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When I woke up I wasn't in the mood to go to school I just wanted to lay in my bed until Friday. I still got up though, when I finished getting ready I grabbed some bus fare and walked downstairs and grabbed a banana because I wasn't  in the mood to eat something heavy. I walked out the door went to go catch the bus because Drew wasn't going to school because of his concussion, his concussion wasn't severe, he would be better before the dance but something in me wished it would've been worse than what it was but honestly I think that was just the anger talking but at the same time it didn't feel like it. 

When I got to school Kanaiya tried to talk to me but I walked away from her because I didn't want to say something that I'll regret. When I got to class I just drew out the way I was feeling and avoided my work. When the bell rung my teacher stopped me before I walked out the door.
"Can I have a word with you Navada?" She asked me
"Sure, what do you want to talk about Mrs.Harell?" I asked
"Well Miss Jones I was going through your class work and homework for the last two classes and from what I see you're not doing anything. I'm just concerned because I wanted to let you know that if you don't get your act together you'll be repeating my class next year and I don't think you would want that." She said
"Okay I'll work harder" I said with a fake smile
"I'm counting on you" she said
"Yeah okay" I said walking out the door

She just pissed me off a little bit because I knew I was failing and it was high of her to pull me to the side and speak about my grade but I didn't give a fuck about that. I was worried about my health and school was my last concern, I was driving myself crazy more and more everyday and school only made it worse. During second block I fell asleep because everything we were doing was my last concern. The bell rung and I quickly rushed out to go to the cafeteria, I didn't sit in the spill out because I knew Maya and Kanaiya was sitting there. While in the cafeteria I sat down next to my teammates, I didn't speak to them because all of them were kind of annoying and not my type of people.

As I sat there I was just texting Da'lasia, until Chyanne, came to sit across me. Chyanne was a runner back on the team  she was good but I never talked to her because neither one of us were friendly or approachable.
"Why you so quiet?" She asked
I looked up from my phone and realized that she was beautiful as fuck, she had pretty eyes and red braces.
"Because I don't fuck with y'all, I'll usually be with Kanaiya and Maya but we not on speaking terms" I said
"Oh okay, I would ask why but I don't like getting in people business but why you don't fuck with us? We cool people well I'm cool people I can't really speak for everybody else." She said smiling

"I don't know y'all like that, that's why, the only time I talk to them is when we at practice and on the bus." I said looking back into my phone
"Damn you kind of mean, just feel us out and if you don't fuck with us then yeah." She said
"Nah I'm okay, I rather talk to you than them because they don't seem like my type of people just look at them...they all loud and ignorant so I'm good. You're welcome to stay but if you want to go back over there be my guess." I said
"Nah I wanna talk to you, you interest me" she said blushing
"Okay, I guess" I said with a small awkward grin because I didn't want to mistakenly flirt with her.

"So? How old are you?" She asked me
"I'm 16." I said blankly
"Same, So you plan on playing flag next year?" She asked just trying to make causal conversation with me
"Possibly, I don't know what my 11th grade year looking like" I said staring down into my phone to text back
"oh alright, what position you play?" She asked  trying to make me engage in the conversation that I was no longer interested in
"Cornerback? You?" I asked acting like I didn't know what position she played
"Runner back" she replied

Before I could reply lunch was over and god knows I felt delivered to leave and get out of that awkward bubble. She was cute and I would've flirted back but my mind was on Da'lasia and I didn't want to mess things up between us. After school mom came to get me because I had to go to therapy and honestly I wasn't looking forward to it because I knew that mom had put everything I did in the following week in the report but I had to do what I had to do. The only reason it bothered me to talk about what I've done is because I started to feel guilty all over again but then it was this part of me that felt like what I did had a purpose so honestly I didn't know who was in control.

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