Chapter 6 ~Bad Dreams~

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"Eva...eeevaa...EVA!", luke yelled in my ear forcing me to zone back in.

"What, what, WHAT!"

"Do you... Want to... Come on...tour...with... US!!!"

Just then i zone back out. I knew exactly what they asked but i mean wouldn't you freak out if your all time favorite band asked you to come on tour with them?! I mean...what are the odds of that? And i mean...its me! Little retarted, maniac, weird, untalented, fugly Eva. Like no. This HAS to be a dream. I hear luke whisper to the others that they lost me again. I zone back in just to see four heads staring down at me.



Ashton, micheal, luke, and calum pick me up and spin me around as a way to celebrate.


"Ok guys thats enough. Im starting to get dizzy"

"Ok guys its time to settle dow"-



Micheal, luke, and calum all pouted and walked away.

"Awww. Is somewone a wittle mad?", i say while poking ashtons cheek.

"Wha? Psh. No. Its just. They always do this. They are crazy"

I look back at the boys only to find them dying of laughter because of some keyboard playing cat vine.

"Ok then... so what next?"

"Well mrs. All american i guess its time hit the road! Whats your address?"

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We finally got to my apartment building. We had to come in taxi cuz the tour bus apparently couldn't be in the arena parking lot (saggy ass squirrels). So it's basically 2am, everyones sleeping and here we are. 4 retarted boys and a random girl who's dream is apparently coming true, how weird.

"WILL YOU GUYS SHUT UP!", i yell/ whisper(if thats even a thing) to the guys. They were arguing over who got the last skittle.

They all shut up.

"Thank you", just when i turn back around to open my apartment door i hear the boys bickering once again over the damn skittle. I turn around and slap the skittle out of lukes hand. They all look down with frowny faces.

"Well i aint eating that shit", micheal says

"YIPEE MORE FOR ME!", luke grabs the dirty skittle and places it in his mouth," tastes good too"

I just shake my head and open the door. I signal the boys to come and sit on the living room couch. They do so and i tiptoe into my room. I had to be careful in packing my stuff because nina was next door. I kept the door open though in case one of the boys decide to go on a quest around my house and end up going for ninas room.

I grab my purple four wheeled luggage(this was @calumdabae's translation) and fill it with my toothbrush, conditioner and shampoo, clothes of course, a couple shoes, and accessories as well as my computer and glasses. I zip up my bad, turn off the lights and walk out.

I make a head count knowing that the boys were capable of running off somewhere. I only counted 3 heads. I knew right away who's head was missing.


"Idk", calum shruggs then skips down the hall to the elevator.

"I dont know either", micheal runs away to calum and ashton followed quickly behind.

Just then i heard something crash to the ground inside. Shit. I quickly open the door only to see luke on the floor and nina's art trophy on the floor in two pieces. Shit shit SHIT! I signal luke to get out and he runs away. The lights turn on in nina's room and she steps out bat in hand.

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"So you mean to tell me you thought you saw a space unicorn soaring through the sky."

"Yes. Yes i do"

"Ok then...what are you doing with that?", she points at my luggage and i immedietly freak. Fuck fuck fuck. I couldnt lie to her. So i told her

"Im leaving. Im going on tour with 5sauce."


"Oh thank god your happy i was afraid"-

"I am happy but im also mad"

"Oh well you gotta work on your expressions hunny"

"You could have told me before. You were about to leave without saying goodbye as well! Ugh. You know what. Have fun. I'll see you soon", Nina hugs me then closes the door.

"Well that was nice", i see ashton leaning against the wall arms crossed.

"Yeah. That was"

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"Ok well i would suggest you sleep with me. Your bunk is non existing cuz we didnt know we were gonna have another person added to our group. "

"Why you? Why cant i sleep with one of the other boys?"

"Well you know luke already"

"True true", i look back at him only to find him poking his penguin.

"And well calum sleep talks and micheal well everyone thinks he's a serial killer. Even us, and we've known him for like...forever"

"Oh. Ok then. To be honest he does. He acts like one too", i look at Michael now only to find him sharpening some knives.

"Hop on mi lady", I raise an eyebrow at ashton," sorry"

I hop on the bunk and then ashton hops on. I was against the wall. I was cold. Even under the covers I'm cold. The lights went out and ashton pulled the little curtain so the light doesn't come in.

"You seem cold"

"Yeah im always cold during the night. Even under the covers"

Ashton wraps his arms around me and surprisingly I'm warm now and i immediately fall asleep in his arms.

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"Hey baby"


"You look nice today?"

"Ashton are u ok?"

"Why wouldnt i be? Your here", he grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him.

"Ashton let go of me". I squirm around trying to break free.

Ashton pushes me onto the couch and rips me clothes off.

"I want you. Real good"


Once ashton entered my i shut up. Deep down inside i wanted him too.

I wake up. I open my eyes and see pure blackness. I turn my head only to see me and ashton huddled up together like before.


Ok so i finally updated yay! Oh umm i forgot what else i wanted to say to ya'll when i started writing this. Oh well bye ya squirrels

Btw this chapter dedicated to my bae. If you know comment of you dont still comment. I NEED SOMEBODY TO LOOOVE!(sorry for the jb lyrics. Its what came to mind)

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