Chapter 9

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The assignment was due tomorrow and after a weekend of snapping pictures, Bella and Bonnie were helping each other pick out their best ones...or at least that was what supposed to be happening. Bella was running late and Bonnie tried to not let that bother her but she was having a tough time deciding. She really likes the pictures with Thomas and Stefan but thought that it would be best to not show Bella those. She's never seen a picture of a Stefan before, but Bonnie knew that if she would've thrown them in the mix, Bella would be asking all sorts of questions that she didn't have time for.

"Hey, Bon, sorry I'm late."

Bonnie looked up at her friend and smiled. "That's fine. How was your weekend if happiness?"

Bella chuckled. "Pretty good. Let's see what you got."

Bonnie handed her some of the printouts and watched her face as she studied each one. She wasn't sure what her friend was thinking but she knew it wasn't bad by the look in her eyes. Bonnie narrowed her eyes when Bella did and just when she was about to ask why, Bella turned over the picture she was looking at causing a Bonnie to tense up.

"Um, who is this?" Bella said referring to a picture of her and Stefan that she doesn't remember taking.

She took the photo out of her friends hand and studied it herself and boy did she look like a happy teenage girl in it. Stefan's hands were on her waist and was smiling at something he had said. Their foreheads were touching and only the side of Stefan's face was shown and half of hers was darkened by the shadow that his face made.

Bonnie looked at it longer realizing that they were in Thomas' room so she chalked it down and figured her son must have took the picture by accident.

"Hello, earth to Bonnie." Bella waved her hands gaining her friend's attention. "Who is that?"

Bonnie looks down back at the picture trying to figure out what to say. "That's my…boyfriend."

Bella's eyes grew wide. "I had no idea you were dating again! What's his name?"

Bonnie chewed on her lower lip thinking what she should say again. If she lied about his name that would mean she had to keep up with that lie. Everyone else knew that Stefan's name was really Stefan so what if she was hanging out with Adam and Bella and he asks how Stefan's doing what would she say then? Knowing that she would probably regret it later, she took a deep breath.


"Wa-wait, Stefan? Wasn't that the name of your dead boyfriend? Is that why you're dating him?"

"No," Bonnie quickly answered, "I know it's a strange but he's really sweet."

Bella shrugged. "Whatever you say, as long as you're happy." Bonnie smiled. "And as for the assignment, I say go with this one. Nothing screams happiness than love."

"Well we haven't really exchanged the I love you's yet."

"You will soon." Bella said.

"Alright, enough about me, lets see yours."

Stefan sat on the couch staring at the black screen in front of him. He didn't feel like watching TV and with Thomas down for a nap and Bonnie out, he didn't know what to do.

He summed it up as pathetic. He needed some friends or otherwise he would end up as one of those guys who's life revolves his girlfriend. He didn't mind that if his life revolved around his son, that was a good thing and he didn't mind it revolving around Bonnie either, but just not his whole life.

He thought back to his friends before he died and wondered how they were doing. His buddy Justin that he met in training he wondered if him and Rachel ever got back together like he had hoped. Justin was a good man and he started to wondered if he heard about his passing which he wished that he didn't so he could call him up. Stefan jumped slightly feeling hands on his shoulders and when he looked back, he saw his beautiful Bonnie.

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