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Once again I woke up getting ready for the same shit. I was about to get ready for school but that's when Drew came by the bathroom door and told me that mom said we can stay home since we had to get ready for homecoming. I didn't say anything, I just looked at him and walked back in my room to go back to sleep. I woke up at like 11:30A.M so I could get ready for the day and prepare for tomorrow night. Mom made us eat breakfast and then we left the house, mom dropped Drew off for his haircut and then we left to go get my nails and feet done. At the nail shop I picked out a color and waited my turn.
"Pedicure?" The Korean man said to me
"Yeah" I got up and walked over to where he was. He started to clean and massage my feet then started to clip my toenails, after he painted them all white. When I was done getting my toes done I went to get my nails put on My mom paid then we left to go get my hair done, I waited my turn and then finally it was time for me to get my hair done. The lady flat ironed it and lord was I jumping every time she came close to my roots, mom kept telling me to stay still but I couldn't help it my mom paid then we left. I was pose to get my hair done the day of but mom wanted to get everything major over the day before. When we got finished we went to go get Drew, when he got in the car he had a lot to say.
"Mom I called you a thousand times, where y'all was?" He asked
"I told you bout riding me, I'll have you waiting forever and I was getting Navada ready" she said laughing
"Damn it take that long for her to get prepared? No matter what you do you still gon look ugly" Drew said teasing me
"Leave me alone with your coconut headass" I said back to him
"Whatever! You think you cute cause you  got your hair done?" He said flipping my hair with his hand
"Boy stop before I slap you" I said moving his hand away from my head
"You mad?, it's okay I'm just messing with you, you actually look like a girl" he said laughing
"Drew shut up and stop talking to me because you starting to aggravate me" I said rolling my eyes
"Bruh I'm just playing with y-" he was cut off by mom
"Leave the damn girl alone boy" she said looking through the mirror
We got home and I went upstairs to wrap my hair up so it wouldn't mess up. Mom and Drew left so Drew can get fitted for his suit, I had to stay home because I had to be home when the twins got here because everybody knew they couldn't be home alone or they'll probably set the house on fire. I didn't have anything to do I decided to call Da'lasia to see what she was up to but I remembered that she was probably at school so I exited out the contact list and went to text her. We were texting about how we were excited but nervous about tomorrow night because it'll be our first public pop out around people who actually knew me. After a few hours of texting and lounging around the house it was now time for the twins to get home. I was in the kitchen getting something to eat when I heard the door open.
"What's up?" I said to both of them. Libby just marched up the stairs and ignored me but that was completely normal so I didn't think anything of it.
"Hey" Lili said with an attitude
"What's wrong with y'all?" I asked
"We got into a fight" She replied back while  sitting down on the couch
"About what?" I said sitting on the couch across from her.
I honestly was trying to be nosy because they never fought about anything major it was always small bickering but never to the point where they were angry and couldn't be in the same room.
"Libby just found out the boy she likes, likes me and I don't like him back but she flipped out when she found out and she didn't flip on him she flipped on me" she said rolling her eyes
"Why was she upset with you and not him, he's the one who fucked up" I said
"That's what I'm saying, I'm just trying to understand why she's mad about it. It's not my fault that Elijah likes me and not her. Then she accused me of liking him back and I to-" she tried to say but Libby cut her sentence short
"You do like him you betraying ass bitch, I should slap you because that shit you pulled today was foul ass fuck and I like how you ain't tell the full story. You know good and damn well you like that fucking boy, Kenya told me that you told her that you like him and I'm suppose to be your twin but anyways when I asked you calmly did you like him you told me no so that's why I'm mad" Libby shouted from upstairs
"Y'all weird! Y'all suppose to be sisters regardless of what happened and regardless of what Kenya told you. You never know if she tried to hype the situation so just relax because I don't understand why y'all tripping. Boys will come and go as they please so don't let no nigga get in between y'all twin-ship and don't ever let a bitch get in between it either. Yal-WE are sisters and it'll be like that forever so no matter how much we can get mad at each other at the end of the day we are still blood related to one another.Now hug each other and talk it out, y'all better not come home to tell me another petty stupid story like this because if y'all do I'm telling Drew and y'all know he loves to play therapist. " I got up and walked upstairs they really just threw me, I couldn't believe that was the reason for why they weren't talking to each other but thank god I learned something from Drew. I walked upstairs to wait on Drew and mom to get here because I was hungry as life and I didn't feel like heating up a TV dinner. Once it hit 5:00 o'clock mom and Drew were walking in the house, I rushed down and asked what took so long and of course they had to find  shoes and jewelry, only Drew extra ass  would want jewelry. Mom looked exhausted, she was ripping and running all day. Drew went upstairs to put his stuff up and I offered to help mom cook dinner. I helped her serve it too, we made chili, which was one of Drew's favorite dishes. After dinner I called Da'lasia just to hear her voice after we hung up I took my pill and fell asleep.
I woke up feeling great because I was excited, today was the day. I got out of bed and washed my face and brushed my teeth, after I got ready I went downstairs to eat. Mom had made a big ass breakfast like the white people movies. She made eggs,bacon,egg whites, waffles, sausage, muffins and grits. By the time I came downstairs everybody was down there already, Drew fat hungry ass had a plate in his hand already ready to eat.
"Nathan will be joining us today so I'm just letting y'all know ahead of time" mom said as she went to go set the table
I instantly rolled my eyes because everything was just fine when his ugly ass wasn't here but now that fat bitch was coming back and I became angry before he even walked in the door. The twins helped mom bring over the food, so we can have everything at our fingertips. Everybody sat down and we prayed, everybody started to dig in but we were interrupted by the doorbell. I already knew who it was and it aggravated me. He stepped in the house and said good morning to everybody, the only person who didn't say good morning back was me because I didn't like him at all. I hurried up to eat my food so I could leave the table and avoid saying anything wrong or bad. When I finished my food I asked mom when we were leaving the house to go get my makeup done and she told me around two o'clock, I nodded and went to go clean off my plate. Before I went upstairs I asked mom how I was getting to homecoming and she told me to ride with Drew, I got a little nervous because Drew didn't know about me and Da'lasia so I decided to just pretend like she was my friend. I went upstairs to take a nap to calm my nerve. I fell asleep and then I was awakened by Drew's dusty fingers touching me and telling me to wake up. I got up and got  dressed to go get my makeup done, when we got there I had to wait  30 minutes because someone was ahead of me. After the wait it was my turn, I did a light look because I didn't like makeup and this was my first face. After she finished on me I looked in the mirror amazed of how I looked. My mom paid her and then we went back home. When I got there I went to my room to call Da'lasia and tell her the plan. I told her that my brother didn't know about us so we couldn't be all lovey dovey, but I told her I was going to come out to him soon but it'll take a bit longer for me to tell my mom because she was homophobic. She understood and didn't give me a hard time, she hung up the phone so she can continue getting ready.
4 hours later...
It was now 7:00 o'clock and Drew and I were just leaving the house to go pick Da'lasia up. She texted me her address and I told him it.
"What happened with Kanaiya and Maya?" He asked
"They're aren't speaking to me right now so therefore I just got somebody else to be cool with." I said tracing  the design on my dress
"alright, I would ask what happened but I don't wanna know" he said chuckling
I just looked out the window, it made me mad that they weren't my friends anymore  because I missed them and it sucked being by yourself all the time. We pulled up to Da'lasia's house and she hopped in the car, she had on a long light blue dress with a v cut and a split and she wore a crown to compliment her dress. I stared at her like a real life heart eye emoji, she looked so beautiful but I had to snap out of it because Drew would've suspected something.
"Drew this is Da'lasia, Da'lasia this is Drew" I said introducing them
"Nice to meet you" She said with a smile on her face
"Nice to meet you too" Drew said pulling off
(Pictures of the girls dress and theme will be in the description) After driving forever we finally got to homecoming in one piece. Drew saw his friends and walked toward them and ditched Da'lasia and I but I didn't care because I wanted to hold her hand and walk with her anyway. I grabbed her hand and she just smiled at me, we walked in and the decor was beautifully they had blue lights everywhere, a walk way that looked like a igloo and they also had fake snow and trees. I was amazed by the decorations I honestly thought they were going to cut some paper up into snow flakes and do something completely on budget but I thought wrong. As we walked in the camera man took our pictures, we went to find a table to sit at until the dance actually got started. While I was sitting at the table talking to Da'lasia I saw May, Kanaiya, Jaylin and Dre walk in arm in arm. I looked at them for a spilt second and just went back to talking, they looked good though. Me and Da'lasia were still talking and laughing until my song came on.(perfect by Ed Sheeran) I asked her to dance and she gently gave me her hand I walked toward the dance floor. We were slow dancing but nobody saw us, as I was dancing with Da'lasia I saw Kanaiya and Jaylin dancing and Kanaiya kissed him I was shocked for a moment because when did they get together but I started to ignore it because they weren't my friends anymore. They changed the song and Da'lasia and I went to go sit down but then they played take your man by the city girls so I had to act out. I started yelling louder than the speaker to sing that song and when I looked over at Maya and Kanaiya table I saw that they we're singing along too. I smiled and just went back to shouting the lyrics the song ended and  then I felt somebody tapping me. I turned around and it was May, I got up and turned around.
"Yeah?" I said looking confused in the face
"Can I talk to you?" She asked me
"Sure, lasia I'll be right back" I said getting up and walking over to somewhere we can hear each other
"I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for coming at you the way I did, I should've never called you a mess that was wrong" she told me
"I accept your apology. So where y'all planed on going after homecoming?I asked her
"They said they wanted to slide to waffle house" she said
"Oh okay bet, who all coming" I asked
"All of they asses" She said shaking her head as she laughed
I walked back over to the table and explained to Da'lasia what just  happened, she gave me a hug and told  me that she was happy that me and my friends made up. After a whole bunch of dancing and a million pictures it was now 11 o'clock at night. I gathered my things and Da'lasia walked behind me to Drew's car. When we got inside Drew drove to Waffle House. We got out the car and walked inside with everybody else. Everybody sat at the same table and ordered one by one. While we waited for our food of course we had to catch up and talk about things.
"So y'all friends again?" Drew asked jokingly
"Boy shut up" I said back at him
"Y'all like fighting or something? Cause that's all y'all do" Jaylin said as he wrapped his arm around Kanaiya
"Jaylin shut up" I said rolling my eyes at him, he ignored what I said and flipped the subject
"Psa bitches!" Jaylin said trying to get everyone's attention
"Me and this egg head ass little girl is now in a relationship" Jaylin said smiling
"Oh wow I knew it! When y'all kissed at homecoming I knew something was up" I said laughing
"Well yeah we together...I'm happy with his ugly ass" Kanaiya said smiling
"Oh we know!" Everybody except Drew said
"Where everybody at?" Maya asked
"Fuck that! Where the food?" Jaylin asked
"Boy shut up and be patient" Kanaiya said
"You my girl and all but I'll still kill you" Jaylin replied
"Kill me then" Kanaiya said getting up in his face
He then grabbed her face and kissed her.
"Get a room!" Maya and Dre shouted together
"Oh yeah I meant to introduce y'all to Da'lasia. This is Da'lasia everybody and Da'lasia this everybody well not everybody, everybody because a couple people are suppose to be coming" I said
"Hey" everybody said
Our food finally came and we started to eat but that's when something caught my eye when I looked toward the door. It was Derrick and Dc walking inside when I saw Derrick come in I instantly rolled my eyes. He didn't show up for homecoming so I thought I wouldn't  see him all night but of course he came. They sat down and I started to eat my food a little faster because I was ready to go. Everybody was eating until Akita got up to leave the table but Drew grabbed her arm back but she snatched it away from him and walked out.
"What happened that fast?" Jaylin asked
"I don't know but I'm not getting up to see because when they argue it get hectic" I said
I looked out the window because I was nosy ass fuck, but when I looked I saw them arguing but I didn't know the reason but Akita seemed really mad. Drew walked back in and sat down and just went back to eating like nothing happened.
"What happened bruh?" Dc asked
"Nothing. She just tripping for no reason" Drew said shaking his head
"Let me go talk to her" I said getting up
"Don't go talk to her, if she wanna bitch then let her bitch" Drew said
I walked out the door anyway because I wanted to know what was going on. I walked outside and she was sitting in her car I walked over and tapped on the window so I can talk to her. She unlocked the doors and I got in the car.
"What's going on?" I asked her as I closed the door
"Drew is an asshole! He told me we were suppose to ride together at homecoming so I told him okay so I called him asking him when he was coming to get me but he was like I'll meet you there because I already passed your house to go get your friend so I asked him why didn't he just pick me up first and then go get your friend. So he tells me that he wasn't thinking like that so I'm like it's cool I'll just drive there. So he catches an attitude and tells me that he'll just double back so I'm like nah I'm already getting in the car. So he hangs up in my face and I didn't say anything about it. I get to the dance a little late and I went to go sit next to him so off backs he not paying me no type of attention so I'm annoyed and ready to go home. Then we get to Waffle House and I'm still trying to be nice and cordial with him but he still ignoring me so I ate my food and got up to leave then that's when he came outside to argue with me. It's whatever though Ima just go home, see you later vada."
"I hope y'all figure everything out and see you later" I opened the door and walked back inside
Everybody finished their food and while we waited for the check Dc asked us did we want to go racing so the whole table gets loud ass hell with everybody yelling "hell yeah". We pay for the check with everybody chipping in so we walk outside and everybody planning on who car they getting in since it's only five cars. Kanaiya hopped in with Jaylin of course, Dre and Maya got in the car together, me and Da'lasia got in Drew's car and Derrick and Dc drove by themselves. We drove to a backstreet and they said that they were gonna see who gets back here first. They lined up next to each other and started up the engines then took off. Drew was in the lead but that's when Jaylin was on his tail then finally passed him. Drew ended up getting second place and Jaylin won, after the race we all planned for a trip a week from now since the old gang was back together. After the race everybody ended up going home, Drew dropped off Da'lasia and I walked her to the door. I kissed her on the cheek and thanked her for coming with me. I went to go get back in the car and then fell asleep because tonight was long and tiring. We got home at 3:00 o'clock, I went to go take a shower and was getting ready to go to sleep but that's when Drew asked me what Akita told me, I told him that I was too tired to tell him and that I'll tell him in the morning.
I woke up and had the biggest headache of my life. I got up to go brush my teeth then went downstairs to eat something. When I walked downstairs Drew was sitting at the island eating a breakfast bowl, I told him good morning and he didn't say it back he just instantly asked me what she said.
"Well dang can I wake up completely first?" I asked him rhetorically
"Nope, not at all now what she said bruh?" He asked
"She basically said that you ignored her the whole night and that you caught an attitude with her" I informed him
"Bruh what the fuck she be talking bout dawg? I swear shit like this make me wanna leave her cause she stay saying stupid shit. She was the one with an attitude not me I just left her alone because I knew she was pissed off. Like bruh when I asked her to take a picture with me she completely ignored me so I left her ass alone. I need a new girl cause she bipolar ass fuck." He said putting his hand on his face
"Y'all relationship so retarded. So basically y'all was mad and ignoring each other? Don't answer that but y'all be tripping for no reason if it's that hard to be together then y'all don't need to be together." I told him
I got up and made me something to eat so I can take my pill because I didn't take it last night when I fell asleep. After breakfast I went to go take my medicine and then came back downstairs.
"How was homecoming?" Mom asked
"It was fun I really enjoyed myself" I said
"It was straight but Akita threw my vibe" Drew said
"What's wrong with y'all now?" Mom asked him
"I don't know she just be tripping" he answered
"That's not the case but okay." I said walking back upstairs to go FaceTime Da'lasia
I FaceTimed her and we talked about last night. She asked me what I was doing today and I told her nothing. She then asked me if I wanted to come to a museum with her. I told her yes but I had to check in with my mom first because I wasn't sure if I was good to leave the house. The only reason I asked her can I leave was because I was being a "good daughter" the better I behaved the more things I got to do. We hung up and I asked mom can I go and she said yes so I instantly ran upstairs to go get dressed. I was still getting ready when Da'lasia texted me that Jasmine and her will be here in 10 minutes. I quickly fixed my hair in a ponytail and then rushed downstairs to wait outside for them to come. Before I walked out the door mom told me to be safe and to be back before 9:00 o'clock because tomorrow I had school. I nodded at her and then closed the door. By the time I came outside Jasmine was out there. I got in and Da'lasia kissed me on the lips and hugged me. I asked her what museum we were going to and she told me it was the ice cream museum, I instantly got excited because I've never been. When we got there Jasmine came along with us but we split ways once we got inside the museum. Da'lasia and I took a bunch of pictures to remember this memorable moment. It hit 7 and we were just leaving, Jasmine went to Wendy's to get us some food because I didn't really have time to sit down and eat. She drove me home and I kissed Da'lasia goodnight, Jasmine then rolled down the window to say goodbye to me and when she did Drew was walking outside to go somewhere and he saw her. I waved back and she drove off.
"Damn Who that was?" Drew asked as his eyes got super big
"None of your business" I said rolling my eyes
"Nah bruh for real who that was?" He said following behind me as I walked toward the front door.
"That's Jasmine, Da'lasia's sister why?" I asked irritated
"She bad, put me down" He said begging me
"No, you have a girlfriend" I said
"So, what she don't know won't hurt her" he replied
"You a hoe for real but I'm not putting you down with her" I said opening the door
"Fine bruh I'll put myself down" he said
I walked in the house ignoring what he said. I walked up to my room and got ready for bed, I went downstairs and Drew was just getting back.
"Took you long enough" mom said grabbing the food away from him
"My fault the line was just long" he said
"Twins come eat" mom shouted
Everybody sat down and started to eat.
"Y'all quiet, y'all must've been hungry" Drew said chuckling
"Shut up Drew" me and the twins said
After dinner I took my pill and texted Da'lasia goodnight cause I knew if we got on the phone I was going to knock out quick because of the pill.

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