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We left the police station and I felt accomplished because I wanted Navada to pay for what she did. She had issues and it was time for her to be put away.
Navada's point of view
We got back to auntie Connie house and she was prepping for dinner with mom. They were conversing in the kitchen and I said hey to them and went upstairs to take my shower. When I got out I went to go eat dinner because it was finished. The whole time Drew was eyeing me, the table was just awkwardly quiet. Until Lili asked how was everyone's day since mom didn't say anything. I think she was still in shock I mean everything that we do will probably remind her of everything we did with Nathan I mean she did wake up with his dead body laying next to her but whatever. After dinner I went upstairs and scrolled on Instagram until I got sleepy. I tried to go to sleep first before Lili because lord knows that girl can snore.
I woke up to bacon crackling in a pan, I got up quickly and rushed downstairs. When I got there Auntie Connie was finishing up her cooking. I started a conversation with her and waited for everyone else to come down. By the time it hit 11:25 o'clock everyone was downstairs, eating and chatting until we heard the doorbell ring.
"I'll get it" Libby said
"Ma! The police is here" she shouted out
"What?" Mom questioned as she got up and walked toward the door
I turned my head and there was Detective Kodie standing there. I was confused because what the hell was she doing here?
"Hello everybody, Care to join us Navada?" Detective Kodie called out
"Umm okay" I said
"So yesterday night somebody came down to the station and gave a statement and they accused you of beating Derrick up with a bat" she continued to say
Holy shit! I thought to myself, maybe that medicine didn't work after all.
"Well I don't know what your talking about because I got there before Derrick" I replied
"That's not what the anonymous statement told me so it's rather you fess up or your going down even worse" she replied
"Wait a minute my daughter didn't even go to the gym that night she was in bed" my mom said
"Apparently not Ms.Jones" Detective Kodie said
"I didn't do it." I simply said
"Well that was your last chance, I'll be getting a search warrant to look around at your house and I'm telling you right now if this stuff is true I want you to know that you'll need a very good lawyer"
She got up and left, I didn't budge because without proof they couldn't convict me. It was the least of my troubles, I was only worried about one thing and that was flag football. We walked back in the kitchen and Drew asked what was going on, I Ignored his question and mom told him it was nothing. He didn't let it go though because after breakfast he came up to the room me and the twins were sharing and asked what was going on.
"Like mom told you, it's nothing" I said getting annoyed
"I know when your lying so tell me what's up!" He said
"They're accusing me of beating Derrick okay? Now leave"
"If you have anything to do with it you better tell them Navada because I don't want you in jail your futures too bright. You have 2 more years of high school left and I promise you, prison ain't where you wanna be" he said
"Oh wow so you think I did it too? Great. My brother ain't shit and the house is getting searched and mom didn't say anything about it, life is sweet isn't it?" I shouted out of sarcasm.
Drew walked away because he didn't have anything else to say. While on my phone the twins came in the room interrupting the temporary privacy that I had. I was annoyed from my head to my toes I couldn't believe them, everyone was so annoying. I went downstairs to get out of the room because I couldn't take it anymore. I watched some tv and ate some snacks, next thing I knew I was in a deep slumber. I woke up and smelt food cooking, I hated this it was the most awkward experience ever. Waking up when it's dark and going to sleep when it was daytime got me every time. Later that night we ate dinner and everyone fell asleep, I was tossing and turning again because Lili's snoring was killing me. I was fed up that I went downstairs to sleep on the couch.
As I laid on the couch I heard the knocking from the door. It was faint so I didn't know if it was in my dream or in reality so I ignored it. I still heard knocking but it faded out, next thing you know I woke up to auntie Connie tapping me to wake up. I sat up and the police was standing in the living room surrounding me. Auntie Connie went upstairs to go get my mom and they rushed back downstairs.
"I'm sorry Ms.Jones but your daughter is under arrest for the assault of Derrick Mercy" Detective Kodie said to her
"What?! How?" Mom yelled out
"This morning we found a bat in her closet hidden and that's the same bat that Derrick was hit with and possibly Coach k too, we're currently investigating that as well" she responded
"Oh my god! Connie they're taking my baby" I heard her say
"Don't you worry baby we'll get you a lawyer and Constance I need you to pull yourself together we have to help your child" I heard auntie Connie say to my mom
They handcuffed me and walked me outside to the squad car. Damnit I under estimated Detective Kodie this bitch was badass and smart. No wonder why the force hired her I would've hired her too she was cracking cases faster than I could run. As the car drove toward the jail I thought about what detective said about coach k, if they were smart enough they would know that the bat is from the closet from the school and that it's missing. The car stopped and they let me out. I walked inside the jail, it was cold and quiet. They took me in for fingerprinting and took my mugshot, they took away all my clothing and my shoes, handed me a jumpsuit, a cot,a toothbrush, a blanket and some upsetting shoes. I put the jumpsuit on and the ugly shoes and was shoved into my cell. When I turned around I noticed that it was another person in there. She was reading a book silently and didn't address me when I came in.
"What you here for?"She asked me as she put her book down
"Assault" I said blankly
"Oh! That was what my first arrest was. Now I'm in here for attempted murder. How old are you? You look young" she asked me
"16" I answered
"Damn, I'm 17. Soon I'll be tried as an adult and transferred to the prison with the older folks" she said
I didn't answer her I just sat my cot down and stared off into space.
"It's okay you don't have to talk to me, I was just like that when I got to this place. One thing I will say is that talking will help you, it helped me. You can go crazy in this place if you're always by yourself" She blabbed on
"Yeah I hear you but I like being alone it's sorta my thing so if you don't mind please stop talking to me" I told her
She didn't say anything she sat back down and continued reading her book. I laid down until I heard the door click and the correctional officer shouted out "Jones, phone call" I got up and walked out with my cuffed hands in front of me. The officer took them off so I can use the phone and I called my mom. She didn't pick up the phone and I was pissed because I was only allowed to make one phone call. The officer cuffed me again and took me back to my cell, I was livid. This place was shitty I couldn't do anything but act accordingly and that just made me more upset. It was no window in the cell so I didn't know what the sunshine looked like when it was morning or what the moon was like at night. Before I knew it was time for dinner. I was shocked because what the hell? While in line I saw the warmer light hovering over some disgusting slop. I was about to get out of line but this girl grabbed me by my arm.
"I know it's not the best thing but I suggest you try to eat something the first night can be tough" she said
"I turned around and she was a blonde girl with blue eyes.
"Hi I'm Cindy" she said before I could say anything
"Uh hi, I'm Navada" I replied then turning back around
I got a tray and went to go sit down, I stared at the food for a whole 20 seconds until Cindy tapped me on the shoulder and said "come on it's not that bad"
"It kind of is" I said
"Not exactly, if I can get used to it then you can too but how old are you?" she replied
"We're not the same And I'm 16 why is that important to people in here" I told her
"We aren't but you need something to eat,and it's juvi so of course everyone wants to know how old are you. I'm 16 too you didn't ask but yeah but tell me,why are you here? You look like a descent person" She asked
"I was charged with assault" I replied
"Damn so you're awaiting trial...good luck" she said
"How long does it take?" I asked her
"About 30 days" she replied
I just looked back down at my horrific food and didn't say anything else. Dinner was over and I went back to my cell. Before they turned the lights off my cellmate was talking my head off. Inside my head I was screaming "I wanna kill this bitch" but I can't because there's nothing to kill her with. I can strangle her but that wouldn't do me any good because it took too long.
"LIGHTS OFF" I heard the officer shout. Fucking finally now maybe this bitch will lay down and go to sleep. These days flew by swiftly, everyday this place drove me more crazy. My cell mate, Kira talked to me everyday it was like she knew I was ignoring her but she still talked. I was writing to my family telling them I had trial coming up but nobody ever wrote me back. I was confused because I wasn't in here long so they probably was still at auntie Connie's house. I even tried calling but nobody answered my phone calls. I tried mom and Drew's phone for a week straight but nothing. I started to give up when week 3 came by, every time I had a phone call I passed it up. It made me angry that nobody wanted to talk to me. It wasn't that serious! It made me even more angry that I couldn't do anything because I was suffering behind these walls. I didn't have an attorney or anything, the state had gave me a shitty lawyer who visited here and there but I knew I was going to jail because her dumbass was useless as fuck. That's why I didn't consider her as my attorney.  It was week 4 and I had court today, I wore my jumpsuit because of course my family wasn't in touch to bring me anything else and like I mentioned my attorney was shitty. They called me up and put me in the back of the car and drove to the court. Standing in front of that judge made me nervous with how long that judge was going to give me. I remember standing up with those chains on my feet and arms and seeing the jury. My attorney looked at me and told me not to worry I just looked at her and rolled my eyes. I knew I was going away for a long time I had no doubt about it.
"All rise"
Everybody in the court stood up and the judge got to talking about a bunch of shit that I didn't understand. The only thing I understood was Maya sitting in the witness box. I had a feeling she was the one who  bust me but I had faith in her but apparently not anymore. She told the court everything, she even accused me of beating my coach up. I looked at my attorney and she just sat there. When she got done Derrick came up and spilt the tea on everybody. They even had pictures of his bruises and my bat, I was amused. I couldn't believe it, I was definitely going down. The evidence was too good for me not to. The jury stood up and told the judge that they had reached a verdict. "Us the jury find the defendant guilty of aggravated assault" I slowly stood up and faced the judge.
"Miss jones I sentence you to six months in jail, any questions?" She asked
"No ma'am" I said
"Okay well case closed" she banged the gavel and the officers took me back. Six months didn't seem long but I knew it would be. I was dying inside, it was kind of messed up that my peoples didn't come but it was whatever. I didn't need them anyway. I had to spend the next six months in this miserable place and I was ready to just commit suicide because it was unnecessary being here especially with Kira talking my ear off. The nights felt like eternity and the days were swift. The day disappeared quicker than I remembered.
A month later...
I've been here for a whole month and I couldn't stop thinking about the outside world. I just thought about how I missed my family so much, I couldn't stand them but being with a bunch strangers didn't help my mental health. I was officially going crazy, I needed my therapy sessions. I never appreciated the outside world so much until it was gone. I felt isolated although I made a name for myself in here. They called me Vegas, they respected and feared me but that wasn't enough for me. The way I made a name for myself was strange, somebody pissed me off and I choked her. She lived but from then people showed me hell of respect. The name came from my real name Navada, which some people mixed it up to be Nevada and since Vegas is in Nevada they called me that. The girl I choked made me get a shot which was extra time but I didn't care I wasn't going to let anybody punk me. I was tougher than these girls and I knew it. Cindy and I got closer she was practically my distraction to forget about Da'lasia although I didn't like her as much I knew she was so into me. I haven't spoken to my family since I was sentenced, I still wrote to them but still nothing. I still didn't understand because auntie Connie said she'll get me some help and she'll help mom help me but I couldn't judge anything because I didn't know what was going on in the outside world. It was during lunch when one of the jail's respected people approached me...Red. That was her name, she was feared by everybody except for me. Red had all the hook ups that's why I respected and fucked with her because she had everything that I could want. Red noticed me after the little incident and she was cool with me ever since. Red was helping me plot on Kira, I couldn't do it anymore I had to get rid of her so since I had connections I used them to the best of my ability.
"You got it?" I asked her as she sat next to me
"Yeah grab from my hand" she replied
She slide me the shank and I tucked it, in my pocket. Red walked away and Cindy quickly looked my way.
"What the hell was that?" She asked me
"It's nothing just relax Cindy" I replied
"Navada you have 5 months left don't fuck this up!" She said
"Stop worrying about me! And just focus on getting out next month" I told her
"Navada can you just let somebody care for you? Just for this one time! I care about you so much and I don't want you to fuck up" she said to me
"I don't understand why you on my dick! You're leaving next month and that's not long from now!" I yelled
"I like you Navada! I like you A lot, spending everyday with you has me attached. I can't see myself with anybody else." She blurted out
"Stop fucking playing! You're white Cindy and we're not together!" I said
"What the fuck does that mean?" She asked me
"It means that-" I said cutting myself off
"Exactly you have no clear explanation of what my skin color have to do with anything and you pretend to be interested in me so I don't get how you say we aren't together or aren't a thing in general. That's not cool to play with peoples feelings I'm still human Vada! " she said
"You're just white and that's not a good look and it's not my fault I can't help it" I told her
"So what! I don't care what it looks like! I'm into you and that's all that matters right? And what do you mean by you can't help it? What's so hard about this? We're in jail so what the fuck is difficult!? You know what? Don't answer that because I don't care about the explanation. You spend every minute with me but it's hard and difficult tuhh that's bullshit...Later Navada" she walked away from the table and I went back to my cell and thought about what Cindy said. She liked me and I didn't know how I felt about it. I couldn't see myself with a white girl at all but the more I thought about it I started to think that Cindy was pretty cool I just couldn't see myself with someone at this time period. I was in too deep I knew how I was about love and relationships, they weren't my thing. I hid the shank in my pillowcase and laid down until it was time for dinner.
"Jones you have a visitor" the officer said
"Me? Who the hell?" I asked to myself
I got out the bunk and put my shoes on to walk out.
"I told you someone will visit you, you just had to be patient" Kira said
"Can you shut up!?" I scoffed and said
I walked out and went toward the visiting section. The officer un cuffed me and I sat down at the phone staring back at Drew and Lili. I picked up and spoke first.
"What the hell are y'all doing here?" I asked them
"We came to come see you" Lili said with a sad tone in her voice
"Does mom know your here?" I asked them ignoring what she said
"No, we came on our own terms. Vada I miss you, I miss you a lot. I can't sleep with knowing your in this place. When your coming home?" Lili said into the phone with tears running down her face
"I have 5 months left then we'll be together again. Now let me talk to Drew real quick." I told her
She handed it over to him and he picked it up.
"How are you doing in there?" He asked
"I'm fighting for my fucking life! Why didn't y'all show up to court? I needed y'all! Where the hell is mom? Where is aunt Connie? Where is Libby? Why the hell has no one wrote me back?" I questioned him
"Calm down! Mom is being crazy the past month you've been gone. She's back! She's acting like how she was when dad died just worse. She's always angry and she won't let none of us see you but Lili was having nightmares about you and only I know about this. We had to come see you, we miss you Vada! Me, auntie Connie and Lili is trying to help you get out of here but mom is against it. She won't let auntie Connie call her connections for you or nothing she straight up tripping. Just hang on in there sis, don't do nothing stupid Navada. I know you Vada so please just be patient." He explained to me
"I appreciate that a lot but what the hell is Libby doing? Is she supporting mom? And why the hell does auntie Connie need mom's consent to get me a fucking lawyer and get me out of here" I asked angrily
"Because Vada, it's a lot of papers that need to be signed by your legal guardian which is mom. Libby's being Libby you know how she feels about you. You just have to be patient...please."
"Times up" I heard the guard shout from behind me
"Later Vada we love you" Drew quickly said
"I love you Vada see you soon" Lili said grabbing the phone away from Drew
"Love y'all too and tell Libby I said fuck her!" I said putting the phone back on the hook
I walked back to my cell and continued to wait on dinner.
Drew's point of view
When we left the jail we went back to auntie Connie's house. I walked in the house and aunt Connie was chopping up vegetables for dinner.
"Where you been?" She asked me
"Me and Lili went to go um get something for Libby" I lied and said
"Drew that was a horrible lie. Where were you really?" She asked me again
"I went to go visit Navada" I blurted out
"Oh boy, your mom is going to kill you if she finds out." She told me
"That's why your not going to say nothing. Please don't say nothing auntie, we have to help her" I replied
"I won't but you know how your mom feels about this" she said
"I know but forget about her! We have to help her she's suffering in there! I don't understand mom, Vada fucked up but that's still her daughter" I shouted
"Lower your tone and I'll see what I can do" she said
"We won't have to keep it from her I'll just tell her tonight at dinner"
I walked upstairs and got ready for dinner I wanted to help my sister because right now she was at her lowest.

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