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Saturday, 9:30A.M.
Friday was a breeze nothing interesting really happened. Before I knew it was time to see Dr.vante again and honestly I was worried because that meant I had to tell him about that horrible dream because it related to me not taking my meds when I needed to take them. Meanwhile I had to put that on the back burner, last night was a crazy thing I was going through the motions when I was laying in bed. I was so fascinated with the idea of adding one more person to my hit list! I wanted it to be Derrick so bad because he needed to be dealt with after all the aggravation he put me through I was going to have to injure him to the point he needed to stay in the hospital but I didn't want to be too messy with my jobs. I already got rid of both Akita and coach, coach was fine but she wasn't coming back to work and lord have mercy that was perfect, coach young was cool and she didn't know anything about me being suspended and that was a relief. I was so glad I beaten coach k to the point she can't walk anymore, she talks but not as much we get weekly updates about her from coach young and the others may not care but I care all because I wanna know if she's getting better or worse and if she was getting better than I had something to do but that wasn't the case. She wasn't doing the best but it wasn't the worse and I was fine with that she just couldn't die because I want her to feel that misery that I felt. I snapped back into reality when I heard my name being called from downstairs. It was mom calling me so I could get ready for this terrifying appointment that awaited. After getting dressed I grabbed a banana and we were off to Dr.Vante, I've made known progress but I wasn't ready for this med talk, I knew he was going to assign another bottle of something else and honestly I was tired of taking pills I became a walking pharmacy with all the pills he filled me up on.
Dr.Vante's office
When I heard my name being shout out loud I prepared myself for the worse. I had to tell him bout my horrifying dream and I had to take a test. When I walked in he turned around and smiled at me, I just fake smirked back and sat down.
"Hello Navada how are you? It's been quite awhile." He said
"Hey Doc I'm doing fine...well at least I'm trying" I said as I sighed into the air
"Why do you say that Navada?" He asked me
"Because I had a horrifying dream at least three times and this time it isn't my farther it's like it's his dream and another one" I said putting my head down because I no longer wanted to talk about it
"Well did you take your antidepressants after the incident?" He asked me in a calm tone
"NO! They don't work I probably need something stronger I just wanna sleep at night" I told him now looking dead into his eyes just to notify him that I was very serious
"I'll see about that! Well I don't know what you want to do first. The test or me asking about your love life and I know that may seem personal but it's regarding to the test" he replied
"Let's do the test first, what is it anyway?" I asked him out of curiosity
"I thought your mom told you already but it's a sociopathic test it's just simple questions that I'm going to ask just so I know  for sure" he said
"What the fuck? She knew and didn't tell me? Oh wow I can't believe she lied plain in my face about something so stupid well I don't care what type of test it is I'm upset and I'm ready to leave so the sooner the better" I said with an attitude
I couldn't believe this stupid bitch why the fuck would she lie to me? They wanna test if I'm a sociopath and I didn't have the right to know? I can be whatever the hell they say I am but I'm mad that she lied because what the fuck!!!
"Okay let's start with question one, the test is only 7 questions long okay? Okay. Let's get started" he said
"Are you overly nervous or you do have any other neuroses?"
"Yes but it's very rare" I answered
"Do you tell lies or say insincere things?"
"Yup" I chuckled
"Do you feel shame or guilt?"
"Not at all...I mean I can feel empathy but I don't know how true that is" I replied
"Are you antisocial?"
"Yes but I still go to social outings so I'll say not really most of the time I'm pretending so you be the judge of that" I said
"Do you have poor judgement? And fail to learn from experience?"
"Definitely" I replied
"Are you responsive to others socially?"
"Like I said most of the time I pretend to get people to not notice me" I said
"Do you make false suicide threats?"
"Well not really, I had actual false suicide attempts" I laughed and said
He didn't say anything he just stared at me for about 20 whole seconds and finally excused himself from the room. I was confused, I didn't think I was a sociopath all because of the few traits that I had that other sociopaths didn't have. He walked back in the room, you could tell that his face was filled with fear. I never thought of myself as intimidating, so what the hell was he so scared of? As he positioned his self in the chair he took a big deep breath and started to ask me normal questions again.
"Okay so now that the test is over, we can finally get back to our regular therapy session" he said with a fake smile
"Okay" I replied awkwardly
"So Navada, tell me a little about your love life" He said
"Honestly I'm into this person and I like them a lot. I wanna fall in love but something is holding me back, it's like I like her but I don't think I'm capable of falling in love with her" I answered back
"Hmm that's interesting" he said
"Well?" I said hinting that time was almost up
"Oh yeah I'm so sorry, well that's it for this session see you next time" he said awkwardly
I suspected that he was scared of me but I didn't understand why, he wasn't who I was after. He requested to talk to my mom and I called her up, they talked and we went back home. On the drive back she was telling me about the new medication that Dr.Vante requested for me. I was confused because why the hell did they keep drugging me up? I was tired of it if I had to take another medication I wasn't going to take it because it was unnecessary anyway. I was going to confront her about lying about to me about the whole sociopath thing but I let it go because if I reacted crazy she would put it in the report when I went back to doctor vante and I wasn't having that. So I just swallowed my anger and looked out the window thinking about my next  target. I wanted somebody to get hurt and Derrick was my first option but I didn't want to make it OBVIOUS!!!! FUCCKKKK why did he have to be related to Maya but then again Maya isn't speaking to me so FUCK HER! I was going to let something happen to him regardless of what the situation turned out to be. I just had to be patient and I needed a plan ASAP or else. When we got home I went straight to my room I had no time to bullshit with anybody, I was trying to plan a date for Derrick but I was interrupted by Lili.
"Can I help you with something Lili?" I asked annoyed
"No I just came in here to kick it with you" she said sitting down on my bed
"No seriously what do you want Lili I'm busy" I said rolling my eyes
"Okay fine! I have a problem!" She told me
"Okay what's the problem!?" I said slapping my thigh out of aggravation
"Sheesh relax! But I'm going to tell you something that I haven't told anybody including Libby, so I'll just out and say it and you can't tell anybody! This is strictly a secret, I'm only telling you because I know you went through it too." She said beating it around the bush
"Just say it Lili" I said rushing her
"Okay! I lost my virginity" She said closing her eyes
"Girl what the fuck? I didn't have sex before, I'm not even into b- wait so you lost your virginity? To who?" I asked trying to avoid the situation
"Okay I know this is about me but what were you going to say?" She asked me
"Like you said this is about you! So answer my questions" I said
"You answer mine" she replied
"Ugh go first then I go never" I  said
"Fine! You win. I lost it with this boy I met and honestly I'm grossed out by myself because I'm so young and I'm suppose to be the innocent one. What's wrong with me? " Lili said panicking
"Can you relax? Now how long have you been talking to the boy? Does anybody know about him?" I asked
"No, that day I wanted to tell Libby about him when we got into that huge fight about Elijah. My argument was that I didn't like him because I was talking to someone else. I've been talking to him for about three months and we're serious but the only reason we won't commit to one another is because it's long distance and it's complicated. So it's kind of a no strings attached but not exactly" she told me
"Why do you feel comfortable telling me this again? And when the hell did ya do it? Since it's long distance" I asked her
"I feel comfortable telling you because I thought you did it before but apparently not. I'm the only whore in the family! And he came to see me some nights ago, I snuck out the house." She said lowering her voice because she was ashamed
"Don't be ashamed Lili. You don't always have to be good, three months is a long time well not really but if you felt comfortable then it shouldn't be a problem. Don't let society judge you on what's right and what's wrong. It's life it's going to happen, it may seem weird right now but it'll blow over." I advised her
"Aww thanks Navada now spill the tea so you're not really into what?" She asked letting go of me from our hug
"I'm not into boys...I'm an lesbian" I replied
"YES!!! I KNEW IT!!!! I don't know why I thought you lost your virginity but I just felt like you were experienced and I also needed someone to confide in because Libby's a bitch but oh my god I'm so happy for you." She told me
"Thank you, I'm happy for myself. I'm dealing with someone too and hopefully everyone can meet her but until then it'll just be me, you and Drew's little secret" I said giggling
"You got it dude" she said laughing back
She hugged me one last time and then walked out the room. I shut the door after her and started to brain storm again. I couldn't write any of my ideas out because that was a easy way to get caught and I didn't have time for my mom to be checking me in a mental institution or sending a bad report. As I thought more and more I finally came to a final thought, this plan was brilliant I would be able to pull it off with no hassle. I laid down in my bed and scrolled through my phone until my mom walked into my room. What the hell was going on? Was today walk in Navada's room and ruin her peace? I was annoyed when she came in and sat down, I already knew what that meant she was going to be here for awhile.
"What's up mom?" I said in a plain tone
"Hey honey I just came in here to talk to you about your sessions with Dr.Vante" she said
I wanted to jump out of a window Immediately she was so damn annoying, therapy sessions were private and everything said was confidential but this nosy ass bitch wanted to know anyway.
"What about them?" I asked
"Is he helping you? Do you think your getting better? Because I can tell you what you need all day but I want you to want it for yourself vada so answer my question" she told me
"Yeah I think I'm doing pretty great, the meds are a life saver" I fake smiled and said
I just wanted her out of my damn room I didn't care about lying about Dr.Vante sessions with me I knew what I was doing and my plan was bumpy but I was slowly smoothing it out.
"Okay good I'm just glad everything is better than what it was" She half smiled and finally left my room, I was alone again and it felt great. After scrolling through my whole Instagram feed I fell asleep with my phone laying down on my chest. When I woke up it was dark, I looked at my phone and Da'lasia had called me I rolled my eyes and went downstairs to go eat. After breakfast I went upstairs to get everything planned for tonight, I didn't know how to get him out of his house but I had to find a way. So I texted him, the text I sent him said to meet me tonight at the school gym I wanna work because we have a game next week, he texted back agreeing and asked me for a time. 9:30 was the timing, it was perfect everybody were going to be asleep and I could sneak out with Drew's car.
At around 7:55 mom called everyone down to dinner, I wasn't in the mood to eat dinner with them because Nathan had ruined everything. He was permanently in the house and dinner with him was every night but I had to stay focus I couldn't let his existence piss me off although I wanted to jump across the table and wrap my fingers around his throat and suffocate him until he couldn't breathe anymore. As we sat down for dinner I quietly ate my dinner and avoided conversation with everybody else. Until he questioned me, usually I'll try to calm myself down but this time I just let her rip. He asked me about my therapy sessions and questioned if I liked Dr.Vante as my doctor.
"Honestly I don't think that's any of your business" I told him
"Navada don't be rude" mom said
"No mom because who-you know what? Have a goodnight everyone, including you Nathan. I apologize for my actions I should've just answered your question simply" I fake smiled and walked upstairs back to my room. They were so distracting that I almost forgot I had to go meet up with Derrick. Once the clock hit 9:30 I went to go grab Drew's keys out of his room, I grabbed them quickly and rushed downstairs and but the bat in the back seat. I hopped out the car and avoided walking inside the gym, I cut all the lights off and He immediately started screaming out for someone like a dumbass, I crept in and whacked the fuck out of him with the bat. His body thudded to the floor and I whacked him 2 more times until he wasn't moving anymore. I checked his pulse and he was fine he just wasn't conscious, and out of curiosity I lifted his shirt up to see the bruises. His back was bruised up with purple marks everywhere, there was no blood on the bat and that left me unsatisfied but I knew if I hit him again he'll probably die and I couldn't have that because that was too much cleaning and I didn't want his blood on my hands, I had somebody else in mind. When I got home I went to wash my clothes, wipe my finger prints off of Drew's keys and hid my bat again. Once I got back in my room I practiced what I'll say to the police if they came to my house. I wasn't scared because I knew I was convincing, I walked up to my mirror and action.
"So what happened?" I asked myself
"I don't know I wanted to work out with him but when I got to the gym I didn't see him so I walked around some more and didn't find him so I just went home afterwards" I
"Maybe I should've took his phone but that'll be stupid though hmmm whatever I'm tired I know what to say" I laughed to myself
When I walked downstairs it was the same police officer who was asking questions about Akita. Drew was pacing and mom tried to get him to sit down.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked
I knew what was going on but I didn't know who they were here for Akita or Derrick
"Officer kemp is back to ask questions about Derrick, his mom said he didn't come home last night so she called his friends and the police to help find him. They found him this morning in the school gym knocked unconscious" mom said
"Oh my god that's horrible!" I said trying to make it seem like I gave a shit and didn't start this whole mess
"Can I ask you some questions Navada?" Officer kemp asked me
"Yes whatever it is that'll help you find this mad man or women!" I replied with my voice faking that I was about to cry
"Okay good, so where were you in the hours of 9:00 and 9:30? Because we saw in Derrick's phone that you guys were suppose to meet up at the gym." He said
"um yeah, I got to the gym at about 8:50 or probably 9:00 o'clock but he wasn't there so I left and went home that's it. " I said with fake tears rolling down my face
"It's okay we'll find whoever did this to your friend, but thank you miss jones we'll be in contact" he said as he walked out the door
I was surprised how fast they hopped on the case, I underestimated them. They were still pathetic though but anyways that wasn't my problem right now. Derrick was...he was still alive and I knew as soon as he woke up he'll talk to the police and tell them what time he got to the gym and I couldn't have that. I couldn't go to prison so I did my best to avoid that, I needed a good plan and a good one now. I finally thought to myself, he probably would forget what time he got there but I had to be 100% sure that he didn't blow my cover. I walked downstairs and cried to Drew asking him to take me to the hospital so I could stop Derrick from running his fat ass mouth. When we got there Drew went straight to the room and I pretended that I had to use the bathroom but I was really going to find where all the medicine was. Once I found the closet with the drugs I started to look at different drugs to make someone hallucinate and possibly forget what happened to them the day before, I came across LSD and quickly took it. When I walked in the room Drew was talking to Derrick although he was unconscious he was so sympathetic it was pathetic sometimes his sympathy made me wanna vomit.
"Drew can I have some alone time with Derrick please" I said acting like I was about to cry
"Yeah Ima go down to the cafe" he told me
"Okay" I said
"now listen here you little shit! If you rat me out I'll fucking kill you, but I don't have to worry about that. This drug should help you hallucinate and forget all about what happened that night so you'll be completely useless to the police." I whispered to him
I grabbed the drug and stuck it into his i.v bag, I had to hurry up and put it back where I took it from because I didn't want anybody noticing it was missing. I told Drew I had to make a call but I was really going to put this shit back where I got it from. When I got to the closet I quickly sat it down on the shelf and made sure nobody saw me. I got back to the room and said goodbye to Derrick,we left the hospital and was off home. When I got home mom was sitting on the conch sipping wine and her mascara was running down her face.
"Mom are you okay?" I asked her
"Well obviously not I know you see her crying!" Drew said back
"Shut up but mom what's wrong? What happened?" I asked her
"It's Akita...I just got off the phone with her parents. They found her body she was in a terrible car crash."

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