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I sat down in class thinking of all types of plans,it's amazing how many thoughts cross your mind when you're planning on killing someone.

It wasn't all that serious though, hopefully he was the last person to kill but you never know who would get in the way of everything I had planned. In my mind I was just killing him in so many ways.

Being a killer wasn't easy but it was fun I only killed one person and I felt accomplished.

That incident with Coach was nothing major it could've been way worse than what it was I only left her breathing because I wanted her to suffer, I wanted her to feel the way I did when she suspended me from the team.

The thought of her not coaching again made me happy but also seeing her blood on a bat as I hit her made me proud but I had to choose which one was worse.

Her living in misery or her being dead, being dead would've been me giving her a chance to be relived from her misery so I couldn't have that.

I had no time to worry about Akita and her family. I had already gave the police my discharge papers for my alibi and just stayed out the way for Coach K's case.

The officers on Akita's case was dumb ass fuck anyway, I was a cold blooded killer standing right in there face and they didn't even know it. Nothing feared me, I just waited patiently for the right moments of everything.

(Kanaiya's point of view)
I didn't go to school because my shoulder was killing me and I was so livid with Navada for clashing into me.

I laid in bed and texted Drew so we can link and talk about something. Drew hit me back and told me he'll pick me up after practice so we could talk. I loved Drew and it made me upset when he had someone else. He had cheated on me our whole relationship and I couldn't help but be stupid for him. I didn't know why I cared about him so much after everything we've been through I should've been fed up but I wasn't I was still eager to talk to him whenever I had the chance. Our whole relationship was difficult and I wanted it to be easy but nothing changed. Our past together was dark and sickening that's why I never told Maya and Vada everything that happened between us. I couldn't tell anybody including Jaylin and I liked Jaylin a lot but my heart was with Drew. I hated myself for loving him but it was just something about him, it was more than the sex, we had been through so much together like I can't stress the history enough. I walked down the hallway to the kitchen to grab me something to eat, so I can take my aspirin. As I dug in the refrigerator the note that I didn't notice fell off, I was immediately aggravated because I already knew what it was. My farther was always busy he never paid me any attention he was always worried about my brother, Dc was his perfect child. If I ever needed anything I was asking for too much but if Dc needed anything football related or for himself period then he'll rush to give it to him. I never felt like I belonged to this family at all I just wanted to be free, I wanted my family to notice my dreams instead of just treating me like I was a ghost. I grabbed the note off the floor and read it in disbelief, I already knew it was going to be something stupid so I just skimmed through it. The note read "I hope everything is fine with your shoulder, just keep taking the aspirin if you feel any pain, I'll be home soon because I'm working late and it's possible that my phone will die and when Dc get home tell him his new cleats in his room" I crumbled up the paper and gasped out of disgust. I hated this family my dad always paid attention to Dc. I wish I knew who my mother was, maybe she would've paid me some attention and supported me. Dad never missed Dc's game but he never showed for mine. He complains that my games are not convenient and that work gets in the way since my games take place early in the day. I ate the sandwich I made and watched cartoons until I fell asleep. I woke up to Dc marching in the house all loud like he didn't see me passed out on the couch.
"Why the hell you so loud" I asked rolling my eyes
"I don't answer to you" he scoffed back at me
"Bitch shut up, anyways. Dad say that your cleats in your room" I told him
He didn't reply he just hurried to his room. I threw my trash away from my sandwich and walked to my room and right when I sat down Drew texted me telling me he was on his way. I got up and got ready, I threw on some sweats and a hoodie and called it a day. I walked by Dc's room and told him that I was leaving soon. He asked me where I was going and I hesitated to answer the question. I just looked at him and tried to walk away but he got up and started following me.
"Why are you following me?" I said turning around to face him
"Where the hell you going?!!" He yelled
"Why is that your business?" I asked rhetorically and rolling my eyes
"You better tell me where you going or I'm calling pops" he replied
"I'm going to see Drew now leave me alone!" I said walking toward the door
"No you not! I told you bout him, you got niggas fighting over you and shit all because you wanna be stupid over Drew. He don't care about you Kc don't you understand that? I'm trying to protect you!" He said pulling my arm so I won't be able to open the door
"Let go of me! I don't care what you say! You don't understand me and him have something I just don't know what it is yet just give me a chance to redeem myself. Just let me talk to him just for this one time I need to get something off my chest" I told him
"You know what? I don't care what you do bruh, it's your life" he let go of my hand and walked away. I opened the door and went to go meet Drew. I opened the door to his car and sat down, he looked over at me.
"You good? What happened to your eye?" I asked him as I tried to grab his face
"Nothing bruh but what you wanted to talk about?" He asked me ignoring my question
"I wanna know, Dc already mentioned something about boys fighting over me. Did you and Jaylin get into it?" I asked now sitting up from my slouch
"Yeah now can you drop it? I came to talk about something else not about what happened!" He replied angrily
"Can you relax? It's not that deep I just wanted to know if you were okay. But I wanted to talk to you about us, Drew your confusing me. One minute you acting like you don't want to see me with nobody else and when I drop that person for you, you back to your old ways. I don't know why I care about you so much you make me feel like I'm not good enough. I deserve something way better but I'm stuck on you and I don't know why. You're no help all you do is lead me on and you know that shit! So what the fuck is up help me look un stupid!!!"
"Listen bruh shit complicated and you know that. I don't know what to tell you I just..." he tried to say but I cut him off
"You never know shit! I'm sorry for thinking that you were everything I thought you could've been" I opened the door and walked back in my apartment complex. I was fed up at this point I tried to make it work with him but he was being stupid, I owed Jaylin a big apology because Drew was just a distraction. He didn't really want me, I built him up and he spit in my face. I was there for him no matter what but now it was fuck him forever I didn't care anymore I was tired.
(Navada's point of view)
It was like 8:30 and I haven't got a reply from Da'lasia all day, it started to make me really angry. I had to remind myself that she wasn't my girlfriend and that I didn't deserve an explanation but it was hard because I really liked her and cared for her. I took my pill and got ready for bed and I wanted to go to sleep but I couldn't because it was like my day was incomplete without talking to her. No matter how or when we talked to each other I just wanted clarity so I can be able to sleep but she wasn't replying. My body finally gave in and my eyes instantly closed and I was dreaming. Sleeping was brief just as I thought my whole dream trauma was over here came more shit. The dream was a mixture of everything, the same thing with killing someone and my dad drowning in the ocean. As I jumped out my sleep I was sweating like a slave, my heart was going 500 miles per second and I felt dizzy. I didn't understand, I thought I was getting better but apparently not. I was panting really loudly but that's when Drew burst in my room and grabbed me. I was so horrible to him it was like our sibling relationship had went downhill since the beginning of the year. We drifted apart and it felt weird when he still looked out for me. I knew Drew didn't hate me but I never understood why his love didn't change for me, he always came to my rescue when nights like this happened. He never understood my trauma but he was always there regardless of the situation. Once again we were in the bathroom, it was 12 o'clock at night and he was there tapping me with a warm rag. I looked up at him with tears filling my eyes, he was so sweet to me for no real reason.
"Drew can I ask you a question?" I asked with puddles of tears developing more in my eyes
"You just did jit but nah what's good?" He asked
"Why are you always here for me? For god sake I hit you over the head with a plate. Haven't I put you through enough?" I asked him with tears now pouring down my face
"Man vada I'm not worried about that. I don't understand what you going through, I never did ever since you were 6 I never knew what was good with you. The only reason I haven't left your side is because I got the patience you my dawg Navada. I'll always be by your side no matter what, regardless of what happen to you. Remember when you were 7 and you killed the twins rabbit because Libby  pissed you off? I knew you were different from the three of us that night I helped you bury it. The only reason mom don't know about it is because I covered for you, whatever happens in your mind I hope one day you can get help for it because you scare me vada. That's why I'm patient with you, that's why I try to avoid getting into confrontation with you. I don't care if people think I'm crazy for putting up with your bullshit, you my baby sister and you need help and I'll always be there for you. I'll do whatever I can to make sure you're comfortable and protected that's why we were always close"
I didn't have any words I just hugged him, I wasn't sad or moved by his words although it was a sad situation I just didn't feel anything and I didn't know why. Times like this made me question myself, if I wasn't sad where the hell did the tears come from? I wiped my tears away and went back to bed. I didn't touch my antidepressant bottle I just left them where they were because obviously they weren't working.
I was knocked out cold until my loud ass alarm started to scream into my ears. I rolled out of bed like I always did rolling onto the floor seemed to help wake me up better. I got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast. As I ate my crostini I thought to myself, why the hell was I taking so long to do it. What was holding me back? I was ready to do it I was ready for action I just didn't have anything planned and that messed me up because I needed something I had a bunch of thoughts but no complete plan. The frustration built inside of me like "WHAT THE HELL IS SO HARD ABOUT KILLING SOMEONE???!?" I screamed to myself. Most people had a hard time deciding what they will wear tomorrow but me...I had a hard time planning on how to kill someone. LMAO this is too funny I just want them dead nothing more nothing less, anything will do no matter the cause of death. I wanted that feeling in my hands again that cold blood splatting back at me as I entered the knife into the soft flesh. I needed a goddamn plan and I needed it fast! I checked my phone and I had about 5 messages from Da'lasia, I was annoyed because this dumb ass bitch didn't text me all day and here she was appearing from god knows what hole and she's trying to tell me she apologize. I was never the one for apologies I hated them, I always accepted things for what they were depending on the situation. I looked down at the phone and didn't text back she didn't deserve a text back she deserved a knife slitting her throat. After breakfast we were off to school, when I stepped out the car Jaylin wanted to talk to me. He pulled me off to the side and told me that Kanaiya had forgiven him and told him that she was sorry about the whole Drew thing.
"So are y'all getting back together?" I asked Jaylin
"Yeah I want to because I really care about her and no offense but I don't give a fuck about your brother not anymore Kanaiya is my girl and Ima do whatever I can to make sure it stays that way" he replied
"None taken, I hope y'all be great" I said with a fake smirk
The only reason I wasn't overly happy for Jaylin was because me and Kanaiya weren't talking right now. I practically wished I would've hurt her more but unfortunately not. I was about to approach Maya but that was until she walked away after making full on eye contact with me. It wasn't like she didn't see me because we looked each other DEAD in the eye but I just brushed it off. I didn't care about anything else but this blood scene I wanted to cause and honestly losing my friends was the last thing on my mind, I'll miss them but if they decided not to speak to me then so be it. After school it was time for practice and I was so frustrated I was so ready to let go of the built up anger inside of me. Coach blew the whistle and the courses took place, I was running so fast it was almost like someone was chasing me. When coach called break I went to grab more water out of the trainer room, on my way there I bumped into Derrick I was thrown away. I hated bumping into his stupid ass, everything in me wanted to get rid of him too but killing him was a two man job all because of his huge body shape. I was muscular but I wasn't that strong so I just left him alone and his death would've been too obvious plus he was my friend brother so I spared him.
"Can I help you?" I said as I tried to get by but was blocked
"Nah I gotta tell you something." He said as he grabbed both of my hands
"And what exactly do you have to tell me?" I said trying to let go of his grip
"Bruh I gotta tell you something just chill" he replied
"Proceed I don't have all day" I said getting snappy with him
"Alright. I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry for the way I acted, I should've never been yelling at you and I know this late but I felt like I owed you this"
"Okay cool" after that I just walked off I didn't give two shits about his stupid sympathetic apology and it wasn't that I didn't believe him it was just that I  genuinely didn't give a fuck. I got the water back on the field and hurried so I can get started since Derrick stupid ass took all my time. After practice I saw Jasmine's car I didn't think anything of it, maybe she was here for Drew but I was completely wrong. Da'lasia hopped out the car and marched over to me with full force. I was prepared for the bullshit and if she started I was destined to FINISH. When she got to me she just flew off the handle and me being me I just stayed calm and waited for her to finish.
"You didn't get my text? I texted you at least 5 times this morning and still no reply like you have no good reason to why you didn't respond!!!" She said
"I had more than a good reason!! All your little excuses about not having your phone because you left it is all bullshit!! I bet if I were anybody else you would've did anything to reach out to me but instead you didn't! You all on Instagram showing off your body and shit but you can't shoot me a text from that same phone that you use to Instagram from. The only reason I didn't bitch about anything is because your not my girlfriend yet and honestly it's probably for the best! I'm good off you, when you know what you want then you can get to know me but other than that stop wasting my motherfucking time with your non sense! The choice belongs to you so do whatever you please but don't make it seem like I'm the only one who fucks up!" She didn't have time to say anything because I had walked away from her. Her argument was weak and I was through with the bullshit I couldn't take anymore blaming from anybody I no longer cared  for who  it was. I was fed the fuck up and I was tired of playing miss goody two shoes, if anybody even thought about trying me I was going to ruin their lives but that was only for the simple shit...big things took time and it had to be given some thought because I can't slaughter the whole world,I only had one person on my hit list and that was it. After Drew's practice we went straight home I thought everything was peachy until Drew broke the silence with non sense and times like these I wished I would've hit him with more than just a plate.
"What the hell happened between you and Da'lasia? You got Jasmine blowing up my phone calling you a asshole because you made her cry" he told me
"Drew I don't care people cry everyday she's no different from the rest of them and honestly I don't care she came to me with bullshit so she left with bullshit! I'm not letting nobody walk all over me I had enough of that bullying shit when I was four and five enough is enough! I refuse to be anybody's target so therefore if someone aims at me I'm aiming back regardless of who they are" I replied
"Vada you missing the point you tryna make this about you when it's not! What the hell did you say to her?" He asked me
"I said a bunch of shit I don't fucking remember but if anybody should be crying it should be me she started the shit and honestly tell Jasmine to mind her fucking business this doesn't have anything to do with her!" I answered
"That's her big sister how you gon say something like that? If it were you then I'll do the same" he replied
"But it's not me" I got out the car and headed inside today was crazy as fuck everybody was just piling bullshit on my shoulders and trust and believe it weighed a lot. When I walked in mom and the twins were setting the table up for dinner, mom greeted us and I walked toward the stairs to go hurry and wash up for dinner. While in the shower the perfect plan crossed my mind, it just came to me so clear. I felt accomplished It just came to me so pure and naturally and honestly I never been so grateful in my life. When I walked downstairs Nathan was sitting his bald headed ass down in my chair but I didn't make a fuss. If I wanted things  to go my way then I had to be friends with the enemy. I engaged into conversation with him all night it felt marvelous to know how well behaved I could be. After dinner I helped clean and went off to bed I had to make my plan work out beautifully it was already flat out in my brain all it needed was some polishing.

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