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The next morning the kitchen was full of conversation. I was proud that I was able to help everybody feel better again but I couldn't do it without Da'lasia. Something still made me feel uneasy though I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Akita was starting to make me angry because of her ignorant behavior and all it took was a snap of a finger and I would get rid of her. I was talking to Da'lasia about throwing a small get together since everybody was right again.

I told everybody else about the idea and they loved it so we started to plan our little party. I even told  Da'lasia to invite Jasmine just so we could have more people but I knew what I was doing out of honesty.

I knew my brother was cheating on Akita with Jasmine but she didn't know it yet so bringing her to the party would make it better.

Maybe I wouldn't have to get rid of Akita and she'll just leave on her own terms.

Later that night at the party...
Everybody was having a good time everything was going sweet but of course nothing seems to be perfect and although it was only a few of us shit still found a way to be unbalanced.

When there was alcohol there was trouble, everybody was getting drunk and swimming in the pool. I stayed in the house with Da'lasia just to avoid drama and trouble.

I didn't know what I was thinking when I decided to throw a party but I thought it was in our best interest because I wanted everyone to get along and get back to the way it was but apparently you can't save everybody and you can't save everything.

While in the house sitting on the couch I heard some loud commotion coming from outside I turned my head quickly but I didn't move my feet.

As I look through the window I saw Akita and Drew going back-and-forth. Then I saw Jasmine get up and start yelling at Akita, for some reason I felt like I was responsible so I got up and I walked outside to see what the problem was. Da'lasia trailed behind me.

" what the fuck is going on? Why the hell y'all yelling?" I asked as I walked outside

"Your brother is a slut that's what the fuck is happening. I caught him out here kissing this bitch on the side of the pool! Why would you do this to me? You know how I feel about you Andrew, you known since I first met you and then you throw it all away!" Akita expressed as her voice begin to break

"Who the fuck you calling a bitch hoe? You can't get mad at me, he's your nigga, he owe you the loyalty not me! When I asked him was he seeing anybody he told me no so you better get the fuck out my face with that rara shit because I'm the right bitch on the right occasion to be disrespecting!" Jasmine barked

"Bitch I'll fuck you up in front of everybody just try me and you just gon stand there and not say nothing!? Yeah now I know what type of nigga you is " Akita said

"You not finna fuck nothing up cause if you swing on her she swinging left and I'm swinging right so go on somewhere with that shit!" Da'lasia said

"I don't play with kids so find your momma little hoe" Akita said walking off

"BITCH!!!" Da'lasia said running behind her

"AYE!!!! Chill!" I told her

I walked behind Akita and told Da'lasia that I'll handle it. This was the moment Akita finally got me to snap all because she disrespected the people I loved well not exactly I just wanted her dead.

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