Chapter 14

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Bonnie tried to hold in her laughter watching Stefan look at himself in the mirror. Thomas' birthday was this afternoon and since he couldn't be seen by large crowds after a lot of thinking, Bonnie came up with the idea that he'll have to be the clown. She remembers the way he reacted when she told him the idea two days ago and how he refused but then realized that it was the only way he'll be able to attend. Earlier that morning, Bonnie went out to the Party Store and picked out a clown suit for him to wear.

She chuckled as he turned to look at her with his painted face and red circle nose and rainbow wig. He shook his head and Bonnie almost felt sorry for him.

"Why me?" Stefan turned back to the mirror.

"You're the sexiest clown I've ever seen."

"You hate clowns. I'm the only clown you've seen."

Bonnie chuckled and stood up from the bed walking over to him. "Just think about how happy Tom will be when he sees you."

"Yeah but I wish I was going as his father and not as the clown."

Bonnie pouted resting her head on his shoulder in thought. "Oh, how about when his party is over we'll have Damon and my father come back here and we'll have a celebration of our own?"

"I'd like that,"

"Good. Now get your clown ass movin', we got a party to attend."

He chuckled and kissed her getting some red on her lips then walked out the room.

Stefan stood like a proud father with his arms folded under his chest watching his son talk to Emily. When she arrived, Thomas pulled on his sleeve and pointed in her direction telling him that Emily was here. Stefan sent him on his way after some fatherly advice and watched only from a few feet away his son work his magic.

"Excuse me, Mr. Clown, Jessica would like to take a photo with you." Bonnie said walking up to him.

Stefan turned and smiled at the cute little girl holding Bonnie's hand and bent his knees to get eye level with her.

"Hi, Jessica,"


"You're so cute, would you like to take a picture?"

She nodded and stood beside him as Stefan wrapped an arm around her waist as they both smiled and Bonnie snapped the picture. Bonnie shook the picture some and smiled looking at it before handing it to Jessica. The little girl smiled and ran off to show her mom. Bonnie smiled and turned to Stefan and saw that he was standing close enough that their heads almost made contact. She noticed his eyes snaking down her face then stop at her lips. She gripped her lower lip between her teeth and his eyes shot up to her eyes.

"Am I still the sexiest clown you've seen?" Stefan said referring to the other clown that Rudy had called not knowing.


Stefan stepped even closer and ran his hand across her ass and kissed her.

"Hey," Damon repeated three times, "they're kids here and no one wants to see that."

Stefan pulled away and wiped the makeup off her lips with his thumb. Bonnie kissed it causing Stefan to raise a brow and bite his lip.

"Did you guys hear what I just said?"


"No body wants to see that, Stefan go do some clown things and Bonnie go do some mom things."

"Don't tell me what to do," Bonnie said but walked away anyway.

Damon snapped his fingers in front of his brother's face snapping him out of staring at Bonnie's ass.

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