Draco's Story

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"Master is over there, in the corner". The elf pointed to the far corner of the room. There appeared to be a figure, hunched forward in a bed so that the nose almost touched the table placed in front of it.

Hermione was standing in the middle of the large, dull room. It was so dark, light from the only window making some places a little bright. She couldn't believe her eyes, that pitysome man was Draco? What had even happened to him? From where she was standing, there wasn't any injuries visible. Most of all, he was so still, so silent. She expected him to shout or react harsh, but this was weird.

As if sensing her thoughts the elf answered. "He has been like this for many weeks now."

She turned to him. "What happened?". She was surprised at the heavy tone her voice had taken.

"I am in no position to say that, madam."

"Then I will ask your mistress"

"She is so weak and feeble. She is already worn out from all that has happened"

"We are back to square one here. Listen, you have to help me. Unless I know what happened, your master cannot not be cured. Don't you want that?"

The elf had tears in his eyes. "I so want it. But I cannot..."

"Miss Granger, please come out." Narcissa spoke from outside the room.

"Mrs. Malfoy I.."

"You want to know what happened. My son was injured, when where or by whom I don't know but he was. The physical injuries were of course treated by healers but he is still affected..mentally. We cannot continue with healers help because my husband was worried it might ruin the family's reputation."

" Do you think you still have it- the Malfoy family reputation?" Hermione couldn't stop herself.

"I don't. He does."


"Let me go on. So that day, he had gone out with Mr.Bowman here on some family errand. And Draco was not interested, as is usual these days."
She took a long breath, paused and then added. "Draco was exploring the shops nearby. When my husband and our elf came back after a few minutes, it was to see my son severely injured in the head and legs, blood pouring out. Of course he was immediately taken to some healers who cleaned his wounds and treated his injuries. But the greatest shock to us was he didn't speak, not a word. He didn't smile, he didn't react in any way to pain or during the healing. That's when we were told he..he" She broke off, her voice breaking.

Hermione was guilty she made the old woman relive all that. She patted her shoulder. "We can continue later when you are ready."

Narcissa just smiled and continued the narrative. "That's when we received reports that the damage was internal too. Draco was psychologically disturbed, his mind is in chaos. He can't respond or react to the things around him. He is now living in a haze, a human machine who is fed and watered. My son..the Malfoy heir..my dear boy" She couldn't hold it anymore, she sobbed into Hermione's arms as they engulfed her.

After so many minutes of quiet crying, she slowly looked up into Hermione's eyes, which were pooling with un-shed tears.

Hermione recovered. "Sorry for making you do this. You know it was necessary"

"No Granger, I don't. I have lost all hopes, may be it's our punishment for all that we have done."

Hermione was suddenly angry. How can they just label his condition like that? No, she can't rest.

"Unfortunately I can't say the same since I hold a responsible position in Hogwarts. I will come back in a while to fetch Draco Malfoy. The official papers are here." She placed a neat blue file in the tea table. "This will have all the details about who the healers are and their signature on Non disclosure agreement. Some details on the treatment are given but those may vary, let me add. Please read it carefully and sign your consent. Thank you for your time, Mrs.Malfoy". She rose.

Narcissa just nodded.

Well, it has just begun.

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