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After lunch everybody went back to the cabin to pack up. It was upsetting to return home but we had to leave. On the drive back I listened to music and took a mini nap until Drew tapped my shoulder to wake up. I got up and went inside the house, mom was sitting at the table with Nathan and I quickly avoided them because I had no time to blow up because I was in a good mood. While unpacking my clothes I was texting Da'lasia but was interrupted by Drew entering my room.
"Why you in here?" I asked him
"You seen my Nike socks?" He asked me
"Nah" I blankly said
"Damn I probably left them at the cabin" he said to himself while about to walk out
"Drew?" I called out
"What?" He answered back
"Why did you and Kanaiya break up?" I asked
"You already know, it's because I got somebody pregnant but the baby wasn't mine" he said walking out
I was going to press him for more information but I just let it go. I knew it was more to the story and I was going to find out. Kanaiya always act weird around him and I wanted to know the whole story of why but nobody wanted to talk about it. Later that night mom called us down for dinner, I walked downstairs and greeted the twins as I walked downstairs. Everybody sat at the table, including Nathan and I just stared at him in disgust I wanted to fly across the table just by looking at him that's how angry he made me. I couldn't stand him at this point and he didn't even do anything yet but I didn't care because I still felt betrayed.
"Okay I have some big news to tell y'all" mom said
"What's the news?" Drew asked
"Okay so while you and Navada was gone, Nathan and I spent a lot of time together" mom said as she got into the news slowly
"Can you just get into it" I said getting irritated
"Okok, well the news is that Nathan is moving in" she said smiling
I just sat there and just thought about everything. I didn't know what to say or how to react, that news just threw me out the window and honestly I felt angry but at the same time this will make things easier for me. I knew If I exploded then things would be difficult for me to target him so I just stayed calm and ignored what she said.
Drew just nodded and I figured the twins already knew because they continued eating when she said it. Lili looked at me and I ignored her glance because I knew staying quiet was the best thing for me right now. After dinner Drew helped mom clean up the table and I walked up to my room to throw my tantrum that I been dying to let go. Before I could scream or act out Liliana walked in my room, sitting down on my bed.
"What's up Lili you okay?" I asked her
"Yeah I'm fine, I came to check up on you" she said
"I'm Gucci, why you ask?" I asked her
"Because of the news mom dropped tonight. I knew it bothered you, you just didn't say anything because you didn't want to get angry" she said
"Well you definitely know me, but I'm completely fine. I'm happy for mom I'm glad she found somebody to love and care for her" I said fake smiling
"I know you're lying but whatever I'll just leave but if you ever wanna talk or need something I'm always here" she told me as she walked out
Liliana and I had a weird bond, we barely hung out but we knew each other like a book. She was my favorite twin because she never judged. She had such a pure heart, she could love you even if you did her so dirty and that was the difference between us. I believed in getting even but she was the one who always forgave no matter the circumstances. On the other hand, the tension between Libby and I was thick. She hated me with a passion ever since she was old enough to know what happened to dad. She was the reason I felt guilty at a young age, at  about 7 years old I stopped feeling guilty because the guilt turned into anger. She always held my condition against me, she was the reason I hated those names people splatted at me.
I went to sleep with a lot on my mind, just thinking about the things I wanted to do. My minded exploded with ideas but I had to be patient which made me irritated because I had to wait.
Monday, 6:55A.M.
I woke up still tired because I went to sleep around 2 o'clock. When I got ready I rushed downstairs to hurry up and eat something. About 10 minutes later Drew came rushing down the stairs fully dressed, he grabbed a apple and we walked out the door. On my way to school I looked out the corner of my eye and saw him shooting a text to Kanaiya, saying "don't tell nobody nothing...idc" I raised one eyebrow out of curiosity because what the hell were they hiding. I knew this secret had to be dark, deep and very serious because Drew told me everything and this probably was the first thing he kept something from me. It took Kanaiya to get upset in order for her to spill the beans about my brother and her. This secret had to be scary, it would probably ruin hella friendships and that's probably why they kept it but I was going to dig and find out what the hell is so serious because I couldn't take this secretive shit anymore it was starting to work my nerves. When I got to school I only saw Maya because Kanaiya didn't come to school which I thought was weird.
"What's good?" I said walking up to Maya
"Hey" She replied
"Kanaiya ain't come?" I asked trying to know the reason
"No, she said she didn't feel good" Maya said
The bell rung and we started to walk toward class but before I could walk any further, Jaylin called my name out.
"What's up?" I said as I turned and walked toward him
"I need your help" he told me
"With what exactly?" I asked curiously
"I wanna know what happened between Drew and Kanaiya...the truth" he said
"I gotta go, we'll talk more later. Meet me by your car after second block, we need to figure out what happened alone no extra company" I told him as I walked away
I waited around for lunch because I was dying to know what Jaylin had in mind. We needed a plan to get the truth out of both of them. While thinking about the plan I totally forgot about what I had done, as I was thinking I saw the police walk in my class and instantly I remembered I hit coach with a bat. For some reason I didn't get scared or worry about what they were here for. I didn't regret anything I did so I shouldn't feel guilty and plus it wasn't my fault, it was strictly hers, she should've kept me on the team instead of suspending me. The suspension was temporary but I didn't care, she knew how much flag football meant to me and she completely ignored it. The police whispered something to my teacher and then faced the class. She asked if some of the girls from the team could be pulled aside for questioning. That was me and two other girls in my class, I stood up and pretended to be worried and act clueless like I didn't know what we were getting questioned for. I walked out and the police officer pulled me aside first.
"Hello I'm officer Moss, As you know Coach K has been brutally injured while in the locker room Friday night and I wanna ask you some questions and it's nothing personal it's just because you're on the team" he said
"Okay, and I don't take any offense do whatever it takes to find out who did such a horrible thing to her" I said pretending to care
"Ok, where were you the night this happened?" he asked me
"I was home, I didn't come to school Friday because I was just released from the hospital" I told him
"Well okay, I just need a copy of your discharge papers and your good" he said as he walked away
I walked back into class feeling relieved and happy that the police didn't have shit on me. It was finally time to go to lunch and I quickly gathered my books. I met up with Jaylin at his car so we could figure out what the hell was up with Kanaiya and Drew.
"Okay so before anything happens, we need to figure out a plan" I told Jaylin
"You right, so let's start from 10th grade year" Jaylin said
"Okay so they revealed that they were dating for a long time so it had to be last year like you said. Clue one is that Kanaiya always acts weird when we're altogether and Drew is very rude to her" I said
"True and she didn't come to school today, talking bout she didn't feel good" Jaylin said rolling his eyes
"Yeah Maya told me, why would you think she'll act awkward around him or try to avoid him after the trip?" I asked
"Bruh I don't know this shit aggravating, we have to figure out why they broke up and we'll know everything we need to know" Jaylin said
"Okay let's start off easy, so for starters I don't believe the whole the baby wasn't mine story...I don't give a damn what they say or what they trying to make us believe" I said
"Yeah me either, I think Kanaiya still love him and I think it's deeper to why they broke up...I think your brother dumped her" he said
"He probably did, but this morning I sneaked a peek at his phone and he texted Kanaiya telling her not to tell nobody. Why would he dump her though?Wait! Jaylin didn't you like Kanaiya in the 10th?" I asked
"Nah and I think we should get into they phones because I have Kanaiya passcode" He said looking toward the window
"How you want help but you over here capping about small shit and yeah that'll work I'll see what I can do" I said rolling my eyes and then agreeing to his suggestion
"Okay I did like her but Drew always told me to back off so I did and alright bet I'll probably pull up on her tonight to go through her phone" he told me
"Okok, you do that and I'll go through Drew phone when he's asleep or in the shower or something" I said
"Okay cool, that's the plan then" Jaylin said to me
I got out his car and went to my last 2 classes and waited till it was time to go home. I had to do some digging and if that meant going through Drew's phone or getting extra help. I was going to do it just so I could be at ease and help out Jaylin. When I got home I killed time by getting ready for the next day and texting Da'lasia. It was finally time for Lili and Libby to get home and I was excited because I needed Lili's help. When she walked in I called out to her when I heard her march up the stairs.
"What's good?" She asked as she poked her head in the doorway
"I need you help with something." I told her
"Okay let me go put my stuff down. Wait! Why aren't you at practice?" She asked me
"My stomach was hurting so I skipped and just caught the bus home" I said lying
"Oh okay, well I'll be back" she said walking away with her book bag still on her back
She came back inside and sat next to me and asked me what I needed help for.
"It's about Drew and Kanaiya they had a secret relationship and her boyfriend and I wanna know the reason they broke up because it's like every time Kanaiya gets around Drew her energy shifts." I explained to her
"Okay cool, so you want me to sneak Drew's phone or guard you while you take it? Because now I wanna know why they broke up too" She said giggling but I knew she was being serious
"I just need that phone we'll figure out a plan when he gets back" I said
"Okay cool, I'll come back in here when he gets home" she said
"Alright cool" I replied
She walked out the room and we waited for Drew to get home. When he got there Lili instantly ran into my room telling me he was here.
"What's the plan?" She asked rapidly
"I don't know. If he comes in my room try to grab his phone but if his phone is on him then we'll wait till he gets in the shower" I told her
"Okay bet" she replied
I sat on my bed waiting for the unexpected. As I waited for Drew to walk upstairs I just texted. After a while he finally came upstairs, dropped his stuff off in his room and made his way down the hall and into my room.
"You good" He asked as he sat down on my bed
"Yeah, why?" I asked
"Because I heard bout coach K, she in the hospital. I heard a new replacement suppose to be coming in though" he told me
"Yeah I know I talked to the police today, they want proof of my alibi and I'm good. I hope they find out who did this to her because that's fucked up. But when the replacement coming?" I asked him
"Yeah me too but I don't know I didn't get word" he told me
While he talked I saw Lili in the hall waving the phone around, I winked at her and pretended to care about what Drew was talking about. When we finished talking I watched him walk in his room and grab his things to go shower and I was happy because this meant we had time to go through his phone. When he closed the bathroom door, Lili rushed in my room and shut the door.
"Okay what are we looking for?" She said turning on the phone
"We have to go through his messages with Kanaiya" I told her
"Does he have a password?" Lili asked
"Yeah but I know it hopefully his stupid ass didn't change it" I said grabbing the phone to unlock it
When I unlocked the phone I started going through his messages with Kanaiya all the way to the top. Nothing was interesting until a certain message made me stop.
The message read "I don't want anybody to find out that I'm pregnant Drew, they already don't know about us. Especially vada, how do you think she'll feel if she finds out?" I just stared at the phone, I started to lose focus but I had to scroll more. I scrolled some more and that's when I saw a jaw dropper, "I lost the baby" the message read. I was speechless because this is what they were hiding from us. Kanaiya got pregnant from Drew and lost the baby and now I needed more of the story. I wasn't going to snoop anymore, I was going to call Jaylin and if he didn't have anything more then I was going to press Drew for information. I handed Lili the phone back so she could put it back, then I called Jaylin. He told me that Drew was cheating on Kanaiya with multiple females and that she got pregnant by him twice but lost the baby both times. He sounded hurt so I had to ask him what was wrong and that's when he out and said it. "Kanaiya is still in love with him, she just told me. She was trying to make things work between them but failed each time. I was just a distraction for her." Before I could say anything he just clicked and I sat there speechless: I didn't know what to say, so all this time Kanaiya was upset about Drew being with Akita. I don't understand why they kept their relationship a secret though but it's whatever I knew the truth and Jaylin did as well.

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