Special Chapter

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April Fool's

Tsuna : Age 2

"Ah. It's the first of April." Aria looked at the hanging calendar, and said.

"Hm?" The two toddlers on her lap looked up with bleary eyes, groggy asking.

"Mama will tell you two a story, would you like to listen?" She withheld the urge to pull out a camera to snap pictures of them in their animal onesies.



"That's why, on April Fool's day, you can play pranks on people! But be good children, okay? Only on this day you can play tricks!"

Tsuna : Age 4

"Nii~ Nii~" Yuni bounced on Tsuna's bed, waking up the brunet.

"Yunwii~" Tsuna yawned, greeting his sister.

"April~ Fool's~ Day!" Yuni jumped onto her big brother, causing him to respond by tickling her sides.

The two children exploded into a fit of giggles, brightening up the atmosphere of the whole house in the early spring morning.


"Ma~ma! Nii, tickled me!" Tsuna pouted and complained to Aria.

"Mama~ Yuni jumped on me!" Yuni similarly sported a pout and complained.

Aria smiled, restraining a squeal, nodding in appeasement to the siblings.

She did not understand why they spoke like this though?


The cherry blossom tree in their garden was already in full bloom. Cherry blossom season came slightly earlier this year.

The Giglionero family and the Sawada family set a mat under a blooming tree in the park, sitting down to enjoy the view.

The four children lay down on the mat, enjoying the cool breeze while basking in the gentle warmth of the carcinogenic sun rays.

"Ah!" the two siblings sat up from their previous position, turning to the twins next to them.

"I'm Yuni~" The boy said.

"I'm Nii~ Tsuuuna!" Yuni exclaimed.

The twins blinked confusedly. "Eh?"

The two children repeated their previous words.

The twins still could not understand, and being confused, the only thing they could think of doing was to cry.

They sobbed and sniffled, pulling onto Nana's sleeve.

"Ara? What's wrong, Ie-kun, Yo-kun?" Nana held the two children, whispering soothing words and gently patting them.

"Tsu and Yuni..." Ieyoshi started.

"They became strange!" Ietsuna ended.

Nana looked at Aria with a questioning look.

"Tsuna-chan, Yuni-chan, come here!" Aria beckoned the little devils towards the adults.

They toddled, albeit unsteadily, towards Aria.

"So... What happened?"

"Is Tsuna-chan and Yuni-chan bad childrens?" Tsuna looked at the adults with pitifully wide eyes.

"But mama said we could play tricks today..." Tears welled up in Yuni's eyes as she explained.

"We're good kids!" Tsuna sobbed.


"So you played tricks because today is April Fool's?" Nana asked.

"Uuu~" Tsuna and Yuni sniffed, nodding their heads.

"But what kind of trick were you playing?"

"Soo... Me and Yuni..."


The four children continued playing.

Tsuna : Age 11

"Ie-kun, I hate you!" Tsuna mustered his courage and confessed.

Only that it wasn't a romantic confession.

"Ah?" Ietsuna's mouth gaped open, chopsticks falling onto the floor.


"Nee, Yoshi... What Tsuna-nii said... It was an April Fool's joke, right?" Ietsuna looked pale, his soul on the verge of leaving his mortal body.

"Huh? Are you an idiot?" The older twin looked absolutely disgusted at the stupidity of the younger twin.

"You mean that it's a joke right?"

"Hah? Obviously Tsuna-nii was stating the truth." Ieyoshi turned to his homework, ignoring the pest with similar DNA to him.


"Yeah... It's April Fool's day, Tsuna-nii must be playing a trick on me. And Yoshi's reply must have been a joke... Yes... Tsuna-nii can't possibly hate me..." Ietsuna muttered, the fact that he was Tsuna's bully causing Tsuna to hate him not coming to his realisation at all.

Tsuna : Age 14

"Ne, Kyoya..." Tsuna bashfully averted his eyes. "I made today's bento slightly differently, I hope you like it."


The lunch bell rang, signalling Kyoya to pause the signing of his documents.

He took out the bento prepared by Tsuna, lifting the lid up.

Rice with diced up umeboshi forming a red heart on the pearly white grains, hamburg steak in the shape of a heart, potato salad, tofu, heart shaped cut fruits.

Kyoya blankly stared at the piping hot meal made with love, slightly stunned.

But ate it anyways.

Did his heart go "Kyun" or "Dokidoki"?

Mmm, answer witheld.


Tsuna pranced into the reception room, humming cheerfully.

"Kyoya, how was my "love-filled lunch"?"

"Nice as usual." He replied, looking at Tsuna with questioning eyes, wanting to know the meaning behind the strangely warm meal.

"Happy April Fool's~" Tsuna giggled, before turning and running.

Kyoya took a millisecond to process what Tsuna meant, before tonfas magically appeared, and he ran after the trail of dust.

He had no way of explaining the sense of loss he felt.

Happy April Fool's ♡(*´∀`*)人(*´∀`*)♡
I had fun teasing them~

I rushed this chapter out yesterday, without much planning ╰[ ⁰﹏⁰ ]╯ (ó﹏ò。) So it's a little messy... (╯•﹏•╰)

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