Chapter 16

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12 years later

Bonnie smiled watching Thomas play with his little brother. He could barely understand a word he was saying but it was cute all the same.

"Wait a minute, shouldn't you be in school?"

Thomas looked up at his mother and gave her a guilty smile. Bonnie narrowed her eyes waiting for an explanation.

"Well… I figured that I stay today and help you with Roy."

"Math test?"


Bonnie chuckled then moved to the kitchen for a snack. She knew Roy would be asking for a bottle soon, she was glad that he's stuck to a schedule, so she decided to make that as well. Like clock work, Roy started to cry and she heard Thomas try to calm him down telling him that "mama is coming". Bonnie smiled and grabbed Roy from Thomas' hand feeding him his bottle. She smiled down at his face glad that he actually looked like her. Thomas and Charlotte both resemble Stefan the most and she got lucky with this one and hopefully the one cooking within her now.

"Hey, Thomas I need you to take over while I go pick up Charlotte."

"But she doesn't get out of school until another two hours."

"I know but I'm going to surprise her with an early day."

"Why don't you just finish feeding-"

"You're the one who said that you wanted to help out so you can either feed Roy or I'll take you to school. Your choice."

Thomas quickly stood up grabbing his little brother. Bonnie watched them for a few seconds before going to pick up her little girl. She smiled seeing her walk in the office and they embraced. Bonnie said her thanks to the lady at the front desk and walked out to the car.

"Is everything okay, mom?"

"Yeah I just figured that I give you a half day since your brother stayed home."

"Did he have a math test?" Charlotte said causing Bonnie to laugh.

"Yes," she said still giggling, "he had a math test today."

The girls chatted some more before Bonnie pulled into the driveway and she noticed that Stefan's car was parked in the garage.

"Daddy's home!"

The car was barely stopped stopped when Charlotte jumped out the car and ran inside. She heard Stefan greet her and heard her scream excitedly and Bonnie figured that he picked her up and twirled her like he always would. Her suspicions were correct when she saw Stefan return her feet to the ground.

"Mom picked you up early today?"

"Yeah since Tommy stayed home because he had a math test."

Stefan laughed and that's when he looked up and saw his wife. His eyes scaled her body and his head tilted to the side when she turned walking back to the kitchen. Thomas acted like he was throwing up as his dad followed her back. Stefan caught her before she made it in the kitchen as he grabbed her arm and connected their lips once she was turned towards him.

"You're home early," Bonnie said between kisses.

"I missed you," Stefan kissed her once then when she smiled their lips met again.

They only broke away hearing Roy cry and it all stopped once he was in Stefan's arms.

"I missed you too, buddy." Stefan said then kissed his nose.

"Did you miss me, dad?"

"Of course I missed you! You're my little, sweet girl." Stefan kissed Charlotte's cheek. "I missed you too, T." Stefan went to kiss him too but Thomas moved out of the way causing everyone to laugh.

"I appreciate the affection, but I think I'm too old for kisses by my father."

"You're right, son. Why don't I take you outside and we'll enjoy a smoke together."


"Absolutely not."

Bonnie chuckled at the disappointment in Thomas' face and grabbed Roy from Stefan's hands.

"We're going to take a nap. Anyone is welcome to join." She threw over her shoulder walking upstairs.

Roy still liked the skin-on-skin contact so she changed into a tank top. She laid him just above her chest kissing the top of his head and Stefan walked in joining them on the bed. He kisses her stomach then rubs it gently.

"How's our baby in there?"

"Doing good. I can't wait to tell Thomas and Charlotte... especially Charlotte, I want to know how she would react."

"Yeah, I need to record that, especially if we're having a girl." Bonnie nodded. "If it's a boy, are we going to name him Alejandro?"

She laughed, "No, unlike you I actually picked a good name."

"Alejandro is sexy, what chu talkin bout, girl?!"

Bonnie laughed harder and shielded her mouth with her hand trying to block out the noise and Stefan smiled widely at her as she wiped away a tear.

"Stop, Stefan, Roy is supposed to be napping."

"Alright, I'm sorry." Stefan turned to his side and moved his hand to her face.

Bonnie smiled over at him and they kissed twice.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They kissed again and Stefan moved in closer resting his head in the crook of her neck and kissed her there closing his eyes.

A/N: So this is the last chapter of Lock And Key. Thank you all for reading and reviewing, I appreciate all the support and love. I was actually going to go a completely different way with this story, Bonnie was supposed to find happiness with Antonio and then Stefan would let her be but I was like, nah, lets being him back haha



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