Chapter 5

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A/N: Flashbacks are in italics!

Instead of meeting at their usual spot at the shop, she stood in front of a tall bricked building that Antonio had given her directions to. She would be lying of she said that she wasn't scared that the building would topple over by how old the place was, but she knew that if anything were to happen, Stefan would be there to protect her.

Her hair blew a little by the chilling breeze and she rubbed her arms warming herself up. She's always made sure that Thomas would have his mittens, hat and coat on whenever they left the house and she wished that she took her own motherly advice. The jacket she was wearing didn't help warm her up at all and she was growing inpatient waiting for Antonio to show up. Bonnie twisted her wrist looking down at her watch to check the time and noticed that he was thirty minutes late.

She jumped when the sound of a car horn entered her ear drums and saw Antonio grinning behind the wheel. If conditions were different Bonnie would've cursed him out for making her wait so long, but she needed his help and she didn't want to mess this opportunity up. She watched him park the car then reach in the back seat grabbing a duffle bag and when he walked up to her, she wanted to ask what was inside but knew that she would find out soon.

"Did you talk to Stefan?"

"Yeah, this morning."

Antonio nodded placing the strap of the bag on his shoulders. "Let's walk and talk."

Bonnie nodded and followed him inside telling him the events of her morning.

Twelve hours earlier

Bonnie felt weight being applied to her bed causing her to stir. She figured it was Thomas crawling into her bed because he had a bad dream or something so she lifted up the sheets with her eyes still closed and felt him crawl in.

"Did you have a bad dream?" Bonnie practically yawned.

"Not exactly."

Bonnie's eyebrows came together. "Stefan?"

"If you open those pretty eyes of yours you wouldn't be so confused."

"What time is it?" Bonnie still refused to open her eyes.

"Five o'clock."

"You can't be serious."

"Bon," Stefan said grabbing her shoulders in his hands.

He rested her back against the head board of the bed and pressed a kiss to her lips. She pulled her lips back to her teeth and finally reveled her eyes to him. His smile matched hers and she leaned in to kiss him again.

"Business first, pleasure later." Stefan said pulling away.

Bonnie pouted and kissed him one more time before sitting back.

"What business do we have to discuss."

"About me, about how I know everything I know. Before I tell you, I want to make sure that you're awake first."

Bonnie shook her head repeatedly and when she felt Stefan grab her waist, she had to stop herself from screaming when he placed her in the shower. Stefan knew he was in trouble by the death glare that she was giving him. He, on the other hand, found it amusing her hair sticking to the side of her face and her pajamas soaked with cold water.

After her little shower, Stefan wrapped her in blankets after she changed and Bonnie could indeed call herself wide awake. Stefan sat beside her on the couch running his hands up and down her arms.

"I'm sorry for that, but I know how forgetful you are when you're sleepy." Stefan explained.

"You're lucky I love you."

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