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During dinner I got mom's attention to tell her about my plan to help Navada.

"Mom I think you should read Navada's letters she needs our help." I told her

"What do you want me to do? She's guilty, she hurt that poor boy for no real reason. I can't help her she needs to help herself. The police is already building a case on her so what the hell can I do? Why are you so worried about her anyway?" She asked me

"Building a case on her for what? And Lili and I went to go see her. She's desperate for help mom, I know she guilty but damn at least go see her" I told her

"Vada is being accused of a lot of things right now and -" She was trailed off by auntie Connie's statement

"You get that child some help. You know Navada ain't no regular person so you help that baby and stop being bitter" She replied

She just shock her head agreeing to everything we said and then dinner was officially over.

Third person point of view
After dinner everyone went off to bed but Libby couldn't take the guilt she felt so she decided to tell her mom.

She walked over to the room Constance was staying in, tears filled her eyes and she sat down on the bed.

"Mom I know something and I'm so sorry that I didn't say anything before but I saw Navada" Libby told her mom

Constance sat up in her bed and asked Libby what she was talking about.

"It was dark and I wanted some water. Lili's snoring was keeping me up that night and I kept tossing and turning so I finally got up and attempted to go in the kitchen-" Constance cut her off

"Libby, baby what are you saying?" She asked

"No mom let me finish. When I got up to go to the kitchen I saw Vada wi-with a knife in her hand. She was standing in the doorway of you guys room when I saw her. I then rushed back into my room when I saw her because I got so scared I didn't want her to see me and kill me too. Mom I'm so sorry I should've told you but I stayed quiet" she continued to say

"You listen to me Libby it's not your fault. It's normal to feel scared so don't beat yourself up" Constance kissed Libby on the forehead and hugged her.

Libby went off to bed and Constance stayed awake until the sun started to rise. She didn't know how to feel about what Libby just told her, she knew what this meant for her daughter and she knew what she had to do even though she didn't want to.

Navada's point of view
It was early in the morning when the guards told us to get up. It was the ass crack of dawn and we always had the same day.

The days were like how it was when I woke up for school. We ate breakfast, went out to the yard and then back in, played games and ate lunch and dinner then it was lights out.

After breakfast that morning we went out to the yard, it felt good to be outside. The fresh air gave me a hint of happiness and a little hope. Juvi was no place for no one especially not for me. I was a good person I just did what I wanted and didn't let anybody disrespect me.

I was standing by the gate talking to Red when Cindy snatched me by my clothes with hella force.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked her pushing her away from me

"No what the hell is wrong with you? You're walking down the wrong path being with Red. Do you understand what she's capable of? People respect her for a reason!" Cindy said barking at me with anger

"People respect me for a reason too! I'm not your problem anyway! Worry about yourself and your release!" I replied to her

"I'm just trying to look out for you Vada! I just don't want nothing to happen to you" she replied

TwistedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora