my mind. Millie had killed my sister, yet she killed her for me.

I couldn't begin to comprehend how she thought this was okay. I couldn't begin to comprehend how I would face her.

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