The storm

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Navada's point of view
It was finally time for my plan. I woke up feeling great. Breakfast was being cooked and Drew was up early this how I knew I'll have a great day and a smooth operation. I walked downstairs after I got dressed. The smell of pancakes and fresh cut strawberries made me smile mom sure knew how to make a good breakfast. "Good morning" I said to Drew and mom when I sat down to eat. They greeted me with a happy good morning back and I smiled and waited for mom to scoop the food onto the plates. We ate breakfast and then got ready to leave to go to school. On the ride there me and Drew song along to music on the radio. I was having a good time because I knew today was the day I'll put my plan into full effect. I've never been so happy in my life. I got out the car and greeted the guys and walked past Maya and Kanaiya since they still weren't talking to me. I wasn't a ass kisser so they could stay mad. Maya was going through a lot at the moment but I didn't care because that was her business. I went to class, put my best foot forward and made all my teachers happy from the hard work I put in. Once second block was done I was happy to go to lunch because I was starving, for lunch I rode with Drew. We went to snappers and enjoyed our meal there. After lunch we went back to school and finished the rest of our classes. When the afternoon bell rung I got up and headed toward the gym to change into my clothes to get ready for practice. When I got to the field I put my headphones in and started to do my laps around the field. Coach called the different sections for today's practice and sadly I got put into the group with Maya and Kanaiya. I wasn't letting that ruin my happiness because if I did things would get real ugly. We ran our routes and practiced until coach blew the whistle. We brought it in and went to go wait on our brothers. I scrolled on Instagram and listened to music as I watched Kanaiya and Maya play uno in the corner of my eye. When coach blew the whistle I actually waited for my brother on the stands all because today was a great day and it was about to get even better. Drew put his gear up and we walked toward the car. On the drive home I fell asleep I guess a little power nap wouldn't hurt anything I mean I would need all my energy for when I put the icing on top of the cake. When we pulled up I quickly hopped out to be the first one to get in the shower. I cleaned myself up and went downstairs to help mom set the table for dinner. Nathan came downstairs to help out as well but he made me leave so I just went back upstairs. I went to my room and double checked everything I had to make sure I had everything I needed. I couldn't mess up on this, because one mistake and that was my life down the drain. Mom called us downstairs and I shut my door behind me and went to claim my seat. We said grace and made a little chat trying to make dinner feel homey and great.
"How was everyone's day" mom asked
"I had a brilliant day, I actually enjoyed myself so much" I said excited
Everybody's eyes locked on me and I just smiled back at them
"Come on guys I'm not that bad I know I can stress this family out at times and that's my fault but today was great and it only gets better by the hour" I said chuckling
"Well I'm happy for you vada, a good day for you is excellent for everybody" mom replied
"Yeah I'm happy for you too vada, but my day was boring I had a math quiz and I don't think I did to well on it. Math isn't really my thing" Lili said
"Well Lili you know I'll help you out if you want me to" I replied
"You for real?" She asked me
"I'm for real I'll help you out...I promise" I said smiling at her
"How was y'all day? Drew? Libby?" Mom asked
"It was straight, same old same" Drew said
"I had a pretty alright day" Libby replied
"Oh okay good, I'm glad all my children had a pretty good day" mom replied
"Right" I said laughing
We talked more until it was time to clean up and get ready for bed because school was the next day. I helped mom clean the table off and wash the dishes all because I wanted to make her happy until further notice the pain she was going to feel later on was unpredictable and I was sorry but not really. After we cleaned up I went up to my room and dazed off into space just falling deep into the fantasy of my crazy thought. The way I thought of things were so gruesome and insane but I believed that it was nothing wrong with me. I had a regular mind I just thought different from others and to me that was a good thing. When I heard the house get quiet I did my walk through just to be 100% sure that everyone was asleep. I walked downstairs with my bat and started to ruin everything in our living room. I ruined my mom's china and even busted a window. The glass shatters were loud but my family slept through anything. I walked back upstairs to put the bat away and made sure everybody was still fast asleep and surprisingly they were still knocked out. I put my latex gloves on and threw on my black hoodie for reassurance, wearing it made me feel 10 times better than I actually felt. I quietly walked downstairs and grabbed the biggest knife out of the wooden block. I walked back upstairs and into my moms room. I walked over to the side of the bed and instantly started stabbing him. The soft feeling of his flesh as I stabbed him made me excited. I wanted to make him unrecognizable but I didn't want to wake my mom. I stabbed him 18 times and then went to rinse off the knife with bleach,soap and hot water. I threw my hoodie in the wash and cleaned myself up. I burned the gloves in our fire place and went back upstairs to pretend like I was sleep. The next morning when I woke up was about to be so crazy. A bloody murder I had was beautiful.
I woke up to police sirens. When I got up I knew what they were here for. I had to play it off though I couldn't make them believe that I didn't care. When I walked downstairs the police,mom and Drew were sitting on the couch talking about what happened. They were so stupid they really believed that we were robbed. Mom looked horrible her hair was a mess and her clothes had his blood all over it.
"What's going on?" I asked as I urgently walked toward the couch.
"We got robbed and somebody killed Nathan" Drew replied
"What the hell? Mom are you okay? Who would do such a thing?" I asked
"That's what we're trying to figure out right now" the police officer said
"I don't understand but who are you? You look new." I replied
"I am,I'm detective Kodie I've been hired to figure out all these mysteries and tragedies that's been happening. We'll find who did this in no time with my help" She said
I was annoyed because it was a know it all cop, the police wasn't doing their job good enough that they had to hire somebody else to crack the codes on these cases. The words that flew out her mouth made me feel like I was already caught, I felt like she already put me under arrest.
"Where the hell are we suppose to go now? If we aren't safe in our home where can we go?" I asked
"I already talked to Auntie Connie she said she'll let us come stay with her" mom replied
"What the hell? She lives too far from our school" I said
"NAVADA! I don't have time to argue with you I'm the adult and you will do as I say now anyways" mom snapped and said
You can tell she was hurt. I knew she'll be broken about his death but I didn't care he had to go. 
"I'm sorry to ruin the whole family discussion but um we'll be in contact ma'am" Officer Kodie butted in and said
"Thank you" mom replied
I couldn't believe the outcome I had caused. I didn't plan on moving with auntie Connie at all. I didn't think this all the way through, the more people I hurt the more trouble I caused. Nothing could stay in one place regardless of what I do about it. It start to frustrate me, I'm so angry that I can kill whoever gets in my way and I meant anybody. Mom swept up the glass that was shattered on the floor and told me and Drew to pack our bags and don't wake the twins. I destroyed my family more than before, I couldn't believe she was this sad about him being dead it wasn't that serious he was just somebody she recently met. I packed my bag angrily, this bitch was on some other shit. Maybe I did the most when destroying the house but really? Moving? Leaving? All this because his fat bald headed ass. Maybe poisoning him would've been a better solution but instead I had to stab him. I was so pissed that I wanted to kill him again because he was a dead man causing all these problems. When I finished packing I called out to mom. She didn't answer, so I walked downstairs and she was just sitting on the conch again. I think I made her lose her mind again, I didn't understand why did she care so much it started to annoy me. I walked toward the opposite couch, sat down and asked her what to do now but she didn't say anything she just stared into space.
"I didn't understand why every man I ever love or care about ends up dead. I don't deserve this, I deserve to be happy. Everyone is just out to get my happiness I don't get it." She said to herself
"Mom! Mom? Are you okay?" I asked her
"I don't know Navada I don't know at all. Go wake up the girls but don't tell them anything I don't wanna scare them and tell Drew to hurry up. I have to pack my bags." She replied
I went upstairs to wake my sisters up, they both were grumpy and grouchy.
"What's going on? Why we waking up so early?" Libby asked
"Just pack a suitcase and mom will explain everything later" I replied
"Pack for what? Where are we going? Are we going on holiday?" Lili asked jumping up and down excited
"No we're not going on vacation and somebody needs to stop watching those British tv shows" I said
"What? They're really good shows like who can resist?" She replied
"Just pack a suitcase silly girl...we're going to auntie Connie's by the way" I told them as I walked out to go to Drew's room
"AUNTIE CONNIE'S???" I heard them both say
I laughed to myself and peeked my head in Drew's room.
"Mom said hurry up" I said
"Damn can she wait? I'm tryna make sure I got all the fye fits" Drew replied
"Don't be rude her boyfriend died...give her a break" I replied
"I know that bruh but I'm trying to forget but it's kind of not working. I never seen that much blood in my life. Whoever did that had some real beef with his ass cause the crime scene was's nothing for anybody to see or forget" he said
"I'm glad I didn't see it because lord knows I probably would've puked" I said lying
I knew if I saw it I'd probably laugh my head off but that wasn't the case. When you do something like this you have to make folks believe that you actually care about what happened. We walked downstairs waiting for mom and everybody packed up in the car and we were off to auntie Connie's house. Auntie Connie was an older lady, her house was hella old school. She still had plastic on her couch, a glass jar of mints on her coffee table and two dining room tables, one you can eat on, on the regular basis and another one that was eaten on only during the holidays. She was a sweet lady, I loved her since I was a kid but the twins didn't like her as much. They always thought she was evil and the last time they saw her was during the funeral when dad died. They looked at her as she was mean but she was very sweet. Drew is Auntie Connie's favorite, she buys him everything. I remember when it was Christmas we came to her house and she brought him more stuff than me. At the time I was very jealous that I stole one his trucks that she gave him and once he realized it was gone he panicked and I helped him look for it knowing good and damn well I had it. As for me auntie Connie saw through me, ever since I was a kid she always knew how I truly felt and I didn't have to utter a word. Sometimes it scared me because I didn't understand how'd she read me so well. Now that I was older and she was wiser I knew she would be the first one to know if something was wrong with me. When we arrived we knocked on the door, she opened it and there she was. A short,skinny, light skin lady with blonde hair.
"Hey y'all, y'all come on in. I'll have Ben help y'all with the bags. Go on Drew help uncle Ben pull those bags inside" she said
"Hey everyone, oh lord look what the cat done brought in. It's the twins, oh god they are so beautiful Constance just look at them. And look at vada oh my. Girl you are as tall as that tree out there. I missed you all very much I can't believe it's been this long." She exclaimed as she took a look at everybody
"Yeah I know, I'm sorry I haven't reached out to you but I didn't know who to call in this moment but Jalen always told me if I ever needed anything just call on you." Mom said
"Girl don't you worry about it. Your like family and even with my nephew being gone I'll always look out for you and these babies. You can't do everything on your on you know that right Constance?" She asked
"Yeah I know but I don't like to depend on people because I start to feel like a burden" she said
"Baby you don't ever have to worry about that. Like I said I'm like family and If y'all ever need anything I'm here. Y'all girls go unpack, it's a room for you all upstairs that Ben and I already set up" she replied
"Okay" the twins said
I just looked at her for at least 5 seconds. I couldn't believe it, I had to share with these 2 dumbasses. Sharing a room with Lili was hell but with Libby too?, I was gonna have to control myself because her mouth was off the hinges.
We walked upstairs and unpacked our clothes, the room was a pretty descent size. It had a bunk in the corner and a single bed in the other corner. Auntie Connie actually thought this through because if it was just two beds I would've jumped out the window.
"This is a nice room although I still don't understand why we're here. I like my room why'd we leave and I know you know Navada" Libby said aloud
"I wish you shut up. You always find a way to make every situation you're in negative just shut up. Don't talk to me Libbiana because every time you do you make me wanna punch yo ass in the face" I replied
"Can y'all cut it out. Every time you 2 are in a room together y'all always find out a way to argue or fight about something so stupid. It's not that deep who cares why we're here, we alive right? Just shut up and chill and like you said Vada we're sisters so I'll appreciate it if y'all start acting like it SHIT!" Lili said breaking up our argument
"Well okay" Libby replied laying down on the bottom bunk
"Thanks Lili for that marvelous speech, you're really learning something from your brother and sister" I replied laughing
"Whatever!" She said laughing back
"Ahhh auntie Connie put y'all in a room together! Can't relate!" Drew said as he walked past the room
"Shut up!" We all shouted
"Yeah yeah y'all just mad anyways I'm going to my room that my favorite auntie set up for me" He replied as he walked off
"I'm not gon cap but Drew ugly ass fuck" Lili said breaking the awkward silence making me and Libby die laughing
"Yo Lili What the fuck? That's your brother!" I said dying of laugher
"But still like look at him he gotta peanut ass head and those gappy ass teeth! And you talking about me you roast him all the time" she said
"This not about me right now" I said chuckling
"Not the point" she replied
We finished unpacking and watched tv until auntie Connie called us down for dinner. We prayed and auntie Connie asked us about school and our extra curricular activities.
"Well me and Drew play sports I don't know what the sponge bob twins do" I said laughing and dapping Drew up
"Oh don't be a dork" Libby replied
"Exactly we have talent too we just aren't as athletic as you 2" Lili replied
"Exactly! We don't do sports we do editing and stuff" Libby added in
"Editing what? Y'all ugly ass tick tocks" Drew asked in a sarcastic tone of voice
I barked because it was so funny because they always made those weird ass tick tock videos.
"Drew stop cursing and I hope tomorrow y'all know y'all going to school" Mom said
"How Ima go to school if I don't have my car?" Drew asked
"You can drive mine, Ben and I don't go anywhere so feel free" auntie Connie said
"Oh alright then I'll just go pick it up this weekend when I get the chance because I love my car that's my baby" Drew replied
We finished up dinner and mom helped auntie Connie clean the table. I went upstairs to go to bed but I couldn't because Lili was snoring loud as hell and Libby act like it was a Marvin Gaye love song the way she knocked out. I tossed and turned and stared at the roof until my eyes got tired because I wasn't giving in. The snoring was killing me, I missed my room already this was ridiculous. I finally fell into a deep slumber but it wasn't long until the loud alarm on my phone beeped loudly in my ears making me fall on the floor.
It was time for school, I couldn't believe mom let us go to school. That was a bitchy move, she got time off work but told us we had to go to school like what kind of shit was that? Unbelievable. I hopped out of bed and pulled out something to put on out the drawer. The smell of bacon,biscuits, and grits opened my nose as I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. I rushed downstairs anxious to eat.
"Good morning baby, get a good nights rest?" Auntie Connie asked me as I came downstairs
"Nope! Your niece snores like a grown man" I replied
"Which one?" She asked laughing
"Lili"I answered
"Awwwweee! Not little ol Lili" She said
"Yes her! She looks like a baby but snores like 75 year old man" I replied
"Leave her alone! But here have some breakfast, there's no better way to start the day." She said putting food onto my plate
"Smells good" I said picking up my fork
"You already know! Where's your brother?" She asked
"I don't know probably still sleep, that boy act as if alarms don't exist" I told her
"Let me go wake him up because I need him to eat something
She walked upstairs and I finished eating my food. A little while later she came back downstairs with a fully clothed Drew. She made him a plate, we ate and then left to go off to school. She waved goodbye as she stood outside. I looked out the window the whole way to school. I didn't want to go because I knew people were going to have their questions about what happened, I wasn't ready to ignore them I just wasn't. When we got to school Drew stopped me from getting out the car.
"Look Vada, people probably know what happened back at the house but don't answer no questions just ignore them. Alright?" Drew told me
"I make no promises" I mumbled as I got out the car
I walked passed everybody we knew I couldn't face them right now I wanted to go straight to class. I saw Maya and Kanaiya talking as I walked pass, they didn't say anything to me and vice verse. I got to class and I heard their dumbass whispers it triggered something in me it made me wanna attack all of they asses but I couldn't do that because I was a one bitch army. So I just sat in my seat and ignored them. Second block was aggravating because I kept hearing the whispers. I ignored them in first block but I couldn't do it anymore.
"You weren't at my house so you can you shut up, its students in here trying to work" I said to this one girl
"I wasn't there but I know what happened sweetie my sources are brilliant" after she said that I just flew across the classroom. I attacked her, I punched her in the face one good time until Mrs.Harrell broke it up.
"You mind your goddamn business you white hoe! You don't know shit about what happened at my house stupid bitch so stay where you are! That's what wrong with people y'all always worried about the wrong shit!" I screamed out as Mrs.Harrell held me back.
"Quiet Miss Jones, Sarah go to the principal's office. Both of you!" She presses the button to call security to come and escort me to the principal office so I won't do anything to Sarah on our way there. We sat in principal Tatum's office and he asked Sarah what happened first. I waited for a lie to slip out of her mouth so I can look at her with a evil grin. If one lie slipped out I was going to hurt her brutally.
"She attacked me" Sarah said
"What did you do to make her want to attack you?" Principal Tatum asked
"I said something about her house being robbed" she replied
"That's the problem right here your suppose to be doing your work but instead your interrupting other students and bothering another one. What happened at her house is her business not yours. Sarah I'm suspending you for the total of 5 days. Now Navada you tell me your side"
"The moment I walked in the class everybody had their little slick ass comments about what happened. Everyone always have something to say especially if they don't know what the hell happened. I was already fed up from the little sayings this morning so when I heard them again in second period I lost my cool" I told him
"I understand that your angry but you can't hit anyone for what they say so just because you hit first I'm suspending you as well for the total of 5 days" he said
"That's complete and utterly bullshit. I bet if I were one of these privileged children who's parent work here you wouldn't suspend me at all but whatever!" I said as I walked out
I went back to class to finish the day out. After school Drew heard about the whole situation, I don't know how but the word traveled fast and when he got word he wasn't too happy with it.
"What the fuck Vada?" He said as he walked up to me
I was standing outside the gym with my practice clothes on just thinking how I was going to explain this situation to my coach.
"Not now Drew" I said walking away from him
"What you mean not now! YOUR SUSPENDED!" He yelled out
"And your black tell me something I don't know!" I said
"Okay and? It's only 5 days get off my dick!" I replied
"Okay so what? What if I don't make it to college and then what? I don't know why you care so much anyway it's not you. You're doing just fine! Your a starter and you have many scholarships rolling your way so what the fuck are you so pressed for? If anybody should be stressing it's me not you." I told him
"I care because your my sister and you are going to make it to college stop saying that!" He yelled
I walked off and went to the field trying to practice but coach stopped me. I knew what this meant, I couldn't practice or play...I was suspended and benched, I was pissed at myself because I did this and there was nothing I could do to fix it.
Maya's point of view
I skipped practice and went to go see Derrick. Today he was getting out of the hospital and I was going to make him confront the police about Navada and her actions. When I got to the hospital mom and dad was standing in the room talking to Derrick. I greeted everybody and waited till the nurse came to give him his discharge papers. He signed them and they unhooked his I.V and he was free to go. Mom and dad drove home and we followed behind them, I needed Derrick alone because mom and dad didn't know about our plan yet and we needed alone time to talk it out.
"So what's the plan?" He asked
"I say we swing by today to tell them what happened I mean your already up" I replied
"I agree" he simply said
We got home and settled,and told mom we were meeting up with some friends. We knew that was a lie but we wasn't ready to tell them what exactly happened yet, they were old and had to process things.
We got to the station and I was nervous but I wanted justice for my brother regardless if Navada was my "friend" or not.
"Excuse me my brother and I will like to make a statement" I told the police upfront
"For what exactly?" The lady asked
"The case that officer kemp is on, the Derrick Mercy case" I said to her
"Oh, one moment please" she replied
"Okay Officer kemp will see you, just go down to that room right there on your left" she told us
We walked in the room and sat down next to each other with Officer kemp looking at us.
"Okay so what's up guys? What's the statement and Derrick it's good to see you back on your feet" he said
"It feels good, but Officer I think I know who did this well I'm actually positive who did this" Derrick said
"Who was it" Officer kemp replied
"It was Navada,Navada Jones. She's the one who hit my brother with the bat" I told him cutting right to the chase
"And how do you know? You can't make assumptions like this without any concrete evidence" Officer kemp replied
"I told you we needed evidence" Derrick mumbled to me
"No we don't! She confessed it" I said to him
"Guys what's going on?" Officer kemp questioned
"When I was in the hospital Navada and Drew came to see me and that night I started to feel crazy and the nurses found out that somebody injected some drug in my I.V bag. Also I know it was her because I got to the gym before her, she was suppose to meet me there. Then that day she came to the hospital,I heard her whisper in my ear to not blow her cover and if I did she was going to kill me" Derrick replied
"Okay this sounds very concrete to me, we'll get right to it...DETECTIVE we have a lead"he shouted out
"Alright guys, you can leave thank you for the information your case should be closed soon." He said opening the door for us

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