300 & The Truth of Deimos

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~The mountain of the Oracle's palace~

"Welcome, Leonidas." said the Ephor. "We have been expecting you."

The ephors, priests to the old gods, Inbred swine, More creature than man. Creatures whom even Leonidas must bribe and beg, for no Spartan king has gone to war without the ephors' blessing. They step inside the pantheon where the other 4 ephors are.

"The Persians claim their forces number in the millions. I hope, for our sake they exaggerate, but there's no question we face the most massive army ever assembled." Leonidas says.

"before your plan is heard, what do you offer?" one of the Ephors said.

King Leonidas gets his bag, throwing it to the ground and reveals a large amount of gold coins then says, "We will use our superior fighting skills and the terrain of Greece herself to destroy them. We will march north to the coast, where I will make sure-"

his sentence was interrupted by a Ephor that says, "It is August, Leonidas. The full moon approaches."

Another Ephor says "The sacred and ancient festival. Sparta wages no war at the time of the Carneia."

"Sparta will burn! Her men will die at arms and her women and children will be slaves or worse. Now, we will block the Persian coastal assult by rebuilding the great Phocian Wall. And from there, we will funnel them into the mountain pass we call the Hot Gates, Now in that narrow corridor, their number will count for nothing. And wave after wave of Persian attack will smash against Spartan shields. Xerxes' losses will be so great, his men so demoralized he will have no choice but to abandon his campaign." King Leonidas says.

"We must consult the Oracle, trust the gods, Leonidas." the Ephor says.

"I'd prefer you trusted your reason." Leonidas says.

The Ephor then says, "Your blasphemies have cost us quite enough already, don't compound them. We will consult the Oracle."

Diseased old mystics, worthless remnants of a time before Sparta's ascent from Darkness, Remnants of a senseless tradition, a tradition even Leonidas cannot defy for he must respect the words of the Ephors.

(The Oracle speaks in a foreign language to the Ephor)

"Pray to the winds, Sparta will fall, All Greece will fall, Trust not in men but honor the gods and honor the Carneia" the Ephor translates the words from the Oracle and with that King Leonidas leaves the mountain to head back to Sparta.

~Sparta in the morning~

King Leonidas walks to the Spartans showing that their are 300 men.

"Is this all of them?" Leonidas said, asking his Captain.

"As you ordered. Three hundred, All with born sons to carry on their name."

"We are with you, sire. For Sparta, For freedom, To the death." Stelios says to his king, then Leonidas noticed the Captain's son next to the other Spartans.

"He is your son, he is too young to have delt a woman's warmth."

"I have others to replace him. Astinos is as brave and ready as any, no younger than we were the first time you stood next to me in battle."

"You are a good friend, but a better captain, there is none."

"Then what about me, Leonidas, surely you have not forgotten your general?" A marked warrior asks the king with a smirk then when Leonidas turns around he sees Kratos, the bravest Spartan general who became the new god of war along with his wife Lysandra the goddess of triumph. Y-n was at her father-in-law's side with a glare that would kill all the men looking at her with lust if it could.

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