Chapter 11

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Stefan rolled over reaching out for Bonnie and when he felt no one, he remembered that she was in New York catching up with her friends.

He hated to see her go especially since they recently got unofficially married and he didn't want to see his wife leave him for a few days.

The only good thing about Bonnie being gone was that he was able to spend some alone time with his son. He called the daycare that's he was staying and let them know that he wouldn't be coming for the next two days.

Speaking of his son, Stefan got out of bed and walked down the hall a little to peek in Thomas' room. He smiled at how cute he looked sleeping and looking even harder, he saw some of Bonnie in him. Thomas mostly resembled him (watch out ladies), but he did spot some Bennett in there.

Stefan walks in once he started to stir some and bent down once Thomas' eyes opened. A matching smile was on the both of their faces and Thomas reached out his hands to hug his fathers neck. Stefan let out a breath hugging him back and pulled him from under the sheets and Thomas wrapped his legs around his waist.

"So since mommy won't be here for the next couple of days, what do you say we have a lot of fun?"


"Awesome! All we have to do first is get ready and then the fun can begin. Race you to the bathroom!" Stefan said then jogged off letting Thomas pass him.

"I win!"

"Ugh! I'm gonna win next time."

Thomas giggled showing his father his pearly whites and Stefan wasn't sure about the last time that he had smiled so much and he had to thank his son for that. His smile was contagious and one that he could look at all day long and that's what he planned to do, he never wanted there to be a dull moment between them and he had it all planned out.

Bonnie couldn't believe that she made it their whole trip to New York without spilling the big news. Caroline didn't make it easy on her either by constantly asking for hints and clues and she knew that whatever Bonnie had to tell herself and Elena it was really juicy. She was on an excitement overload, law school wasn't like high school at all and the blonde was in need of some possible drama and juicy secrets.

Bonnie wasn't sure which one of them were more excited when Caroline pulled up to Elena's apartment building, herself or Caroline because they both practically leaped out of the car once it was parked.

The girls were all smiles waiting for Elena to open the door and when she did they all knew that Elena would make some enemies with the neighbors.

"Bonnie! Caroline!"

"Elena!" The two girls exclaimed.

They squealed and pulled each other into a group hug. Some tears were shed feeling likes it's been years since they all were together and they stayed in their hug walking into the apartment with Bonnie kicking the door shut with her foot.

"I missed my besties." Bonnie frowned then hugged them again.

"We're together now for the next two days and we have a lot of catching up to do." Elena said.

They girls nodded and took a seat on the couch. "Alright," Caroline said, "who's first?"

"I'll go last." Bonnie said knowing that she had a lot of story to tell.

"Then I guess I'll go first." Elena said.

They sat and listened and obviously added comments here and there as Elena filled them in on her journey as a writer. They were impressed to find out that she had a few articles published in the papers and most surprised when she informed them that she's in the process if writing her own book.

Lock And Key (Stefonnie)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें