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The present...
I stopped in my tracks, I didn't know what this meant. The news shocked me but I wasn't nervous. They didn't have any evidence yet and they think she was killed in a accident and I knew that wasn't true. I walked over to the couch and comfort my mom.
"Mom why are you crying?" I asked her
"It's just sad, I feel terribly bad for her parents" she replied
"It's okay mom" I said to her
"Mom let me know if you need anything" Drew said as he went upstairs
"Okay baby thank you" She said
I sat there for a little longer but then went upstairs to take a shower. I had to figure out what the police had on Akita but I didn't know who to turn to. It was hard to get somebody who can hack but keep their mouth shut about it. I knew if I went to the hackers at school they'll probably rat me out to 12 and I couldn't have that so I just thought about what the hell I could do for myself. Then I thought about something, Lili was really smart I thought she could tell me how to hack in the police system. I knew she wasn't going to question me and if she did I'll just make up something and that'll be all. I called out to her and asked her if she knew how to hack into systems and she surprisedly told me she did. I was so happy because now I would be able to see what they had on her case. She hacked into the police system with no questions asked, I appreciated that but I was a little nervous that she'll rat me out but whatever you only live once. As I hacked into the the electronic file I didn't find much they only found her body and the so called cause of her death. Just as I thought pathetic work as always the pigs did a shitty job but it was no surprise to me. I wasted my time some more trying to find more information but it was useless because they didn't have anything. I went to sleep sleeping hella cozy.
School was here of course, what a short long and depressing weekend. When I arrived to school I saw Kanaiya standing next to Maya talking with a sling on. I instantly rolled my eyes and hurried to class. Kanaiya wasn't talking to me because she was still mad about her shoulder and honestly I didn't care because like I said she got what she deserved. I sat through my boring long class for absolutely nothing I was getting sleepy as I sat through them. The day was cut short because it was no practice. Thank god because I knew I didn't feel like running around that field, it was exhausting and just too much. I got in the car with Drew and we went home both feeling relieved that practice was canceled today. When I got home I laid flat out on my bed and fell into a deep nap. Hours later I woke up and smelt food and dinner plates clanking against each other. I couldn't believe I slept for that long, I needed to cut these after school naps short because it'll start to mess with my sleeping schedule.
Maya's point of view
I stayed in my room since I got home from school. I wasn't ready to see Derrick again in that hospital bed without feeling devastated, he was annoying but he was still my little brother and I love him very much. I just couldn't help but wonder who would do such a horrible thing to him. Everybody loved Derrick and although he could be a jerk sometimes he was still a cool ass person. My mind was in swirls I couldn't figure out anything I didn't know who had beef with him because he didn't really tell me anything and I couldn't ask because he was still in that mini coma. I was destined to find out who did this to my brother regardless of what or who I had to go through, they were going to pay.
Navada's point of view
After dinner I got ready for bed. I had no worries in my mind about anything I knew everything was going to work in my favor. It was so close to me that I can taste it. The fantasies that played in my mind about this gorgeous and gruesome murder made me feel uplifted. I had the most confidence about this whole situation when he wasn't in our lives anymore it'll be a weight taken off. I fell asleep and slept through the whole night without that stupid dream distracting me I didn't know what it was but it certainly wasn't the pills because I wasn't taking them.
I was so excited that I oversleep, Drew was the one who had to come wake me up. I rolled over to the floor when I felt his fingers tapping me. I got up and quickly got ready because I hated being late. I walked downstairs, ate a apple and then walked out the door. When we got to school I was excited until I saw Maya and Kanaiya walking toward me I knew it was going to be something stupid because just because like what the fuck! They approached me with a attitude and then Kanaiya spoke.
"Why'd you do it?" She asked me
I didn't know what she was talking to me about because I did a lot of things so before I elaborated I had to make sure we were talking about the same thing because I didn't want to tell on myself.
"What the FUCK are you talking about?" I asked her with a attitude
"You know what I'm talking about! Why? Why did you do that to me in practice?" She asked me
"I have a class to get to...goodbye and good talk" I walked away from her and she pulled my arm back.
"What THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? Are you crazy?" I asked her turning around and snatching my arm away from her
"What the hell are you going to do about it?" She asked me
"Kanaiya your shoulder already fucked up don't play with me" I said laughing
"I dare you to do something because even with one arm I'll still drop you on your shit just try me" Kanaiya replied looking me dead in the eye
I was intimidated I wanted to fuck up her other arm but Drew had to be captain save the fucking day.
"Bruh chill out, Vada go to class" he said
"Can always count on you to save the day huh? Alright captain save a future or used to be baby momma" I replied walking away
He tried to walk up to me and ask me what I was talking about but I ignored him and went to class. After those two classes flew by I just went to the cafeteria to sit there and wait till the next block. I wasn't going with them because I couldn't be around them anymore it made me wanna leap across a table and smack whoever offended me that's why I just stayed behind they don't need me anyway.
Maya's point of view
Something is seriously wrong with Navada every day it's something with her. She was starting to get on my last nerve I wanted to smack some sense into her when she threatened Kanaiya this morning but I stayed quiet because I was still worried about my brother. I was so stressed and it was too much going on for me to keep up. I had to worry about Derrick and try to figure out who the hell put him in the hospital, worry about Randy and my friendships. I couldn't focus and it was starting to make my head blow up. Randy and I were barely making it because Dre was being all lifetime crazy, he keeps calling my phone and keeps trying to talk to me  at school. I really don't understand why he's so obsessed with me like doesn't he get it? I wanna be left alone I'm happy with Randy but with Dre getting in the way Randy is pushing his self away from me. When I got to the spill out to head out to lunch Kanaiya was already  sitting there, she had her head down for some reason, I wanted to ask what was wrong but I have problems of my own and I had a feeling she wasn't going to tell me anyway so I didn't bother. We saw Navada walk in the cafeteria so we just got up to head over to get in the car. We knew she wasn't going to come with us because she was pissed. We went to five guys and it was awkwardly silent between everybody. Nobody uttered a word for some personal reason of theirs and I didn't wanna break the silence because I was suffering in the inside myself. My eyes looked across the table and Drew was staring into Kanaiya's soul and Jaylin was sitting right next to her. I swallowed hard and just kept eating my food and I watched Dre just keep cutting his eyes at me and it was so annoying. I was ready to go and that's what I did. I got up and walked outside because I had Derrick's car since he couldn't use it. I got back to school and waited till the bell rung. When I got to class I didn't even pay attention in class because I was daydreaming about figuring out my situations I wanted an explanation for everything. After school I went to practice and I was messing up because my focus was still off I knew why and I wanted it to stop. After practice I drove straight to the hospital to see Derrick I wanted to know if he was okay. I walked in the hospital and asked to see him but they were giving me a hard time, I was demanding to see him.
"I need to know if my brother is alright I know visiting hours aren't up so what the hell?!" I said to the nurse behind the counter
"I'm sorry ma'am but Derrick can't be seen right now you'll have to talk to his doctor for more information on him but until then I can't let you ba-" she was trying to say but the doctor cut her off
"It's okay Becky I got it. Hey are you Derrick's big sister?" She asked
"Yeah" I replied irritated because I was dying to know what the fuck was the hold up
"I'm Doctor Grace, Derrick's Doctor and what Becky was trying to tell you at the counter is that Derrick can't be seen for medical reasons" she explained
"Those medicals reasons are what? What the hell happened?" I asked
"Derrick's I.V was filled with LSD, and that made him hallucinate like crazy. Now we are doing the best that we can to find out who's responsible for this, but right now he's asleep and tomorrow he should be up and running but until then I can't let anyone see him. Derrick needs all the rest he can get." She told me
"Okay so he's out of his coma? And I'll be back tomorrow."
"Yes he woke up early yesterday and okay thanks for being patient" she said
"No, thank you" I replied
I was thinking about everything she said, who the hell would put LSD in my brothers I.V. bag? That was so fishy to me. The more I tried to figure out about who did this to him the more questions I had.
Navada's point of view
When I went home I saw mom sitting at the island cutting out coupons. Drew and I greeted her and I went to go upstairs but she called my name so I doubled back.
"What's up mom?" I asked her
"Tomorrow you have an appointment with Dr.Vante. So basically I'm not letting you go to school because it's earlier than the others. We have to leave the house at 9:30 because the appointment is at 10:15 so be up and ready don't be trying to get extra sleep. I still need you up and ready to run" she told me
"Okay I got you" I replied
I walked upstairs and went to go take a shower and then get ready for dinner. I walked downstairs and the twins were helping mom set the table. Drew placed the food on the table and everybody gathered around.
"Day check! How was it?" Mom asked everybody at the table
"Well baby I got a promotion at work I wanted to surprise you when you asked how everyone day went" Nathan said smiling at my mom
Ew! Just looking at him made my stomach hurt, he disgusted me.
"Aww baby that's wonderful. Maybe if your making enough then we can add another baby to the bunch" mom said kissing him
Another baby? She must've been out of her goddamn mind. Where the hell was another baby going to fit? And why the hell would she want to have a baby with him? Out of all the men in the world...him? Ew.
"Well my day was live, because today coach told us we getting new gear and lord knows I'm ready for that" Drew said hyped
"Congratulations honey I'm happy for you" mom smirked and said
"Well my day was great too" Lili said cheesing very hard
"Yeah because you got a lil boy friend" Libby replied to Lili nudging her with her elbow and smirking at her
"You gotta what?" Drew said
"You heard her she's got a boyfriend, your little sisters are apparently growing up" I laughed and said
"Nah you can't date until your 30" Drew joked and said
"Mom please get your son" Lili said shaking her head
"Drew leave her alone, Lili is old enough to have a little boyfriend. It's nothing wrong with that, I had my first boyfriend when I was in the 6th grade so that's nothing" mom said
"This isn't her first" Libby laughed out and said
"Oh really so which is it Liliana?" Mom asked
"It's the second, Libby trying to make me look bad. She act like she doesn't like boys her self" Lili said
"Because I don't, boys are dumb and retarded at the same time how am I suppose to deal with that? I'm in love with myself and only I deserve me" Libby replied
"Exactly! Live like Libby, Lili you don't need a boyfriend" Drew said
"Boy leave her alone because if that's the case you don't need a girlfriend" I said
"Jit shut up! This ain't about me this about Liliana" Drew replied
"All y'all can hush because y'all too young to know what a real relationship is" Mom chuckled and said
And you do? That bald headed freak was everything Dad wasn't and I mean that in a good way. Dad was way better than him I don't care nobody can bet me on this.
"Well good talk family but I'm tired and I think I should be hitting the hay soon so goodnight everybody" I said as I picked up my plate to dump it in the sink
I walked upstairs and got ready for bed and then I laid down to go to sleep.
"NAVADA!!"I instantly jumped out my sleep when the sound of my name echoed in my ears from my mom. I got out of bed and walked to where she was. She was in her room ironing her laundry.
"Yes ma" I replied in a sleepy tone
"I need you to get ready we're leaving in 30 minutes so speed it up and breakfast is in the kitchen so don't complain how it's nothing to eat and that you need a snack" she told me
"You didn't even have to go in like that but okay" I walked back to my room and put something comfy on because being in a session with Dr.Vante you had to be at your best regardless of your mood. I fixed my hair and ran downstairs to go eat whatever mom cooked from earlier this morning. I warmed up the pancakes and sausage and started to eat. When I got finished mom came downstairs and it was time to go.
While in the car ride mom was trying to give me one of those "talks" and I wasn't feeling it.
"Navada I just want what's best for you. This is why I do this or that. I make sure y'all have everything y'all need so y'all won't go through what I did when I was a little girl" she told me
"Yeah mom I know" I said trying to make her shut the fuck up
We arrived to Dr.Vante's office and I got out the car and quickly entered the building so I can hurry up and get this over with.
Dr.Vante's office
When I walked in the room Dr.Vante was sitting up straight with his glasses on like he was ready to get this over with as well. This was great that meant this session was going to be brief.
"Welcome back Navada, how are you today?" He asked me
"I'm doing pretty good" I replied
"Okay that's good. Well your mom has told me about your current behavior and I'm pretty impressed. I see the progress according to the report that she gave me, I see that your using your words and that's awesome. I'm proud that I didn't hear anything about any angry outburst so yeah. How are the meds? Are they working for you?" He said
"Yeah they're working great I think they're the reason for my recent behavior."I lied and said
"Oh okay great. Now that we've talked about current behavior I wanna talk about childhood because I know you had a bit of a rough upbringing and that's okay because not everyone is perfect." He replied
" whatever your job requires you to do" I said rolling my eyes
I hated talking about my childhood. It was so many sad and dark things about it and to reflect on it made me feel like I had to relive it.
"Okay now that you agreed I'm going to ask you some questions, you'll lay down and close your eyes to go back to the memory and I know this will be hard but let's try. If it gets too personal or if something happens then we'll stop but let's see how far your memory will go. Talking about our past can sometimes help us with the present so that's why we're doing this. Okay so If you want to elaborate or say something just to get it off your chest...feel free" he said
"Okay let's do this"
"Tell me about your early childhood. What was it like for you? You never talk about it you just always told me it was hard for you. What was so hard about it?" He asked
"As a kid mom never took care of me, Drew always did. That's why he always looked out for me." I said
"Where was dad?" He asked me
"He was already dead. Mom kind of lost her mind when dad died that's why Drew looked out for me and the twins" I replied
"What was mom doing Navada?" He asked
"She was strung out. She was doped up on a bunch of pills. I remember walking in her room and she was passed out, that day she was passed out till the next day"
"What made mom get back on track"
"She started to go to therapy"
"What was life like with dad?"
"Anything you wanna elaborate on?"
"I was happy when dad was around. We all were, dad made the whole house smile. When dad died Drew carried the family on his back because mom couldn't do it. She kept drugging her self up to forget about everything but it didn't work. She realized she had to take care of us and be a better mom because Drew couldn't do it forever." I randomly said
"Okay well you can open your eyes now. That wasn't bad was it?" He asked as I sat up and opened my eyes
"Nah it wasn't bad at all" I replied
"Well that's it for this session I'll see you next time ma'am" he said
"You need my mom?" I asked before I walked out the room
"No you guys can get out of my hair and enjoy the rest of your day" he chuckled and said
I walked in the waiting room and mom was reading a magazine. I walked up to her and got her attention so we can leave.
"He doesn't need me?" She asked
"Nope" I replied
"Okay good, that mean things went well. Well since it's almost lunch but practically breakfast is ending you wanna get brunch?" Mom asked me
"Sure" I said
We went to a famous brunch spot and talked about any and everything until we left to go home. On my way home I looked out the window and just thought about Da'lasia, we weren't talking anymore. The last day we talked was when I cursed her out and honestly I was still mad. I wanted to kill her ass like literally open her throat and watch the blood drip down. When we got home I went to my room and warmed myself up for what was about to happen.
Maya's point of view
After school I checked in with coach to tell her I wasn't going to be present for practice because I was going to go check on Derrick. I needed to see him since yesterday he was asleep and couldn't talk and needed all the rest he could get. When I got to the hospital I sprinted to his room when the receptionist let me in.
"Hey, little brother are you okay?" I asked him as soon as I walked in the room
"I'm straight, did you run up here ?" He asked me
"Yeah but that's not the point" I said
"I guess it's not" he said
"Derrick who did this?" I asked cutting through the bullshit
"Look Maya, I'm sorry to tell you this but it was Vada. She's completely dangerous dawg like on god shorty knocked me unconscious with a bat or something. Then she came in here when I was in my coma and she didn't know I could hear but she told me she was going to kill me if I told anybody she did this to me but I'm not scared of her but at the same time I don't know what she's capable of" he told me
"Vada? Oh my god? Why?" I asked to myself
"Derrick we have to tell somebody" I said
"Tell who? We don't have evidence" He said
"Then we have to find some because she can't get away from this. I can't believe she'll hurt you, I thought we were cool but I guess not" I said
I knew Vada was crazy but I didn't think she'll ever hurt somebody that was close to me like she hurt Derrick. I was hurt and shocked at the same time, I had to prove this to the police because I wasn't letting her get away.

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